Thursday, April 29, 2010

Tim Sakhorn's interview on VOKK

Former Bikku Tim Sakhorn before his arrest
Tim Sakhorn was put in a sham trial in Vietnam
Tim Sakhorn attending the Ninth Session of the United Nations Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) held at the UN Headquarters in New York City between 19-30 April 2010 (Photo provided)


Anonymous said...

yes, make a lot of noises; don't let youn abusers get away from it! we're talking about indigenous khmer krom rights, not some kind of illegal, economic immigrants here, really! the world cares about everyone's rights anywhere on the planet, please use that to your advantage for good cause, really. god bless.

Anonymous said...

let the whole world be educated and aware of the existence and plight of indigenous khmer krom people of the mekong delta. that's right, no more silence! khmer krom have rights. don't let poltical geography separate khmer krom from khmer kandal and khmer leu, etc... we all are khmer in our own rights. god bless all khmer people.

Anonymous said...

don't be shy or afraid to speak our beautiful khmer language. we have beautiful language and should be proud of it. that's what translators are there for. of course, it is nice to be multi-lingual, however, khmer will always be our primary language above all others, though. god bless.

Anonymous said...

May the Lord my God bless my hapless people the Khmer Krom. May their bitter enemy be soon defeated.


Anonymous said...

Welcome Tim Sakhorn and other two former monks to America.

Your present at the UN are living witnesses of the Human Rights abuses committed by the Vietnamese government.

Cannot wait to see Tim Sakhorn coming down to California, especially San Jose to meet his "friend" Long Kim Leang who "helped" took off his frock and send to imprison in Vietnam.

Anonymous said...

Please keep telling the world that YUON stole our lands. And please keep fighting until we succeed. Our plight of freedom is near.

Khmer Krom Khet Moat Chrouk near Phnom Den,

Anonymous said...

Follow Preah Sama SamPuth Dor chhea KamDèng Yeung!

"Pay no attention to the faults of others,
things done or left undone by others.
Consider only what by oneself is done or left undone."our Lord Buddha

AngKor Wat belong to all of you.

Anonymous said...

I'm Dalai Lama, why would Vietnam government wanted to keep something that's never belong to first place?

Like Chinese, the control Tibet soon or later we will free ourselves. We don't want to live under any colonization.

Vietnam must let Khmer Krom to be who they are. They can't control them the rest of their life. History has been going back and forth (repeat). Example, looking back there were Mongolian, Khmer Empire were the strongest in this region but came and gone. Vietnam must learn and they got experience already for living under a certain colonization is not good, how do they think the Khmer Krom feel?

Give it up!

Spiritual Leader of Tibet,
I'm support my monk friend "Tim Sakhon"

Anonymous said...

Chreang khmer

Anonymous said...

Khmer Krom was ceded to Viet Nam in 1749. Ceded. That means "given". Ceded by an agreement between the Cambodian king and the Vietnamese king way back in the mid 18th century.

This territorial reality has been recognized ever since by the French and all other governments, and by international law.

So, Viet Nam's claims are true - KKF are carrying out separatist activities for their own political motivation.

If "the fight continues", you only confirm the truth of Viet Nam's claims even more!!!

Anyone who supports "this fight" does so for political reasons, not for the real interests of the people.

Anonymous said...

Make history happend

Anonymous said...

Oh so do you think at present time Cambodia cede more lands to Vietnam or it just Vietnamese aggression?

I don't buy that word "ceded".

There is no way that king or some warlord gave up their reign or power for a short period of time.


Anonymous said...

1:04, you are so stupid and have no background history. Go back to school son and learn the real history, don't bark as what your VC government has taught you.

The "fight" that KKF is doing is to seek justice for the Khmer Krom which is the real interests of the Khmer Krom people.

The more you speak non-sense about the history, the more the world see your real face.

Keep fighting with us so the world start knows more the real history of Kampuchea Krom.

Let me teach you some basic history of your people, by 1749, your country was still in a civil war between Trinh Lord and Nguyen Lord, "Trinh Nguyen Phan Ranh". Your country did not even have a KING yet. Part of Champa's kingdom still under the controlled of Cham people.

Read this book, so you can learn a true history "The Khmer-Krom Journey to Self-Determination".

KI is pretty well-known now because it is even read by the Black Teeth Dog YOUN 1:04.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, but why do you want to control something that's never belong to you?

I wouldn't!

Look at Southern Thailand! The same thing that the Thai will be facing the separatist groups.

Soon or later, these separatist groups will rebel and get stronger because this new era isn't like 100+ years ago that the rest the world hardly knew each countries location are.

I bet you, Khmer Krom will be granting independent anyway.

There is no way they let one individual keep oppressing other.

Self-determination or at least some rights to be representing themselves will be more open in near future.

Anonymous said...

1:04 am,

Or do you think when the Turks controlled the Greek, you think Greece ceded the lands to the Turk?

Please read some history!

Anonymous said...

It is not just Khmer Krom that seek justice.

Most middle Vietnam also do that.

Yuon is only exist in the North which also China still claiming as their renegade province.


Anonymous said...

Dear Tim Sakhorn,
Please tell all bad things about Vietnamese governments to United Nations, tell them that Vietnamese governments kept abused our people in Vietnam everyday, they let our young children farming, while their son and daughter goes to school, and stay home...

Anonymous said...

Vietnam never allowed Khmer Krom people to have access to internet or watch telivision...they abused our people like animals...those fucken French Govt must help Khmers Krom people, they are the one that given Khmers Krom lands a way to Vietnamese...without Khmers permission or agreement...

Stupid fucken French people!! they also killed King SiSoWath, lock him up in jail-left him to death!!

Anonymous said...

WASHINGTON - Saudi Arabia and China are among 13 countries a U.S. government panel named on Thursday as serious violators of religious freedom.

The panel's report also criticized the current and former administrations in Washington for doing far too little to make basic religious rights universal.

That is the goal of the congressional act that founded the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom in 1998. The commission investigates conditions in what it calls "hot spots," where religious freedom is endangered. Its job is to recommend U.S. government policies to improve conditions.

It is a "small but critically important point of intersection of foreign policy, national security and international religious freedom standards," the report said. "Regrettably that small point seems to shrink year-after-year for the White House and he State Department."

List includes repeats
This year's list of 13 "countries of particular concern" included all eight named last year — Myanmar, also known as Burma; China; Eritrea; Iran; North Korea; Saudi Arabia; Sudan; and Uzbekistan — plus Iraq, Nigeria, Pakistan, Turkmenistan and Vietnam.

U.S. actions currently in force against the original eight include embargoes, often on top of existing sanctions, and denial of military or financial aid. Sanctions have been waived indefinitely for Saudi Arabia, and Uzbekistan has a waiver of 180 days which remains in force.

President Barack Obama's administration has not officially accepted the 2009 findings or named the specified countries as violators of religious rights. Neither did the administration of President George W. Bush between November 2006 and January 2009.

In addition to the 13 designated the worst violators, the report identified 12 countries on a watch list: Afghanistan, Belarus, Cuba, Egypt, India, Indonesia, Laos, Russia, Somalia, Tajikistan, Turkey and Venezuela.

Anonymous said...

Communism has no any religion,

Anonymous said...

US must withdraw tie with Vietnam immediately. If they don't behave why bother to have dialogue with them?

Like a report card, if you have so many F there will be consequences.

Benjamin Johnson,
US consensus office,

Anonymous said...

Khmer Krom is Khmer Krom and YUON is YUON, there are two differences thing here. Apple and Orange not 1+1=3!

Anonymous said...

Shawn McHale, an Asia studies professor at George Washington University
Written out of history

Sakhorn's arrest and deportation sparked a wave of Khmer Krom demonstrations in Cambodia, with clashes in Phnom Penh between Khmer Krom monks and monks loyal to Tep Vong. Hun Sen warned after the street fights in a speech broadcast on national television in February 2008 that he would provide "free coffins" to anyone who attempted to reclaim Khmer Krom lands and "help bury their corpses".

The Khmer Krom maintain their cause is about human rights, not independence or the return of their lands to Cambodia. They claim to only want some say in their future, and for Vietnam to stop falsifying their history. In 2007, the Vietnamese Communist Party disseminated a freshly written history of southern Vietnam that asserted that the Khmer were not its indigenous inhabitants.

Shawn McHale, an Asia studies professor at George Washington University, says the fundamental problem in the historical dispute over the Khmer Krom's lands is using modern notions of sovereignty for pre-colonial situations that were ambiguous. He said a Khmer prince ceded Khmer Krom to Vietnam in 1757, but that not all branches of the royal families agreed.

In 1864, France made Cochinchina a colony, but Cambodia was merely a protectorate. When Hanoi and Phnom Penh both claimed the area in 1945, the French ultimately sided with the Vietnamese in 1949.

"So the Khmer Krom today are an ethnic minority greatly outnumbered in their land, they insist that their territory was seized by an enemy, and that this enemy does not have a legitimate claim to the area, but most of the world simply can't believe that such an account is true," McHale told Asia Times Online by e-mail. "Over time, the world has come to recognize the claims of the party that came later and used brute force to establish its claim."

Craig Guthrie is a correspondent for Asia Times Online based in Thailand. He has covered Cambodian affairs since 2004.

Anonymous said...

Your Viet cause too much problem and death in the region i.e. Vietname war..Pol Pot. Hochiminh Trail..., UN is right Self Determination for KK is solving such problems. Not for us but for the whole world.

So Viet GO HOME.

Anonymous said...

Your Viet cause too much problem and death in the region i.e. Vietname war..Pol Pot. Hochiminh Trail..., UN is right Self Determination for KK is solving such problems. Not for us but for the whole world.

So Viet GO HOME.
"Over time, the world has come to recognize the claims of the party that came later and used brute force to establish its claim."

Anonymous said...

Look at Kosovo, why did they got independent? Because US and Russia had challenged each other. When US support the independent it really upset Russia and Serbia.

I think a lot of super power countries play in here.

Khmer Krom must follow the example of East Timore and Kosovar.

Go Khmer Krom go!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm wonder why Khmer Krom is having such an attention today. Why is Khmer Krom a prime subject in the UN's news nowadays?

Because YUON kept on lying to UN that there are about 1 million and instead the KKF told or recorded in there book to self-determination that they has 12-13 million Khmer Krom that need voices and rights on their ancestor's land.

Hopefuly Khmer Krom will gain world image and got all the support around the world. This is just a journal to their distination (Statehood) in near future.

I suggest Khmer Krom must set up her representatives, senators, parliamentarian in case the moments come they will have everything all set.

Khmer PP,

Anonymous said...

Where does it say that Khmer's king ceded Khmer Krom to YUON in 1757? This is only one side of the story. If you go around and take survey from people of the kingdom of Cambodia I'd say it is a lie.

Khmer had always reminded the French that when the leave Cochinchina must return the lands back to the Kingdome of Cambodia instead the French being bias and think YUON will or carry it influences such as religion forever from them. Instead the YUON kicked the French out in return and not even say Thanks to French that French transferred the land of Khmer Krom to YUON.

What a looser French was!

Anonymous said...

I'm telling to other beside our belove Khmer Krom.

To foreigners:

If these lands were lost to YUON by war, we would said alright there military was stronger than us and more men. But this land were illegal transfer to YUON because the French thought YUON will be thier servant for life. Instead the YUON that kicked the French at Dien Bien Phu.

Anonymous said...

there's no such thing as khmer ceded lands to youn. it was more like youn stole khmer lands during the dark age and even today, if given a chance, they still continue to steal lands and territories from khmer people. khmer people don't buy the "ceded" thing to youn, really! it was youn aggression toward khmer,and they took advantage of civil strife in khmer politics then, and now. i think china should reclaim their lost province from youn and khmer people should demand and reclaim all of our khmer krom land back to its rightful owners, the khmer people of angkor empire! when we look at the map of mainland southeast asia, there is something wrong with the size of cambodia. and don't call that ceded, ok. it was illegally stolen from cambodia, really!

Anonymous said...

French Govts are responsible for the lost of Khmer Kampuchea Krom lands, they gave our lands away without Khmers permission...i blamed fucken French government and French people...they are fucken murdered of Khmer Krom people, French also turns some high level Khmers official to Pol Pot army, and let Khmer Rouge killed all of those men, women, children, during the falling Phnom Penh 1975...French are cruel nations..!!

Anonymous said...

Don not blamed King Cheyeatha 100%! it was the Fucken French people that time, that divided Khmers Krom from Khmers Kandal....

Anonymous said...

If I was HUN SEN, I'm going to close the French embassy completely. Why? Because they must take that responsibliity into consideraton and put it into French's parliament for discussion.

In order for them to have their embassy re-open they must proactive with this case. And I heard this case was in pending since Cambodia got into war since 1970.

Anonymous said...

What youns or hunxen do to khmer will come around back to them. No government last forever.

Anonymous said...

Yeah they must review this case. I heard that too. The French parliament put this case in pending due to political instability in Cambodia. I think YUON set us so we can't have time to digging this case back up. They know that they stole the lands from us.

If they are not afraid why don't they let the Khmer Krom vote to know where the survey is.

If the lands were ceded to YUON why the hell YUON kept on killing, slaughtered Khmer Krom year after years during or after 1949?

If ceded, we alll should take that too and they should stop oppressing Khmer Krom because it is ceded. But the lands were stolen that's the reason why they kept oppressing and killing us so we can't reclaim it.

I think it is time for the French to take part of this if they think they are more civil and respect human rights or humanity.

Khmer Aranyaprathet,

Anonymous said...

I have all the love for the Khmer Krom people. Tim Sakhorn gave very good interview. What bothers me the most is why is Hun Sen's regime still continues to mistreat the Khmer Krom people in Cambodia! Thanks to the World Wide Khmer Krom Federation, now the world starts to know more and more about the identity and suffering of the Khmer Krom people in Southern Vietnam and Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Because he (Hun Sen) has been told what to do by the YUON. Hun Sen has the power from day one until today because of YUON. If he doesn't serve his master he would be long gone from his position just like Cambodian's former leader or Prime Minister Chan Si and Pen Sovann.

Hun Sen must not Khmer if he continure terrorize our Khmer people include Khmer Krom.

Khmer PP,

Anonymous said...

Well folks!,first we`re(KKK),have international politically on abroad organisation by UNITED NATION.Secondly,all we got to do is sueing the French government.The thirdly,we must face with the Vietcong by arm.Remember my beloved (KKK),if we don`t sacrify our live,how could the Vietcong give us back our motherland.I know our obstacle is the government in PHNOM PENH doesn`t support us,so we have to find the way out.The east is the crocodile,the west is the tiger,very hard for KHMER peoples.The best last thing,for us is to stick around with the red dragon in the east,or with the eagle in the west.If we won`t get our land back!,at lease we will earn our right or our freedom!.KOUN KHMER KAMPUCHEA KROM,GODBUDHHA BLESS ALL KHMERS BLOOD AROUND THE GLOBE.

Anonymous said...

9:49am, have you check out the latest population on YOUN and Khmer?

YOUN have 80 millions and Khmer have about 15 millions. How can you win a war with so less men?

It is a suicide mission to say the least.

Anonymous said...

I agree. If YOUN just line up and turn around and spit on us alone will drown us without wasting any bullet.

Follow the KKF mission and goal is the only way to help our Khmer Krom people and the Khmer nation as a whole. Think about it.

Anonymous said...

cede cede (s[=e]d), v. t. [imp. & p. p. ceded; p. pr. & vb.
n. ceding.] [L. cedere to withdraw, yield; akin to cadere
to fall, and to E. chance; cf. F. c['e]der.]
To yield or surrender; to give up; to resign; as, to cede a
fortress, a province, or country, to another nation, by
[1913 Webster]

The people must cede to the government some of their
natural rights. --Jay.
[1913 Webster]

Anonymous said...

9:48 AM,
You don't know all the detail. French and US worked together. That southern part was signed to Yuon because the US also wanted to keep it for itself to fight against Communists Yuon+China+Soviet.

Anonymous said...

សូមស្វាគមន៍យ៉ាងកកក្តៅ ចំពោះ លោក ទឹម សាខន អតីតព្រះចៅអធិការវត្តភ្នំដិនខាងជើង ស្រុកគិរីវង្ស ខែត្រតាកែវ ដែលអញ្ជើញចូលរួមកិច្ចប្រជុំអង្គការសហប្រជាជាតិ ផ្នែកសិទ្ធិជនជាតិដើម នៅបូរីញូវយ៉ក។ សូមលោក ទឹម សាខន អញ្ជើញទៅវត្តខែ្មរសាន់ហូស្សេ រដ្ឋកាលីហ្វ័រញ៉ា ដើម្បីជួបជនក្បត់ជាតិ ឡុង គឹម លាង បកស្រាយអំពីករណី ចាប់ផ្សឹក រួចបញ្ជូនឧ្យអាជ្ញាធរយួនដាក់គុក នៅយៀកណាម???? ពីព្រោះជនក្បត់ជាតិ ឡុង គឹម លាង កំពុងនៅសាន់ហូស្សេ ដើរបំបែកបំបាក់សង្គមខ្មែរ តើខ្មែរស្នេហាជាតិ ទុកឧ្យ ឡុង គឹម លាង ធ្វើតាមអំពើចិត្តឬយ៉ាងណា???

Anonymous said...


Khmer King with the promise from France in 1894 to give back Kampuchea Krom.

Anonymous said...

There was also a king's note that sent to Napoleon to inform him that the land of Cochinchina is belong to Khmer Kingdom.

Anonymous said...

that means, cambodia have a lot of documents and evidence that we did not cede or give any of our precious land to youn, really. it is stupid and ignorant to say that our ancestors granted or gave our precious lands and territories to youns and other neighboring countries. they stole from cambodia, to say the least, really! we want justice for our lands and people!