Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Forgotten Victims Of Priest Sexual Abuse: Girls

KI-Media Note: We received the request to post following article from I.J, one of KI-Media Readers
Originally posted here

A few weeks ago, Slate's June Thomas asked a new question about abuse in the Catholic Church: "What about the girls?" It's a question that's just starting to receive attention in a scandal that has mostly focused on young boys.

Pat Wingert and Barbara Kantrowitz tackle the issue in Newsweek, writing that previous conceptions of priest sexual abuse "seemed to suggest that this scenario ignored a whole segment of victims: young girls." In talking to experts, they found that girls were less likely to face abuse at the hands of priests — at least among reported cases, there were four male victims for every one female — but that it did happen. Girls were typically younger at the time of the abuse, but they were also more likely to be their abusers' only victim, and perpetrators who had just one victim were less likely to abuse for more than a year. Thus Wingert and Kantrowitz paint a picture of abuse of girls as a one-time event, in contrast to the serial abuse of boys that has become such a scandal. A Daily Dish reader echoes this portrayal, writing that "the abusers of females seem to have been less compelled to abuse multiple victims." The reader also draws another distinction between abusers of girls and abusers of boys:
[T]he really, really creepy thing about many of the abusive priests was that so many of them were such popular, charismatic figures within their parishes. They would "get" their victims by cozying up to the boys' families, creating bonds of affection with the mothers and fathers, taking the boys under their wings, going on camping trips, etc. Then they'd rape them, knowing that their very popularity would make it unlikely that anyone would believe some crazy kid's accusation about good Father So-and-So.
With the girls, again, not so much. The victimizers of girls appeared (to me) to be basically very lonely, socially misfit, heterosexual guys with absolutely no outlet for the sexual aspect of their personalities. [...] a lot of these guys were generally pretty shy and awkward around the opposite sex, and for some of them, an 11-year old girl was just an easier mark than an adult.
The message: abusers of boys were crafty villains, abusers of girls were misfit losers. The reader does add, "I don't mean for a moment to belittle the act that transpired - rape is rape, lives were destroyed, and it is unforgivable." However, the account does seem to back up what Barbara Dorris, national outreach director for Survivors Network of Those Abused by Priests (SNAP) has found: that people think of priests' abuse of boys as worse than their abuse of girls. She tells Wingert and Kantrowitz, "In part because of sexism and homophobia, journalists, police, prosecutors, attorneys, and sometimes even parents feel even more outraged when a boy is sexually abused by a powerful man than when a girl is assaulted, and are thus more apt to take action, pursue charges, file lawsuits, and talk publicly." Church officials too, she thinks, are more likely to take action against abuse of boys, which is one reason it appears to be more common.

The Daily Dish reader thinks abuse of girls happens less because girls have less sustained contact with priests, and it's also possible that this lack of contact makes abuse of multiple female victims more difficult. However, the reader's comments do reveal an interesting dichotomy: the girl-abuser is sad, pathetic, and fuxxed-up, while the boy-abuser is evil. Might this idea permeate the Church, and might it stem at least in part from the idea that homosexuality is itself a sin, and that gay men are naturally predatory and depraved? One Slate commenter thinks so, writing, "[T]he reason they focus so closely on the male victims is that then the church can (very, very wrongly) claim that homosexuality, not pedophilia, is the true sin in this situation." But the true sin, of course, is abusing a position of trust to harm children — and this is no less wrong when the victim is female.


Anonymous said...

Oh dear I am feelling so sorry to hear your pain, I know Jesu can do nothing exept the higher priest asking Jesu to forgive hime then promot him to a higher ranking as usual, they know the state law how to evade. I am very surprise as well to hear the priest predator need a famal tast. They're usually abious boys, the MOLESTERS most of them are aquited by law, the victims always victimize, yes I do know some of them had stoll some body's wife as well. This is the darker side of Cristien faith the criminal kept silence carpetting from the public, it's rare to bring them to course of justice.

May beter god bless you and share you pain!!!

Anonymous said...

The same thing to many girls and women behind closets have sex with Buddhist Monks, what would Buddha do? Like ask me what would you do now when your son have sex with my 17 years old daughter? I said "my wife & I were married since we were 21 and we are still married, we didn't teach him to have sex with your 17 years old daughter, blame on their Karma. What can I do? beat him up? If I do the law will put me in jail ad furtheremore, it cannot wash her virgina clean as before sex either.
Don't forget in the history wrote that Muhammed slept with a 9 years old girl while he was over
50's nearly 60.

Anonymous said...

No matter what happen and God will understand and with that in mind the perpetrator will have less guilt in committing more crime!

Anonymous said...

How much do you know about GOD?
How do you know these criminals would not face hell after leave the bodies? Humans face humans' court, spirits must face the King of hell' court called Yama in Hindu and in Khmer called Yumareach.

We live in our human world, and we are humans with bodies.

Humans are manuss mean Bab, Bab from our past life and Bab in our current life. Bab can end only we stop looking for revenge.

Thing didn't happen for no reasons; and how do we know this woman in her past life what she did to others?
They are seeking a revenge. She blames Jeus Christ, but what she does not know that Jesus only teach Peace and feed the poor.

Manuss less Bab or have no more Bab are like Preah Maha Ghosananda, Pope John II, Mother Teresa and so on.

Anonymous said...

You motherfuckers above!!May your mothers forgive you of your stupidity!

Religion Buddish, Cristian, Muslem, Jew all want and try to teach people to do good things!

But it from the begining of time it alway some mothefucker try to abuse the goodness and take advantage of religions!

May those corrupter and the abusers go to hell and fell in sickness!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

12:45PM you're right, let me clearify this. I do know about those kind of monk as well, mainly since the past 30years in Kampuchea( nowaday), those are the vailince monke they're still living inside monkhoot but do not forget that is an individual not the Buddhist teaching. These king monks my dear once they get catched is in trouble some of them Do not have to course, the villagers will use their own law, no one to protect him in true nature this is about Buddhism. These type of monks cause by many raesons trigger them to do bad thing,1) his attitude, 2) Poverty, 3)criminal mind set, 4)Families pshycology problem, 4)Could be the foreigner spie agent, and so on...As I said these monks behaviour no one promot them. Once they get catch, it must stop. The sary must remove there after face with Jail time or lost of lives for some, this means Budhhist society do not need these King of monks my dear. What I have previously discussed then and now is about religion only. when you have sin(doing bad thing...)it's always sin from now to future, there is no one forgiving you. This the main core in Buddhist.

Anonymous said...

Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Gretchen Paules and I am the Administrative Director of the Let Go...Let Peace Come In Foundation. Our mission at the LGLPCI foundation is to help heal and support adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse throughout the globe. Currently we are actively seeking adult survivors who would be willing to post a photo and caption to our website ( to help "show" the world that the effects of childhood sexual abuse have grown to pandemic proportions. Please help us by joining the dozens of other survivors who have already shown their support and posted to our site. You can also find out more about our organization by viewing our youtube video at

By uniting survivors from across the globe we are helping to provide a voice and a sense of community to survivors who have not yet found the courage to speak out. Together we can make a difference in the lives of the more than 100 million people worldwide who have been affected by the trauma of childhood sexual abuse.

To be included on our website please e-mail me directly at

Warmest Regards,

Gretchen Paules
Administrative Director
Let Go...Let Peace Come In Foundation
111 Presidential Blvd.
Suite 212
Bala Cynwyd, PA 19004

Anonymous said...

I am Buddhist by birth didn't choose to be but by birth.
How come the news talk only about Priests, but how about Monks, Rabi and Imam? I knew a some monks fucked the women, but those women are afraid to come forward, they are scared.

When the rumors started to spread in the community then the Khmer leaders' comunity said "don't blame the monks, blame the women try to flirt with the monks. Then further said "monks are humans and they have feelings, as long as those women and girls leave monks alone is OK.

Bullshit the leaders of Khmers' community try to cover up we all knew already.

It is right that Karma can end only we stop our Karma like seeking a revenge. I feel sorry for this woman and all the victims around the world including a 9 years old girl whom Muhammed the Muslims called him the Prophet molested her and he was almost 60 years old. May those pedophiles face hell for eternity.

Anonymous said...

Praying for Buddhist Temple to collapse !!! Please go to the link below:

Anonymous said...

To 2:26PM

Well! I know that if I was to spell the word GOD backward and I got DOG. I used to think that God create everything on Earth and God know the past, the present, and the future and if God know everything and why God allow it to happen? Why? I heard how some priest compare God to a parent of a child and God can only tell the human to behavior like parent telling the child to behave but God can't force the human to change their way! In fact God can't be compared to a parent of a child because God suppose to have magic, power, and on...

What is stopping God?

Anonymous said...

11:17 AM,
You cannot find the answers when things aren't created by human beings. Our world scientists cannot find the answers, so try to live your life to the fullest since you are still alive.
I hate to say this but I have to. You comments show that you are the most innocence and stupid person. And most stupdi person knows only one thing is to find others to blame.

Anonymous said...

So, please praying together for Buddhist Temple to collapse !!! Please go to the link below:

Anonymous said...

Every religion always has religious lunacy, does not matter Hindu, Buddhist, Muslim or Christians.

No one can call for Buddhist Temple to be collapsed, Buddha said that his religion will last for 5000 years, so it will take a little more than 2000 years to be gone. And by that time, humans will face a judgement day. Don't forget that the last Buddha and all Buddhas before this last one were sent from heaven to guide humans to do good deeds. It said in the Book of Revealation and it was predicted by Nostradamus that by the year 3797 the universe will begin to lose energy, because the sun will have less enery little by little, then all things will be dead frozen.

Don't get angry with Buddha because Korea was divided and million were killed in N. Korea. If they get angry with Buddha then they hate GOD. Remember all Buddhas sent to earth from God.

Anonymous said...

Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!
Kill all the Khmer Buddhists!!! Collapse all the Buddhist temples!!! Jesus blesses us!!