Saturday, April 17, 2010

Year Zero

Brother No. 1 Pot Pot: The father of Year Zero

April 17, 2010
By Peter Wilson American Thinker

The Khmer Rouge declared revolutionary Year Zero thirty-five years ago today, on April 17, 1975, the day Communist guerrillas in black pajamas and truck-tire sandals marched victoriously through the streets of Phnom Penh. An indication of the regime's brutality came within 24 hours, when the Khmer Rouge ordered the two million residents of Phnom Penh, including hospital patients, to evacuate the city.

Their reign of three years, eight months left Cambodia devastated, with the better part of an entire generation -- approximately 1.7 million Cambodians out of a population of 7.9 million -- annihilated by bullet, axe, shovel blow to the back of the head, plastic bag suffocation, unspeakable torture, or by starvation caused by ruinous economic policies.

The Pol Pot clique set out to create history's most pure form of Communism in a single bound, striving to surpass even Mao's disastrous Great Leap Forward. Their success was Cambodia's failure. Despite the legacy of another horror-filled Marxist experiment, the lessons of the Khmer Rouge remain shrouded in equivocation and myth.

Myth #1: Despite the example of the Khmer Rouge, Marxism remains a valid political philosophy.

Marxist sympathizers like columnist James Carroll still argue in polite society "Marxism has yet to be really tried." It's just that by strange happenstance Communist governments have always been subverted by corrupt brutal men.

Corruption and brutality however are not incidental to Communism; they are part of its essence.

In order to redistribute wealth, the State must assign power to fallible humans. Our democracy has checks and balances that constrain (we hope) those who hold power. The Khmer Rouge leaders wielded absolute power, which corrupted absolutely, with predictable tragic consequences.

Every time it has been tried, Marxism leads to the charnel house, turning subject countries into giant concentration camps, each a "vast Belsen," as Robert Conquest described Stalin's Soviet Union. Pol Pot, Mao, Stalin, Lenin, Ho Chi Minh, Castro, Che Guevara, Abimael Guzman, Mengistu, Kim Jung Il are among history's most accomplished butchers. To argue that the Communist ideology that motivated them is incidental to their crimes devalues the deaths of the 100 million murdered by Communism in the 20th century.

Myth #2: The Khmer Rouge were not really Communists.

Like the Viet Cong, they were "rice paddy nationalists." Or freedom fighters battling French and American imperialism, gone wrong. Or Asian Nazis. Or some perverted Buddhist agrarian sect.

Evidence to the contrary is not difficult to find. As students in Paris, Pol Pot and Ieng Sary (Brother Number One and Number Two) joined the Cercle Marxiste where they imbibed Marx and Rousseau. To point out the obvious, Pol Pot and Ieng Sary named their army the "Red Khmer," red being the color of Communism. They were funded by Beijing, Moscow and Hanoi. Theirs was closer to a Maoist interpretation of Marxism than to Stalin's urban Communism with its Five Year Plans fetishizing steel mills and cement factories. Khmer Rouge terror techniques were drawn from Stalin and Mao: the brutality, the destruction of the family, the abolition of religion, the terror famines, the internal purging that George Orwell described so accurately three decades earlier in the terrifying scenes of Napoleon forcing confessions in Animal Farm.
Myth #3: Nixon's secret bombing of Cambodia was responsible for the Khmer Rouge victory.

Blaming America for the Khmer Rouge began early on in William Shawcross's Sideshow, Kissinger, Nixon, and the Destruction of Cambodia (1979). Roland Joffe's 1984 movie The Killing Fields disseminated the narrative of American guilt to an entire generation, one that is repeated in many American history textbooks.

According to data released by the Clinton Administration and reported by Ben Kiernan and Taylor Owen, from 1969 to 1973 American B-52s dropped "2,756,941 tons' worth [of explosives] in 230,516 sorties on 113,716 sites," more than was dropped by all parties in World War II. Innocent Cambodian villagers were surely killed, although estimates vary wildly, from 5,000 to 600,000.

Nevertheless, despite the rage of the anti-War movement, the tin soldiers and Nixon's coming, four dead in Ohio, the bombing was not entirely unjustified.

The bombing proceeded in two distinct phases, with different objectives. President Nixon's Operation Menu began in March 1969, striking at North Vietnamese sanctuaries where the NVA delivered food and arms to supply depots less than 100 miles from Saigon, protected by Cambodia's neutrality under the Geneva Convention. Although Prince Sihanouk agreed to the passage of NVA supplies coming down the Ho Chi Minh Trail and through the Port of Sihanoukville, evidence shows that he grew fed up with North Vietnamese intrusions into his country, and gave Nixon a green light to bomb NVA military targets.

In the second phase, as the Vietnam War was winding down, American bombing continued at the request of the Lon Nol government to slow the advance of the Khmer Rouge.

History may judge Nixon and Kissinger harshly for the humanitarian costs of the bombing. It appears that the bombing assisted Khmer Rouge recruitment efforts, but overall it delayed the Khmer Rouge takeover. Keep in mind the simple facts that Communist countries backed the Khmer Rouge with arms, materiel, money and ideology, while the U.S. supported the pro-western Lon Nol government in an attempt to defeat the Khmer Rouge and stop the spread of Communism. As Peter Rodman writes in a 1981 American Spectator article on Sideshow: "By no stretch of moral logic can the crimes of mass murder be ascribed to those who struggled to prevent their coming into power."

Myth #4: "American ruthlessness turned Communists into totalitarian fanatics." [Historian Philip Windsor, quoted by Noam Chomsky and Bernard Herman in Manufacturing Consent (1988).]

In addition to bearing responsibility for bringing Pol Pot to power, the American bombing is also guilty of pushing the Khmer Rouge over the edge into insanity. Nixon and Kissinger are therefore guilty of war crimes, with the blood of 1.7 million Cambodians on their hands.

This myth is an international relations version of the "society made me do it" defense for the brutal criminal, akin to blaming mass murder on police brutality. It transforms the Khmer Rouge from aggressors to helpless victims reacting to aggression.

The theory that violence generates violent retaliation may make sense on a psychological level, but it is implausible that the Khmer Rouge "auto-genocide" -- the systematic campaign of destruction of their own people -- was motivated by desire for revenge against Americans. During the Khmer Rouge reign from 1975-79, Cambodia was isolated from the outside world; the last American bomb fell in August 1973.

Historical examples also contradict this theory: the ruthless Nazi blitzkrieg did not transform Londoners into totalitarian fanatics.

This myth did however alleviate the anti-war Left of any responsibility it might have felt for pressuring Congress to withdraw the financial support for South Vietnam promised in the Paris Peace Talks, which certainly played a role in southeast Asian dominoes falling in 1975: Cambodia on April 17th, South Vietnam on April 30th, and Laos on November 28th.
Today the Khmer Rouge has few enthusiastic defenders. In Jean-Francois Revel's wry phrase, "One of the most richly enrolled clubs on the planet is the Enemies of Past Genocides." It is not enough to condemn the Khmer Rouge. We must condemn the Marxist ideology that motivated them.

Peter Wilson has a large extended family of Khmer Rouge survivors and has worked on children's television in Cambodia. His blog is walkingdogcapitalist.


Anonymous said...

A Choy Maray Pol Pot!

May you burn forever in hell!

Anonymous said...

Pol Pot and his clique including Khieu Samphan are so bad that nobody under the sky can find the right word by which to call them or curse them.

They destroyed Cambodia and her people with their stupidity. Shame on them!

Anonymous said...

Let me ask A Khieu Samphan who continues to deny the brutality of his stupid and ridiculous regime how many people had been killed by his KR army when the citizens of PP were evacuated from their homes?

For his crimes against humanity he is lucky that he still has food to eat, place to sleep in and hospital to go to when he is sick.

Look at him right now he is getting fat even if he lives in jail. Come on, comrade, don't you think you should be working for your food?

Aing Chis Chon Polikaim Ke, A Chke Dek Si! A Khieu Samphan!

davidb98 said...

You are right to condemn the Khmer Rouge and their extreme ideas.

you are not right to claim Marxism leads inevitably to bad results for people.

Your unthoughhtful list of "butchers" is evidence for this... "Lenin, Ho Chi Minh, Castro and Che Guevara" were not "butchers" as some others and the beneficial results of their philosophies and direction are apparent in modern day Cuba, Venezuela, Bolivia, etc. All have excellent health, education and community governance that benefit their whole populations.

As well Cuba is recognised for its instant and effective response to natural disasters with medical teams and mobile hospitals in Pakistan, Indonesia, East Timor, Haiti, various African countries and even providing low cost health care in poor communities in the USA. Venezuela provides discounted heating oil to needy in the USA. etc, etc

I understand your desire to ensure blame is not washed from the Khmer Rouge to the Americans however I think deflecting blame from the Khmer Rouge individuals to Karl Marx and his theories is even less equitable.

Anonymous said...

Year -10

Pol Pot,Sihanouk,Ho chiminh,Mao,Le Ductho,Pham Vamdong,Ieng Sary ....

Anonymous said...

Year 20210

Pnèk tip,Moat tip,Tror-chheak tip


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Talking about Pot Pot, there is only one person to blame that is The king, this stupid king thought to himself that he had an absolute power over people's lives. He used to brain wash all individuals that he was a "God" of the nation and wherever he went he used to look at the satellite to see if there were any rain at all at that particular location before his visitation and people used to say well the king is God because wherever he went, rain would follow suit. Again, he was a man who ruined his own country by pretending to smart in which he was not. He created everything and being paranoided by them. He had a multiple roles such a playboy, a movie star, a political leader and a fools. As a result of this he destroyed millions of innocent lives. The person to go on trial is this stupid king. Why can't the united nation see it? Or maybe they do but there is nothing they can do about it. I am very upset because there are paramount of evidences to show that this King was responsible for the death of our beloved one. Why? Maybe because they want to continue to enjoy seeing the downfall of our nation because they are the outsiders, as we all know that no one in the world wants us to be better than them as life is all about compare and compete but in the end what for? accept pain and suffering and in the end we belong to the earth and the earth does not belong to us! Why can we do the right things for the righteous will live forever and the wicked will be terminated. Wisdom

Anonymous said...


If you think Cuba is so great I hope you are living there now.

To be sure Venezuela is offering heating oil because that fool Chavez wants to prove something to the US. It does not offer out of its surplus. And by the way, Venezuela, until Chavez, was never embrace Karl Marx idiology.

Cuba is a poverty stricken caribbean nation. Why else would there be so many Cuban ventured on a small boat to come to the US in the 1980s if those social programs you mentioned are so helpful. Better yet why don't you ask those Cuban immigrants in Florida why they fled.

You show a lot of insensitivity by endorsing Marxism on this day as Cambodians remember its disastrous experimentation with Marxism under KR. We Khmer somewhat get a taste of its idiology under KR. We still have a bitter taste in our mouth.

Marxism does not work! again Marxism does not work!

Anyone with half a brain can look at a host of countries from Europe, Africa, and Asia that embrace this mad idiology and can conclude that is does not work.

Maxism's idea sound good in theory, but impractical as an economic and social system of manangement. It does not work because Marxim as a philosophy goes against our human nature.

Here is the proof. In the last 40 years people fled communist states to capitalist states and not the other around. Even the most populous communist country on earth, China, is abandoning Marxism and embracing market economy.

Anonymous said...

1) Democratic of Kampuchea overpower
2) Lon Nol fled, 2 of 3 executed
3) Killing Fields

Anonymous said...

After 30 years still clueless,

Anonymous said...

That's the result of dictatorship.
When your country is run by a dictator, your people could be harmed like that.
Now, we repeat, Hun Sen wants to be GOD and remain PM for his entire life, Khmers will suffer..

Anonymous said...

To me I have to blame China and Vietnam who had breed Pol Pot and khmer Rouge. These two countries have owed Khmer too much blood. We have to look deeply to find out the plans of Indochinese Federation as North Vietnam has a very greedy ambition to invade Cambodia and Laos. Brothers and sisters please do your research to understand about Vietnam. Vietnam is not your savior but your true killer.

Anonymous said...

thank god they're history now!

Anonymous said...

Oh one believes in myths in the 21st century. No one buy into these myths. Year Zero and the Pol Pot regime came about because of Monsieur Pol Pot's insanity. Khmer history would have been different had we not gotten fooled by the khmer rouge propagandas. If he was alive today, he would deserve to be punishable by hanging and burning in a pit of fire.

What I want to know is: what was the objective of Year Zero? So, don't give me these manipulative myths. We know none of the top leadership of the khmer rouge admitted to the killings of 1.7 million cambodians.


Anonymous said...

Pol Pot was createad by YUON. When Pol Pot found out that YUON planned or planning to take over Cambodia he refused to work with YUON once he took over the power. In that response, YUON infiltrated its former Khmer-Vietminh and specialist into Pol Pot regime and when Pol Pot not sure which one is serving YUON and his government he killed them and his own believers without any trial. YUON created chaos for Pol Pot and since they the one created Pol Pot and the one also got rid of Pol Pot. When Pol Pot didn't serve the interest of YUON by saying "My country is my affair it is none of YUON affair and we want to cotrol our country ourselves". YUON really got disappointed with Pol Pot remarks.

Khmer PP,

Anonymous said...

This incident must investigated thoroughly. YUON + China were the one have its embassy in Phnom Penh as well when Pol Pot committed atrocities in his regime.

Why China and YUON stayed quite during that time?

Why YUON is also a communist state destroyed Pol Pot regime? Why?
They wanted to control Cambodia.

Between these two nations with current political matter, China is occupied the Spratley Islands and YUON aslo contested that. I bet who controlling Cambodia is really important with these two nations.

If YUON agreed to let China occupied the Spratley Islands I bet YUON is making a deal with China of controlling Cambodia.

These two nations is taking Cambodia as battle ground and I think in the future as well I hope all Cambodian stay united if the situation arrives into our country again. I'd say we should side with US again cause we don't want to bet our country's life with these two GREEDY nations.

Khmer USA,

Anonymous said...


Pol Pot even admitted that his armies has no match with YUON but he didn't want to think that we scare of them. He was cornered. He had to fight them though he knew it cost him his regime.

Anonymous said...

so hun sen is smart guy, he obeys to yuon everythings.Only stupid khmers vote for hun sen.hun sen is clearly a yuon puppet.if you consider pol pot's case.

Anonymous said...


Yes, Hun Sen is serving YUON!!

Anonymous said...

Look at Pen Sovann for not serving YUON he is out of the office..

Anonymous said...

Thanks to Pete Wilson for showing the real historical facts about what turned the Khmer Rouge into a communist monster and its victory over Lon Nol possible. Nixon & Kissinger, the American bombing and the betrayal of the American government by cutting off financial support to Lon Nol are American crime against the Cambodian people. Binging them to live in Long Beach makes American conscience feel better, but it cannot erase this crime.

Anonymous said...

Please try to be polite to each other, we are Cambodia who has good culture, better thinking of the best to fix the problem and develop our country now.

Cursing words or bad words could lead to a big problem (fighting), a war with weapons is easily to cease but a war with bad words hard to stop.

Calm down and think of our Buddha's advisory now, everything will be happened good to us once we have peace in mind, only peace can build everything for us. The world needs peace but we should start having peace from ourselves first.

Anonymous said...

Pol Pol is a true Khmer nationalist.

He had once asked every Khmer to kill 30 Yuon.

Our Strongman Hun Sen is a real Yuon agent today. He even allow Yuon to take Khmer land as they so long as he collects money and stay in power. A Typical Khmer traitor just like Dap Chuon, Chum Abhaiwong, etc.

Anonymous said...

“reported by Ben Kiernan and Taylor Owen, from 1969 to 1973 American B-52s dropped "2,756,941 tons' worth [of explosives] in 230,516 sorties on 113,716 sites," more than was dropped by all parties in World War II.”

= No country on Earth can withstand such bombing which cause major disruption to economic system, production, and the constant of insecurity and the fear of dying from the bombs and everything in society will collapse! How would you like to live in bunker for 4 years and any people will go insane! Cambodian countryside were crippled by bombing and according to French photojour­nalist Roland Neveu “ in March 1975. Cambodian capitol Phnom Penh had changed since his first visit and with refugees com­ing in from the countryside the population had grown to more than two million.”

There is a cause and affect to what happen during the Khmer Rouge ! Everybody have a role to play and there are winners and losers! It is so sad that majority of Cambodian population never want to join the communist or go to war to fight over ideology but at the end they are forced to take side and to kill each other and at the end they get nothing out of it only in debt in hundred of million and billion of dollars and live in isolation from the world imposed by the Super Powers!

“To point out the obvious, Pol Pot and Ieng Sary named their army the "Red Khmer," red being the color of Communism. They were funded by Beijing, Moscow and Hanoi. Theirs was closer to a Maoist interpretation of Marxism than to Stalin's urban Communism…”

=Tell me why would any Cambodian people long for Marxist or Maoist ideology when Cambodian Buddhism is a more pure form of Communism which tell Cambodian people to disown everything they have and get rid of their desire to free themselves from suffering to achieve Nirvana!

Cambodian Buddhism is the next Communism!

Anonymous said...

All because of sex (girls) money, power and position that led Cambodia to the hell up to now.