Friday, April 16, 2010

Thai Minister’s US Remarks Rankle Officials

Kasit Piromya

Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Phirumya upset Cambodian officials with remarks he made at a US university last week.

Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer
Washington, DC Thursday, 15 April 2010

“We see this as putting the horse before the cart, no the cart before the horse, and that created some displeasure on the part of Cambodia,” Kasit Phirumya said.
Thai Foreign Minister Kasit Phirumya upset Cambodian officials with remarks he made at a US university last week.

Addressing students and others at Johns Hopkins University in a lecture on Thai politics, Kasit said Thailand had three issues pending with Cambodia: questions on the inclusion of Preah Vihear temple to a Unesco World Heritage list; a 2001 sea border agreement; and an exchange of prisoners.

Kasit said Cambodia’s management plan of Preah Vihear temple would have to include a map that Thailand considers unlawful.

The temple is at the heart of a border dispute between the two neighbors.

“We see this as putting the horse before the cart, no the cart before the horse, and that created some displeasure on the part of Cambodia,” he said.

Meanwhile, a border drawn in the sea was done more through “political expediency” than international law and is now deemed unlawful by the current government, he said.

Kasit said Thailand was still holding four Cambodian prisoners as it awaits step-by-step amnesty approval from the government.

Cambodia’s border committee head, Var Kimhong, said Thailand should leave the sea border alone, as it has been agreed on. He also said Kasit should push Thai parliament to adopt the minutes of a border committee meeting between both sides that clarifies the border.


Anonymous said...

Lets have a fair statement about east border as well, Mr. Hero, Va.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Kasit and the rest of his government needs to stop dreaming of sharing this temple from Cambodia.

We're not that stupid to share this with you. i.e, if you have a wife, would you share her?

Khmer Preah Vihear,

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Dear all this the Siamese Kamma, as you see it's slowly bleeding. Next saimese GOV't will be the red Shirt's GOV'T it is not necessary Mr.TaXin but the group poor Thai people weell. The dictator royalist GOv'T is ended after this last King because he has uncure Kamma that he must paid the price. He had killed his brother, he had killed Khmer people, he had killed Thai people during military coup and more recently he has been inciting, encouraging his entourage to kill the poor Thai people who are originally Khmer people. Actually he has devided and classify his people, recently his relative went to mourning the dead of soldiers but not the dead of red shirts. This action taken is clearly seen what he has intetion to do after all. God has more than one eye is observing him from above.

Every body says good bey!to the last Siamese King Koba

Anonymous said...

Hay Mr. Kasit --- with due respect,you should worry about your country political stability..don't use Preah Vihear to save your regime against the Thai red-shirt. Your day in the office is number - better work on saving your Thai country than trying to take another piece of Cambodia land---because this not only recognize by the world but have been protect by God of Khmer in Preah Vihear that protect Khmer you remember the Thai govt. pour Thousand of Khmer people through Preah you have to pay back for the bad Karma that the Thai had done to Khmer technology speed up...karma pay back does not have to waite until next lif. Mr. Kasit...better save your country now...Khmer Peah Vihear God will not forgiveyou and your Thai people that want to do bad thing to Khmer land and Khmer people...

Anonymous said...

"It doesn't matter if the Thais just fight each other, but they should not take Cambodia as a scapegoat for political purposes," said Chea Ratha, a young Cambodian student from Phnom Penh on July 20. "The Thai opposition and military should have used a better excuse to make another coup against [former prime minister] Thaksin's [Shinawatra's] ally. Groundlessly and unfairly accusing a small and poor nation of taking your land is already ridiculous. [They're] bullies."

The Preah Vihear issue has been overexploited by both sides of the border, Dr Lao Mong Hay, a senior researcher for the Asian Human Rights Organization, told Asia Times Online, "The Cambodian government has used it to boost its popular support in this month's election with the organization of overzealous celebrations of its 'victory' over the listing of the temple as a world heritage site, without any consideration of the Thai people's attachment to the temple and their feelings of humiliation."

Anonymous said...

របៀបអាសៀមតែដដែលហ្នឹង វាចង់ផ្ទុះអាវុធអែព្រំុដែន រួចវាឈប់កាប់ចាក់គ្នានៅបាងកក ទោះជាវាឈ្លោះសៀមកាប់ថៃឡ៍ក៏ពួកវាមិនចោលការលោភលន់ដែរ!
មិនដូចខ្មែរយើងទេ យករួចតែខ្លួន ស្រែកកកោកការពារទឹកដីមិនអោយបាត់១សម តែបាត់រហូតរាប់រយម៉ែត្រ បើពួកប្រឆាំងស្រែកថាបាត់បែជាមិនប្រកាច់មកមើលឬការពារទេ ថែមទាំងចោទគេក្បត់ជាតិច្កុយ នេះបានចំជាជនខ្លាំងរបស់CPPផន់គេមែន!
មិនខ្មាសពិភពលោកទេឬ ដោយនាំគ្នាលើកទូលហ៌ុន សែនផ្កាយមាស ផ្កាយជរ័ថែមទាំងចង់លើកជាសេ្តចកនទៀត នេះគឺចូលជាពួកជ្រែករាជ ដណើ្តមធ្វើស្តេចហើយ អាម៉ាត្យ ចាប់វាយកទៅកាត់ក្បាលភ្លាម!!

Anonymous said...

In 1953, Preah Vihear was invaded by Thailand armed forces as its belonging. With greatest efforts by His Majesty King Norodom Sihanuk who has led previous Royal Government of Cambodia, the King himself has done through many diplomatic channels with Thailand in order to get Preah Vihea back, but it was refused by Thailand. To follow any treaty: Any dispute that can’t be reached by diplomatic channel or agreement shall have been given to one or many arbitrators. And if there is no arbitrator, then it shall have given to permanent international court, where our highly respected His Royal Highness, the King had submitted the case to LAHE international court.

Victory had been given to Cambodia on 15th January 1962, under the decision of the international court, “Preah Vihea belongs to Cambodia, and geographically is on Cambodian land. On the 5th January 1963, after visiting Chom khsan district for newly inauguration our Royal Highness His Majesty the King of Cambodia; The Father of national Patrimony had traveled to Preah Vihear, 40 Km away form Chom khsan district center for our traditional Buddhist religious ceremony; and also to be presided raising Cambodian flag ceremony as a symbol of the returning of our beloved national inheritance that had been stolen by Thai force in 1953.

Anonymous said...


What are you trying to say -- and why it is necessary to quote Dr. Mong Hay on this issue? This is on Mr.Kasit Still talking about Preah Vihear...he is so out of touch with the political environment in his country!

Anonymous said...

Can Kasit shares his wife to Cambodian??

He is trying to divert attention to our temple now.

He is out of office soon and still breathing for air??

Anonymous said...

There were dealt by the stupid Thai king and Abhisit secretly trying to pay the former UNESCO judge $50,000.00 to not support Cambodian but that fomer judge refused to take the offer.

Anonymous said...

Thanks 11:59am for sharing

Preach Vihear story on how King Father got it back from Thai for Cambodian people...Khmer have to acknowledge of King father good deed forKhmer people...Although I live through Khmer regime and under difficult condition ... but I still don't understand -- Why many Khmer still blaiming King Sihanouk of brinking the Khmer R. regime in Cambodia...can you share the story the true! Event when I read on people writing on KR regime...but somehow I don't have a strong believe from those writers...because I don't believe that they are not telling the whole true...


Anonymous said...

1159am and 1217pm, you two are derailed. Here is the talk, if not a debate, about the comment made by Kasit concerning the issues between Thailand and Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Hun Xen must stop dreaming about restoring diplomatic relation with this Thai government lead by Ahbishit and this PAD lunetic Piroomya asshole. We are not stupid enough to put Preah Vihear on a plate and give it back to Thailand. The PAD and the Democrat will be routed by the Red Shirt soon. Why talk to them. They are a bunch of sour grapes and loosers.

Anonymous said...

Bhumibol used to teach Thais to look down on Khmers and said Khmers are barbarians. Oh Yeahhh??He is so blind for not seeing his only one son named Vijaralongkorn or Wachiralongkorn behaves.

Bhumibol himself married to his niece, his current wife named Sirikit. Sirikit's father and Bhumibol are direct grandsons of Chulalongkorn.

The Frankeinstein, named Wachira (or Vijara) Longkorn who is so thirsty to be the next King. Read about that mafia Wacharalongkown in this link and see for your self.

Wachiralongkorn never did very well at school or college.

Wachiralongkorn is known to have driven his jet on to the runway at Bangkok airport to block the plane of the Japanese Prime Minister.

Wachiralongkorn allowed his dog to run up and down the high table, sniffing and licking food off the plates of Thai and foreign guests. It did not occur to him that this was a problem.

Wachiralongkorn with his present wife. They are sipping wine and eating by a swimming pool. She is naked and he is fully dressed. No accounting for taste, one might say. But it goes far beyond that. The male servants are in full uniform and there are people taking the video and snap shots.

Wachiralongkorn makes his wife crawl on the ground to take cake, like he was feeding a dog. But she is naked.

Too many more about the Royal Mafia Thai behave, may be King Bhumibol needs to clean his azz before he criticizes Khmers.

Hun Sen may be thugs but he didn't allow his dogs or his children to lick the plates of foreigners at the State dinner like Bhumibol's son.

Anonymous said...

1243pm, it does sound interesting story. Thank you for the info.

Anonymous said...

I watched the Video of his naked wife at the pool part many times.

She was allowed to cover only her pussy with a small piece of material but her azz and the whole body is totally naked.

Then he hold a piece of cake and ordered her to lie down on the floor like his dog and she can bite the cake.

Bhumibol's son is not a normal guy he is a psycho a mentally sick man.

Is it a result of incest? Bhumibol married and slept with his niece then now his wife.

Anonymous said...

give it up already, siem thugs! preah vihear is not yours, so stop dreaming of bilateral talk or whatever with my country about preah vihear, ok! no sharing with siem!

Anonymous said...

Hay-12:26 pm

I thought that 11:59am have knowledge about Khmer history and King Sihanouk - thus, I just want to know about our Khmer King history - and what are the possitive things that he had contribute to Cambodia. But I don't mind if you are able tell the true story about the KR regime connect to King Sihanouk!

Don't be useless to our fellow bloggers -- if you are able to help others bloggers to understand the true....than 11:59 and 12:17pm back on track...

" 1159am and 1217pm, you two are derailed. Here is the talk, if not a debate, about the comment made by Kasit concerning the issues between Thailand and Cambodia."

12:36 PM

Anonymous said...

AH Kashit Paranoia is the same old fart Siem politician who try to look good and act tough in front of the world! This old fart has lost touch with political reality in his country and for him to bullshit about some fucken unsolved Siem-Cambodian issues as if he can solve by himself is uncalled for! Let face it and as long as AH Kashit Paranoia and his illegal government still stay in power and nothing can be solved because Siem leaders want to dictate over Cambodia politic in way to look down on Cambodia and Cambodian people!

As for the Khmer Preah Vihear temple is non-negotiable!

As for the four Cambodian prisoners and the Siem leaders can kill them if they want to because too many Cambodian people are dying at the hand of the Siem military thugs along Cambodia-Siem borders! It only a matter of time that the Cambodian will have to take revenge!

Thailand is no Cambodia neighbor(only enemy)!

Anonymous said...

MR terrorist foreing minister how much longer can you stay on your post?

Anonymous said...

His killed his own brother...
that why he did good to his people.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen must not talk to this fool Kasit.

The stupid guy still insisting of dreaming of having a piece of pie from Cambodia.

Kasit, would you share your wife?

For the stupid king Adulyadeth that married his own blood that's why most of his children are retarded.

Anonymous said...

Stop dreaming about that and understand international Law KASIT.

Anonymous said...


I know you are not that stupid and going around the world and tell those countries about how manipulating you are. Please stop twisting the story. I know you have the right to dream, you can dream but it won't happen fool. You know what to? We are dreaming to reunite all Khmer across Southeast Asia to become one glory empire again too. We want to let those Khmer people that scatter around Southeast Asia that we are dreaming of becoming the second mighty Angkor Period again. And most historian proved that Khmer was the greatest empire in Southeast Asia and had built many sanctuaries across her empire. Kasit, you need to read and learn history!!!!!!!!!!!

Khmer Surin,

Anonymous said...

the problem with siem is that if people like ah kasit try to get involved in cambodia sovereignty like preah vihear before any kind of bilateral talk or whatever in other fields, it's not going to work out with cambodia because you deal with sovereign issue, cambodia cannot accept that for the fact, really! you don't start talking bilateral with preah vihear, period! we all know the siem thugs' motive all along, so, what is there to hide anymore, really! and the surrounding area is access way to our preah vihear temple, and if siem try to block or claim that accessway, of course, it is a violation of cambodia's sovereignty. the temple and the accessway all belongs to cambodia, siem should stop claiming and stealing and getting involved with it and so forth; it's not yours to begin with, ok!

Anonymous said...

Bhumibol shot his own brother and became King, then he went to marry his nice Sirikit.
Chakri family members practice incest, one can find the history of Chakri Kings married to their very own sisters from the old sister to the youngest sisters. Now one would understand why his children are ugly and psychopaths, except the middle child named Sorindhorn. Not just he married his niece he went on to have an affair with his wife's young sister named Bossba, then have one daughter. Later Sirikit arranged Bossba's daughter to marry her psychopath son Vijaralongkorn. Guess what? Bossba's daughter and Sirikit's son shared the same Father (Bhumibol). INCEST! INCEST! INCEST!!!!
Sirikit is an evil woman, she had tried to kill her son's first wife, so she had to escape with her 5 children. Bhumibol's oldest daughter after divorced she is back in Thailand. She is nothing more than a whore the way she dressed up and behave herself.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian calls this Cheam Jonh Cheam (Retarded).

Married with the same blood. Blood over blood!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

did siem know that claim to steal accessway to my preah vihear temple is like steal preah vihear from my country! no way, i don't put up with siem stealing my country, ok!