Thursday, May 06, 2010

BP Oil Disaster

A boat makes its way through crude oil that has leaked from the Deepwater Horizon wellhead in the Gulf of Mexico on April 28, near New Orleans, Louisiana. Ratings agency Moody's lowered its outlook on BP's debt to "negative" from "stable" due to "considerable uncertainty" over the group's finances following the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. (AFP/Getty Images/File/Chris Graythen)

05 May 2010
Op-Ed by Pretty Ma

The ongoing oil leakage in the Gulf of Mexico is considered to be one of the worst environmental catastrophes ever to be dealt with in North America. It has made the spill of Exxon Valdez in the gulf of Alaska looks rather small in term of size and scope. Nevertheless, the environmental impact and cleanup still linger til today, almost 11 years after the incident which took place on March 24, 1989.

The magnitude of the present BP oil leak has caused much concerns across the USA. Given the unpredictable movement of the floating oil slicks, the potential impact on environment and the nation's economy is considered to be extremely high, after it's all said and done. There is now more of a likelihood that the oil slick will move down stream along and around the Florida Keys and make its way to the Atlantic coastline which will create even more problems for all communities and states along the eastern seaboard.

As the United States prepares for a major landing of the oil slick, it's morally imperative that we need to call on our Cambodian government to reflect on its offshore drilling policy. Most important of all, to demand total responsibilities from all major oil drilling companies to ensure that Cambodia will never have to face such an environmental catastrophe. Since it is actually happening down the Gulf of Mexico, it could also happen in Cambodia. It is real and quite probable, if it is not being seriously addressed. This should serve as a much needed wake up call for the people and the country. It is time to ask some very tough questions to the oil company, and I hope the Cambodian government and the people's representatives will simply do just that.

I hope that, we, as a people and the country will look at this offshore drilling issue very seriously and take appropriate actions to collectively ensure our country's finest coastline. Cambodia simply can not afford any oil leakage or spill onto its shores given the size and numbers of our beaches vis-a-vis those that are next door.


Anonymous said...

Hun Sen: Do you have a light?

John Connor said...


John Connor said...

Youtube - BP spill will kill all life on earth

Anonymous said...

i'm sure when the USA investigate this incidence, they will learn the truth who cause this disaster. be ready for a life sentence in prison, or rotten in prison, yeah!

Anonymous said...

this could happen in Cambodia in the Future any of those CPP ever think of that ?

Anonymous said...

That would be happened in Tonlesap.

Anonymous said...

what a tragedy. let's hope this kind of disaster won't happen again anywhere on the planet except youn and siem country, ok!

Anonymous said...

cambodia will become a model nation for improvement in all fields in the world. cambodia will show the world that success and good management can make a big difference in anything whether oil and gas extraction, development, etc... it's not all negative all of the time, you know. now go away and leave cambodia alone!

Anonymous said...

Are you sure 8:13PM! What for Khmer Rouge court fool, you parents may fall in the black hole!