Sunday, April 18, 2010

The First Day of the Khmer Rouge Victory ... and Beyond - by Cartoonist Sacrava

For the remainder of the cartoon-biography by Cartoonist Ung Bun-Heang, please visit:


Anonymous said...

ពេលខ្ញុំនឹកឃើញថ្ងៃ១៧ មេសា ១៩៧៥​ ទឹកភ្នែករបស់ខ្ញុំតែងហូរចេញដោយឯងៗ
អស់ឆាប់ៗ​ ព្រោះខ្លាចអាមេរិក​ទម្លាក់គ្រាប់បែក។
ព្រោះនៅសហរដ្ឋអាមេរិក ជនណាម្នាក់ដែលចិញ្ចឹម
ឆ្កែឲ្យវានៅក្រៅផ្ទះឬមិនធ្វើផ្ទះឲ្យវានៅ, មិនឲ្យបាយវាស៊ីឬមិនថែរក្សាវាបណ្ដាលឲ្យវាឈឺ
ពត,​ មេហ៊ុន សែន,​តែជាឆ្កែរបស់ចិននឹងយួន៕

Anonymous said...

5:14 AM, you're less than a dog, you're in USA and you still is an idiot, you understand nothing, 30 years in USA you remain dump, go to school if you want to talk because no one will listen to you when you cannot distingish what is right and what is wrong, Vietcongs attacked Cambodia, you say the fault of Sihanouk, Americans bombed Cambodia you say the fault of Sihanouk, Pol Pot killed Khmers you say Sihanouk falt, if Khmers are all different from you nothing would be happened, killing came because men like you, too stupid to recognize good or bad leader :(

Anonymous said...

You can't just blame Sihanouk for all the evils that have befallen Cambodia. That would be too short-sighted.

Look at the big picture and you could see that the problems with Cambodia then is the same problems Cambodians are facing right now and that is disunity and self-serving on the part of the Cambodian leaders.

The Khmers need to learn to be united at all costs and their so-called leaders refraining themselves from having a tendency to serve Vietnam and Thailand in order to defeat their challengers who are also Khmers.

Until then, the survival of the Khmer race as a nation will always be at stake.

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

To 5:38 Am
នៅតែឯងម្នាក់ទេដែលមិនទាន់បានដឹង ព្រោះឯង
រៀនស្គាល់សីហនុតិចពេក។You said I didn't know what is wrong what is right?If you know can you tell me about sihanouk did wrong or right?
មុនឆ្នាំ១៩៧០ សីហនុបានប្រកាសថាប្រទេសខ្មែរ
ជាប្រទេសអព្យាក្រិត តែប្រមុខរដ្ឋខ្មែរម្នាក់នេះ
អនុញ្ញាតិឲ្យ Viet Cong ចូលពេញស្រុកហើយ១ខែៗទៅនៅតែស្រុកចិន។
តើសីហនុ right or wrong?
ក្នុង១៩៧០ ពេលស្តេចសីហនុដោះស្រាយ​រឿង
Viet Cong ចូលស្រុកមិនបានក៏រត់ទៅប្រទេស
បារាំង លន់ណុលបានទៅហៅឲ្យមកកាន់ការវិញ
តែសីហនុមិនព្រមមកបែរជាចោទថា លន់ ណុល
តើសីហនុ wrong or wright?
១៧​មេសា១៩៧៥ សីហនុប្រកាសថា សន្តិភាព
សង្គ្រាមចប់ហើយ ហើយបានបញ្ជារឲ្យរាស្រ្ត
ចេញឲ្យអស់ពីទីក្រុង ដោយគ្មានការធានាលើ
ជីវិតប្រជារាស្រ្តបន្តិតណាទាល់តែសោះ រហូត
តើសីហនុ wrong or right?
ពីឆ្នាំ១៩៧៩រហូតដល់សព្វថ្ងៃ ប្រទសខ្មែរបាន
ជាមានស្តេចគឺមិនមែនកុម្មុយនីស្ត តែប្រទេសខ្មែរ
ជាប្រទេសកុម្មុយនីស្តសុទ្ធសាធ ព្រោះអំណាចកាន់
កាប់នៅលើមនុស្សម្នាក់ទាំង​ផ្នែករដ្ខបាល,ផ្នែកសភានឹងផ្នែកតុលាការ។ពេល ហ៊ុន សែន
ធ្វើបាបរាស្រ្ត កាប់ព្រៃឈើ,ឲ្យដីទៅយួន,ដេញរាស្រ្តចេញពីផ្ទះ។ល។ស្តេចគ្មានអើពើររត់
តើសីហនុ wrong or right?
បើឯងមានកូន៥នាក់ ហើយឯងនាំកូននឹងប្រពន្ធ
ចូរឯងដាក់សំណួរថា តើឪភ្លើឫកូនភ្លើ?
Sihanouk's case is like this
please understand by yourself.
we are fighting for the truth and help the khmer people safe from communist evils.

Anonymous said...

5:14 AM & 8:31 AM You're the greatest of all!

Anonymous said...

President Kennedy once said: ask not what your country can do for you...ask what you can do for your country.

But he didn't mean you can do anything to destroy your country. I am sure he meant you should do something to develop your country. Pol Pot did the opposite; this mofo brought cambodia down to condition she's in today.

Some of the posters above state we khmer should not blame King Sihanouk for Cambodia's downfall. Wouldn't it be logical, asking: if there was no Sihanouk, there would be no Khmer Rouge, and thus there would be no Pol Pot? And if there was no Sihanouk, there would be no Hun Sen?

Anonymous said...

17 April 1975, to many is a reminder of terrible tragedy that ravaged Cambodia, but we khmer must close this chapter in history.

All of khmer must be unified to develop cambodia. It is time for all khmers to pull together, share our understanding amongst one another. All khmers must see other point of views with openmindedness. It is time for all khmers to put our hostility toward one another aside. All of us, including all khmer political leaders, must have compassion and know our duty to heal past tregedies.


Anonymous said...

1) We all CHEERED.
2) We all have FEAR.
3) We all have TEAR.

Anonymous said...

យើងអាចបំភ្លេចបាន​ តែសូមអ្នករាល់គ្នាកុំយក
រូបសីហនុមក post ក្នុង KI ឲ្យយើងឃើញទៀត
ខ្ញុំដឹងថាឯងស្រឡាញ់ សីហនុ មិនចង់ឲ្យអោយខ្ញុំ
និយាយទេ ខ្ញុំក៏មិនចង់និយាយដែរ​ តែបេះដូងខ្ញុំ
វាពុំព្រមឈប់ទេ ព្រោះបើគ្មានស្តេចសីហនុចូល
កុម្មុយនីស្ត បងប្អូនខ្ញុំជិត៥០គ្រួសារក៏មិនស្លាប់អស់ដែរ។
ដូច្នេះក្នុង KI យើងចង់ដឹងតែម្យ៉ាងទេ តើវរះបុរសណា
ខ្ញុំមិនអាចជួយបានទេ ព្រោះខ្ញុំជរាហើយ។
ខ្លូនប្រយុទ្ធដើម្បីឈាមខ្មែរ ជាតិខ្មែរ។

Anonymous said...

All of us should be able to know that China and Vietnam were not friend, are not friend and will never be friend.
If you're dog of Chineses, you're not dog of Yuons and vs.
With or without Sihanouk, With or without Lon Nol, Americans would be there, Vietcongs, China, KR.. all would be there.
After 1979 if China and USA don't interfere, Khmers Son San, Khmers Sihanouk and Khmers Khiev Samphan would be there ? No.
The prove is, China and USA help no one to fight against Hun Sen and we have no one fight.