Wednesday, May 12, 2010

China, Cambodia seek to strengthen military ties

BEIJING, May 11 (Xinhua) -- China and Cambodia pledged to strengthen military ties when senior military officials from the two countries met here Tuesday.

Cambodia is China' s good neighbor, friend and partner, China' s Defense Minister Liang Guanglie told Pol Saroeun, commander-in-chief of the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces.

Liang said recent years have witnessed high-level contacts, a deepening of economic and trade cooperation, productive exchanges in science and technology, and sound growth in military relations between China and Cambodia.

Both countries have also supported each other on major issues concerning their respective core interests, Liang added.

China hopes to make joint efforts with Cambodia to consolidate their traditional friendship, promote reciprocal cooperation, and constantly enrich their comprehensive cooperative partnership, Liang said.

Chen Bingde, chief of the General Staff of the People' s Liberation Army (PLA) of China, also had talks with Pol Saroeun Tuesday.

Chen said China-Cambodia military relations have smoothly developed with pragmatic and meaningful cooperation in personnel training and the building of military schools and hospitals.

China is ready to work with Cambodia to further boost their military relations, Chen said.

Pol Saroeun said the Cambodian government attaches great importance to its relationship with China and will continue to adhere to the one-China policy.

The Cambodian armed forces would like to work with China to enhance cooperation in various fields, he added.


Anonymous said...

China need to establish a permanent military base in Cambodia. Both countries would benefit greatly. Especially Cambodia whose neighbors have been very deceitful in their border issues.

Anonymous said...

You are dreaming son...No countries want to start war with China. We can't even finish business in Iraq. Bcus of the Chinese, the US troops was pushed back to the 38th parallel during the Korean war. Without China Cambodia would have been swallowed by the Viet Commie already.

Anonymous said...

Well as we all Khmer know that the US is too good about miliatry things and we realy want the US to be our friend, but please, as we can not choose the US, the US are alway with Thai and now US try to get Viet, so what us Khmer can do? Only China is the only way.
Better than Khmer Hun Sen under Viet control dude!

Anonymous said...

I don't understands why US keep friends with the enemies? That kills alots of American people. Can China ask YOun to return KKrom to us back?

Anonymous said...

Dear Pres. Hu,

Thank for your kind assistant of 245 Trucks and 50000 uniforms and a handful of vessels. Moreover, we thank you for giving us chance as the first user of your newest QBZ-95 assault rifle, and Type 56-2. However, we still need the following equipment if you can supply us:

- 4 Squadrons of Chengdu J-10 Vigorous Dragon Jetfighters.
- 120 of Type 99 main battle tanks
- 100 HQ-61B SAM
- 10 Guangzhou-class destroyers

We will pay you back when we win the war with the Thais..
Thank you...

Anonymous said...

Never unestimated the American's superior power!America's had made a (MOAB) call the mother of all bomb!It's so powerful it's can wipeout this whole enchilada planet earth with just three drops!so friend with china?ok,But friend with America's? Yes!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

From 1970 to 1979 we were with USA but officially we were NOT.
USA didn't lend money to Cambodia directly because of that, the help came fron South-Vietnam.
It was $250 000 000 per year, included weapons and materials..
USA was richer than today and it could help us just 5 years..
What we was important for USA.
I have nothing to do with USA but we must be able to see who is who !

Anonymous said...

American good for war,but always lost to any country!If American good why don't get their enemy?

Anonymous said...

the way i see it, everything the USA hesitate with cambodia, china will grap that opportunity. so wake up, please. there are more to cambodia than your bias, hate, dislike, or whatever! please show cambodia you know better than that! god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

US keep playing politcs, china will grap it all with cambodia. whose fault is that? wake up please!

Anonymous said...

(MOAB)"The Mother Of all Bomb!"

Anonymous said...

2:02 PM,
Lady Liberty was repeatedly raped by the extreme.Communist.liberals.democratwho put the Muslim Communist Obama the Kenyan born in the White House.
Why wishing McCathur to nuke China if McCathur was the one who didn't allow the communist USA to use its name "Communist Party"? He said "Democrat" is OK but not "Communist Party. Isn't Democrat is Communist? Yes it is. Deny as you want but the fact remains.

Anonymous said...

The stupid OBAMA of KENYA `s going to cut some budgets from the moon space soon!.This guy not deserve to be AMERICAN`s president.Since,he has became the president,he never ever like the KHMER`s kingdom.He is much more different from the BUSH`s administration.

Anonymous said...

Hey! This is all politic okay! In case you didn't know, China and US get along just fine and they even doing business together too even during the cold war, the hot war, and the war on terrorism!

This is my take on US and China and the more the US and China competes and the whole world win! This is a win-win for everybody!

All the super powers are too big to ignore and they need each other to play politic and it will be politic as usual!

Anonymous said...

i think americans needs to put the real american president back in office. by real american, i mean the descendants of the the original thirteen colonies of america, not someone from kenya like obama, please! america, please wake up. get your real american president like george washinton up to george bush. yes, the real american, not fake or american want-to-be. real americans are the real heroes of world, really! god bless my beloved america forever.