Bangkok was braced for more protests Friday as Thailand's "Red Shirt" protesters defied a state of emergency, vowing to mount another major rally in a bid to topple the government.
Thai authorities moved Thursday to arrest Red Shirt protest leaders involved in the storming of parliament this week and also pulled the plug on dozens of websites and a television station loyal to their cause.
But the authorities have so far avoided using force to break up the rallies, which have drawn tens of thousands of people, highlighting Thailand's deep rift pitting Bangkok's ruling elite against the mainly poor and rural Reds.
"The government is not concerned about people's lives but worries that glass at shopping malls may be shattered. That's why the government has not yet used force to crack down," said Red Shirt leader Jatuporn Prompan.
Demonstrators who largely support fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra were gearing up for what they said would be another major demonstration Friday, vowing to march to 10 unspecified locations.
The government announced emergency rule Wednesday after protesters briefly forced their way into the parliament compound. Lawmakers fled and several senior government figures were airlifted by military helicopter to safety.
It is the fourth time since 2008 that emergency law has been declared in the capital because of political turmoil. Related article: Protests to hit economy
A court on Thursday issued arrest warrants for seven Red Shirts, including Arisman Pongreungrong, who was also involved in storming a summit last year in the resort of Pattaya, forcing it to be cancelled.
"We are not afraid of seven warrants and I learned that the government will seek more warrants today," said Jatuporn.
Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva was due attend a Southeast Asian summit in Vietnam this week but cancelled the visit because of the mass rallies and remains holed up at an army barracks.
"Once leaders who prefer violence are arrested, we believe we can persuade other protesters to leave the protest site," said Abhisit, under increasing pressure to end the protests, which have disrupted traffic and caused major shopping centres to close.
Abhisit's government has banned public gatherings of more than five people and given broad powers to police and military under emergency rule in the capital and surrounding areas.
The government wants to avoid a repeat of last April's clashes with Red Shirts that left two people dead, six months after riot police took on the rival Yellow Shirts in bloody scenes outside parliament. Key dates since 2006
Instead, the authorities have targeted media loyal to the red-clad movement, shutting down its television channel showing rolling coverage of the demonstrations, along with 36 websites, and vowed to clamp down on pro-Red radio stations.
"With a small number of protesters, it will be more acceptable for the public in the case of the government enforcing harsher measures," military spokesman Sunsern Kaewkumnerd said Thursday.
The army said the number of demonstrators had dwindled after the TV channel was pulled, but many Reds returned Thursday evening, with police estimating the number peaked at 50,000 in the commercial district.
Thai authorities moved Thursday to arrest Red Shirt protest leaders involved in the storming of parliament this week and also pulled the plug on dozens of websites and a television station loyal to their cause.
But the authorities have so far avoided using force to break up the rallies, which have drawn tens of thousands of people, highlighting Thailand's deep rift pitting Bangkok's ruling elite against the mainly poor and rural Reds.
"The government is not concerned about people's lives but worries that glass at shopping malls may be shattered. That's why the government has not yet used force to crack down," said Red Shirt leader Jatuporn Prompan.
Demonstrators who largely support fugitive former premier Thaksin Shinawatra were gearing up for what they said would be another major demonstration Friday, vowing to march to 10 unspecified locations.
The government announced emergency rule Wednesday after protesters briefly forced their way into the parliament compound. Lawmakers fled and several senior government figures were airlifted by military helicopter to safety.
It is the fourth time since 2008 that emergency law has been declared in the capital because of political turmoil. Related article: Protests to hit economy
A court on Thursday issued arrest warrants for seven Red Shirts, including Arisman Pongreungrong, who was also involved in storming a summit last year in the resort of Pattaya, forcing it to be cancelled.
"We are not afraid of seven warrants and I learned that the government will seek more warrants today," said Jatuporn.
Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva was due attend a Southeast Asian summit in Vietnam this week but cancelled the visit because of the mass rallies and remains holed up at an army barracks.
"Once leaders who prefer violence are arrested, we believe we can persuade other protesters to leave the protest site," said Abhisit, under increasing pressure to end the protests, which have disrupted traffic and caused major shopping centres to close.
Abhisit's government has banned public gatherings of more than five people and given broad powers to police and military under emergency rule in the capital and surrounding areas.
The government wants to avoid a repeat of last April's clashes with Red Shirts that left two people dead, six months after riot police took on the rival Yellow Shirts in bloody scenes outside parliament. Key dates since 2006
Instead, the authorities have targeted media loyal to the red-clad movement, shutting down its television channel showing rolling coverage of the demonstrations, along with 36 websites, and vowed to clamp down on pro-Red radio stations.
"With a small number of protesters, it will be more acceptable for the public in the case of the government enforcing harsher measures," military spokesman Sunsern Kaewkumnerd said Thursday.
The army said the number of demonstrators had dwindled after the TV channel was pulled, but many Reds returned Thursday evening, with police estimating the number peaked at 50,000 in the commercial district.
"Prey Nokor rolom, Phnom Penh roleay, Bangkok kjat kjaay, sabbay Angkor Wat..."
I praise thai military and polices that not use violent to crackdown the peaceful demonstration. They are not coward like Cambodian military and polices who brave for killing their own citizens.
Khmer in Sydney CBD
History taught us that when fighting happen in the neighboring country, Cambodia is the loser. That’s because our leader always side with the wrong persons of that countries.
Bonjour les compatriotes khmers,
Vu la situation en Thaïlande actuelle, si vous voulez rendre visite au Cambodge dans les jours ou mois qui viennent, il ne faut sur tout pas passer par Bangkok.
J'ai une très mauvaise expérience en fin 2008. J'ai perdu 2 nuits dans l'aéroport, touts les frais que j'ai dépensé pour les taxis, l'agence de voyage ne me rembourse aucun centimes en disant que c'est le problème de la Thaïlande dont les assurances que j'ai acheté, ne marche pas. Et le moment en Thaïlande, les thaïlandais sont très racistes avec nous les khmers, ils s'en foutent avec notre demande de quoi ce soit.
Bonne chance pour les gens qui ont déjà décroché les billets passés par Bangkok.
Dear friends,
With the current situation in Thailand and if you want go to visite your belove country Cambodia in the coming days or months, you sould not take flight by Bangkok.
I have a very bad experience in the end of 2008. I lost 2 nights in the airport, all moneys that I spend for taxis, the travel agency did not pay back at all, they said that is the Thailand problem. Other thing, the thai people are so raciste with us khmer, they are not accepte any request or assistant for us at all. They leave us alone and I have to find the way to come home by my self.
Good luck for every one who are already buying the fly tickets.
Vu la situation actuelle en Thaïlande, il vaut mieux pas passer par Bangkok si vous voulez rendre visite le Cambodge.
J'ai une très mauvaise expérience en fin 2008. 2 nuits à l'aéroport, sans eaux ni nourriture. non rembourser tous les frais de taxis que l'on paye pour rentrer au Cambodge, Assurance ne fonctionne pas dans ce cas là, il disait que c'est le problème de la Thaïlande. En plus, une fois que les thaïs savent que nous sommes khmers, ils s'en foutent avec nous tous les demandes de l'assistance. On doit se débrouiller tout seul pour quitter son pays.
Bonne chance pour les gens qui ont déjà décroché les billets passés par Bangkok
Dear friends,
With the very bad situation currenty in Thailand, you sould not take fly by Bangkok.
I had avery bad experience in the end of 2008. 2 nights at the airport without water nor food. The spense for taxis is not pay back by the insurrence because they say that is the Thailand problem, so we have to ask that to the Thai Gouvernment. Another thing, when the thais knows that we are khmers, they do not accept any request or assistance for us at all. We have to find the way to come home by our self.
Good luck for somebodies who bought the fly tickets.
Don't fly Thai don't buy Thai !!!
TO 3:14 PM,
Please modify your mistake :
"Bangkok rolom, Phnom Penh reak reay, Prey Nokor kh-chat kh-chay, sabay Angkor Vat".
To 3:14
There is no such thing like what u say...
dumb believes
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