Friday, April 23, 2010

Food kitchen for poor children in Phnom Penh

Children eating at the food kitchen reserved for poor children in Phnom Penh (Photo: Nhim Sophal, RFI)

Thursday 22 April 2010
By Nhim Sophal
Radio France Internationale
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

After seeing malnutrition among children of less than 14-year of age, a food kitchen for children was recently opened in Phnom Penh where children can come in to eat for free. The food kitchen is reserved for street children, children who scavenge in the street, as well as other poor children who do not receive sufficient nutrition on a daily basis.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the salvation!

Anonymous said...

Who's doing it?

Anonymous said...

Certainly not Hun Sen, Ly Yon Phat, Kit Meng,....

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen and clan are too busy to count their money, have no time to help poor and by the way what are poor children ? Never heard..

Anonymous said...

You are so mean! 3:36 and 4:08!

Anonymous said...

Delicious noodle soup and I'm hungey too

Whoevr is doing this work deserves a tremendous blessing from the Lord our God for these are the citizens of Heaven. I love you and I love your act of kindness. My hat is off to you.

That is a reflection of the true heart of the majority Khmer people. Even some corrupt individuals sometimes know how to do good deeds as well.

Perhaps some day I'll get to know you good folks and we'll befriend. That is one of my wishes to God for I know good folks bring joy to all atmosphere. Thank you and may the Lord my God bless you, whoever you are - you're loved and admired.

Khmer Patriot

Anonymous said...

As a matter of fact I get a little emotional to see these children having that noodle soup. God bless you kids. I love you.


Anonymous said...

Good to see Khmer temples help the poor kids. Not!

Has there been news that show this or that temple do or did this for the poor?

Anonymous said...

4:22AM if you ask you would got many thing at the temple! Go ask Hun Xen what he got when he was temple kid!

Anonymous said...

America's are the kindness people on earth,and no one realize it.

Anonymous said...

That's not American thing, that's Khmer pagoda. Americans are kind to drop bombs in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Americans don't even want poor Americans has medical insurance like them, imagine poor Khmers..

Anonymous said...

That because your king want you to dies,that why...

Anonymous said...

That because your pagoda want you to dies that why...4:45

Anonymous said...

Why those riches CPP clans never see this?

Are they just blind or what?

Thank you who are ever so kind to these needed and starving children.

Hun Sen what have you done?

Can you make a policy that stated no child left starving or no child left behind?

Khmer Rural,

Anonymous said...

i don't blame anybody. the way i see it, cambodia needs to introduce the human services or welfare system by proper tax collection from sales and businesses, etc so the funds can do to provide assistance for its most vulnerable people like children, the homeless, the sick and injured, the handicapped, the low-income, the elderly with limited income, etc... this is what cambodia need to look into in order to help the people. we cannot ignore this and point fingers and blaming each other in gov't for this. after all, this is a society at large issue, not a political issue. so, it is every politicians' job to look into reforming or reintroduce this system in order to help our vulnerable people. yes, children like these need help from gov't, even a temporary assistance. please ask the USA and the EU for their expertise to help with this non-exist state program to help the poors. i know america has a good welfare system that set criteria and requirements, etc to help the low-income american family and people through hard time and so forth. so, cambodia ought to look toward america for help to revamp our welfare system to help children and other vulnerable citizens like this. god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

As long as Corruption or systematic ransoms continue, taxation will never work properly.

This has not just happened incidently, but planned by those from top government officials.

Anonymous said...

the fund supposed to go to khmer rouge tribunal should give instead to poor children on the street. because the government like hunsen is blind, in fact he's blind. can somebody post wich charity orginasation is helping it ? i'd like to give my support to this matter too. thanks

Anonymous said...

Glad to see they are eating but there are many orphanages in Cambodia giving free foods and shelters to poor children. This is not new but certainly it need expansion to other poor area.

Anonymous said...

This noodle soup cost less than 25 cent a bowl. Thus, only $21 of your donnation can give a child food for a whole month...imagine $100 of your money...can do more good for Cambodian children. But one thing that you have to be understand is that if you decide to give money; make sure that agency is really use your money to help the people that you are intend to help!

May budda bless all those kinds heart - may your good karma return back to you and more....

Anonymous said...

I have great respect to the people, who have done for these children. I am sure they have not much time to blame other.
Please better think first. What you can do or to change the situation and not used your valuable time to blame.

Anonymous said...

yes, it's not like we are lazy people or beggar; it's just some of us need help to get going in life. we need help because due to unforeseen life circumstance like a sudden illness, a serious accident, etc can all of a sudden change our lives either way. so, let's be fair and not called us lazy or beggars, etc... believe me you, if our people have choice we, most would be want to be in this situation, seriously. we all need help occasionally in our unforeseen life journey. the next time you need help, your good karma will see to it that you too will be helped in return for your thoughtfulness. god bless all.