Global Exchange is pleased to announce the winner of our 2010 Human Rights Awards People's Choice, Mu Sochua, as chosen by YOU, supporters of Global Exchange and human rights around the world.
Mu Sochua joins our other award recipients, Raúl del Águila, International Honoree, and Van Jones, Domestic Honoree.
Mu Sochua has been a tireless advocate for human rights and the rights of women in Cambodia. In fact, her dedication to her work has meant that she is currently facing trial and prosecution for simply asserting her right to free speech.
Please join us, and the global community of human rights supporters, in extending our sincere thanks to Mu Sochua for her courage and dedication to those in need in her native land.
Accepting the People's Choice Award on Mu's behalf at our gala celebration in San Francisco on May 27 will be Sochua's daughter Devi Leiper, a resident of San Francisco.
If would like to learn more about Mu Sochua, Raúl del Águila, and Van Jones, please visit www.humanrightsaward.org.
Thank you all for nominating and voting for your human rights heroes during the 2010 Global Exchange Human Rights Awards!
Message from Mrs. Mu Sochua:
Thanking you all for your support.
Mu Sochua joins our other award recipients, Raúl del Águila, International Honoree, and Van Jones, Domestic Honoree.
Mu Sochua has been a tireless advocate for human rights and the rights of women in Cambodia. In fact, her dedication to her work has meant that she is currently facing trial and prosecution for simply asserting her right to free speech.
Please join us, and the global community of human rights supporters, in extending our sincere thanks to Mu Sochua for her courage and dedication to those in need in her native land.
Accepting the People's Choice Award on Mu's behalf at our gala celebration in San Francisco on May 27 will be Sochua's daughter Devi Leiper, a resident of San Francisco.
If would like to learn more about Mu Sochua, Raúl del Águila, and Van Jones, please visit www.humanrightsaward.org.
Thank you all for nominating and voting for your human rights heroes during the 2010 Global Exchange Human Rights Awards!
Message from Mrs. Mu Sochua:
Thanking you all for your support.
Mu Suchua look like a man in that uniform. Some lesbian will love it.
1:46 PM,
You are really a hopeless individual. I feel sorry for Cambodia for having such a person as one of her children.
My heartfelt congrats to Mrs. Mu. I voted for you and will vote for you again if you run for cambodian prime minister Office.
Congratulation Mu.you are the best,after the rain everything will cleared up,I mean after Hun Sen pass away Cambodia will be a good place to reside.
Congratulations to her.
If only cambodia had more politicians like this.
By viewing this page I happen to see Mu Suchua appears on the page again. Would someone get her face out of this forum? I can't stand to see her face again. Who is she? What does she want? She ONLY want to be famous herself. You aint get nothing from her.
Ankorian Kman
Please post and update of Mrs MuSochua for us to know what the situation is now.
We are so glad to see and read her again and again.
"WAR is PEACE". MuSochua makes war with the corrupt mafia CPP for her country and her people to live in peace.
10:01 PM,
May I ask, do you live abroad? What Mu Sochua has been helping Cambodia and to the Cambodian people so far? What does she bring for Cambodia after fleeing out of the country for a while and returned with NOT things, and then bring, causing problem against the CPP?
Angkorian Kman
Congratulate Mrs:Mu Sokhor
Racist Angkorian Kman,
She is an opposition side just like every democratic nation whose views are different from the other side. You are CPP and I am with opposition. Because I believe difference from you, your diot.
Are you saying Cambodia should have no other parties but only one CPP? Kingdom of Cambodia, do you understand? Therefore, the KIngdom is not a ONE part State, you idiot.
congratulation! Ms. Sokhua .you're khmer educated woman reprsenting me and my friend in the free world country.
congratulation! mrs.mue you are the one who can upgrade all kmer faces, because ah hun kwack familly shame us all. because of ah hun kwack lack of education most people in side of combodia country act like shit. the people who sales fish and other things else they talk trush. the seller in open market they expect the buyer to buy their product, if we just go there and take a look without barking them or buying its the sale person will swear at us. these are trush people like there as same as ah wkack hun sen. he talk shit and trushy in pluplic tv. all his people are violences behavior.
Dear Mr kramaman OR KHMER KILLER,
MRS MU is your god mother to save your sinfulness from the past and present that you have ,you would 't forget her when she replace HOON XHEN mafia leader out of Cambodia,and appeal to me that you have very long and miserable life to live in srok khmer to cause srok khmer in the world devastate country.
May might God Mother MU save your soul!
I think if Mrs. Sochua run for the next election for the SRP party. We may have a chance at winning. I would vote for her too.
would the Next Khmer Jayvarman VII please stand UP>>>
would the next Khmer hero Please Stand UP...
should we all Khmer need to stand up
should we all Khmer need to speak up?>
should we all Khmer never give Up?
shoul we all Khmer Need to Smart UP?
Hello Khmer People what uP what UP?
It's very interested to read and hear Mo Sochua attacking the pretended to be the tough, and abusive khmer leader.
If we are not hurry up we are going to be Slap(dying) So, we need to call everybody Up (khmer people)
It is very hurtful be Khmer @ these day
Khmers are energize enough at this day all we need is Smart and Comestic leaders....
Where is ar Sihaknuk ,Sihak Money and mee youn bitch Monineat? If they are not youn dogs they probably come and support Musachua?
What the fuck up khmer monarchy ,pathetic and incompetent I am feel sorry for my tax money are not working for me.
To: 10:12 AM
Good idea, I agree
2:10 PM.
Easy ah M'sea Yuon 2:10Pm. From analyse your angry words, I knew you are Yuon. So stop cursing my people.
You are trying to tear Khmers apart? The Kings are building homes and bring clean water for his people that's his job. King Father is holding China to stop your Yuon from the aggressive expansionism. You are not happy eh?
Gie up your dirty Yuon propaganda, man. I knew you are Yuon.
You tax money goes to Yuon who hide in Srok Khmer CPP. The Kings take no one tax money, you idiot. The Kings are helped by China. China supports the Khmer monarchy, don't you idiot know that?
You can preach to losers but I knew you've been up to. Leave my country now ah M'sea Yuon.
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime
Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Kek Iev
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...
Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...
Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.
"But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered Journalists
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Border Encroachment, allow Vietnam to encroaching into Cambodia.
Signed away our territories to Vietnam; Koh Tral, almost half of our ocean territory oil field and others.
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation bomb on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.
Lightning strike many airplanes, but did not fall from the sky. Lightning strike out side of airplane and discharge electricity to ground.
Source: Lightning, Discovery Channel
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.
Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.
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