Unofficial translation in brief:
The Ministry of Culture and Fine Arts Letter No. 15
On May 20, 2010, Minister of Culture and Fine Arts Him Chhem writes to all the heads, deputy prime ministers, senior ministers, ministers, and state secretaries of ministries and institutions on the shut-down period of 40 days for renovations of the Chaktomuk National and International Conference Hall beginning May 20 through June 31, 2010
- Chief Cabinet of the Prime Minister
- Chief Cabinet of the Royal Palace
- Senate Secretariat
- Parliament Secretariat
- Chief Cabinet of Deputy Prime Minister Men Sam An
- Archive

The Royal Palace Letter No. 244/10
On May 26, 2010, the Minister in charge of the Royal Palace Chhean Horn informs KKC Executive Director Hon. Thach Setha that HM The King Norodom Sihamoni grants/dispatches HRH Princess Sisowath Pongneary Monypong as His highest representative in the Buddhist Offerings Ceremony to the eminent 1,949 Buddhist monks to be organized by the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Community (KKC) on June, 4, 2010 in front of Wat Padmavatei (Botumvatei).
- All relevant departments
- Archive

KKC Letter No. 11/10
On May 26, 2010, KKC Executive Director, Phnom Penh Councilman, and former Senator Thach Setha writes to the Phnom Penh Mayor Kep Chuktema for the second time, except this time, KKC requests to use the National Olympic Stadium to hold the Buddhist Offerings Ceremony to the eminent 1,949 Buddhist monks as KKC has organized every year.
Related materials click on KKC
I, too mourn the loss of KKR. I am also confident we shall be back together someday soon.
My deepest sympathy.
LONG lIVE ROYALBLOOD MONYPONG!!!I and all khmer eager to see more monarchy get involve in KAMPUCHEAKROM the lost of khmer territory but not ignoring like sihaknuk and his son perhaps Ho Chiminh is sihaknuk God father?
your first line was good but the last you accused King Sihamoni you sounds real Youn. Why? because the King is doing very noble work helping building home for his people but you are mad and jealous with Khmers you son of bitch.
Isn't pongneary monipong's prince youveaneath mother? Who is she?
we are all khmer can see a bigest picture how bad Ar-sihanush and ar-sihamony did all they can do just agree with youn AR-choy-mrey kondoy-marvey Norodom fimily, no matter what you trying to save , people can see a real big picture even you trying act for helpe it don't work any more ( fucking you norodom family all khmer people around the world will kick ass ( all ar-norodom family did is sack with COMMUNISH FUCKER
3:11AM go to fuck your self? The truth is hurtting you?What kind of money that son of Youn under cover sihakmoney get it from anyway ? I spent a lot money to built up the schools,hospital,ponds,pagodas fences and more have I ever need credit for that ?Sihakmoney moneys from my khmer blood anyway so tell son of the bitch Sihakmoney doing more because the khmers need their territories protected and secure from youn encroachment do not try to bluff and reverse the subject,no one want that dumb fucked plowing the farms on citizen backs anyway the plagues,parasite,tapeworms khmers blood suckers shall be demolished.
Long live MOny Pong that is the right thing to do!
Go down pouch ah roten trasok Paem ot kom Neut!
According to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and United Nations pertinent resolutions, our right to a free self determination, same as any other people of the world based on the right to self-determination which is a jus cogens of international law , as it is an international principle for all the people of the world without distinction according to Article 1 and 55 of the United Nations Charter and common article 1 of the two international covenants on social, economic and cultural rights and civil and political rights.
The implementation of the right to self-determination as a contribution to conflict prevention .
Therefore, on behalf of the Khmer Krom people and the Khmers Kampuchea Krom Federation, UNPO would like to appeal to the government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam to consider the following requests:
1. Decolonize Kampuchea-Krom, Motherland of the Khmer-Krom people, composed of 68,600 km2 , forming the southernmost part of present Vietnam.
2. Place the Kampuchea-Krom territory under the United Nations control in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, Chapter XI, Chapter XII, and Chapter XIII, in order to create a free and fair political environment allowing the Khmer- Krom people to exercise their right to self-determination.
Regarding Kampuchea Krom and Prey Nokor [ex-Saigon, present Ho Chi Minh City], the royal armed forces of HM Preah Duong, and those of HM Preah Norodom fought till the end against the aggression and colonization of the armed forces of Annam. They did so until the victorious conquest of Indochina by the French colonialists who are the only ones responsible for the granting of our Kampuchea Krom, our Prey Nokor, our Koh Tral [Phu Quoc] island to Vietnam.
Signed: Norodom Sihanouk
The Paliament
HM Preah Hoan Xen will grant Kohadal Moun Ben to the Tea Master soon.
Vietnam; will change it name to Indochina cause Vietnam already take control over Khmer and Loas In some website Vietnam use Indochian as it Name look xmer...
Vietnam first needs to change its Latin alphabets and its Arabic numerals if Vietnam still uses Latin alphabets and Arabic numerals, Vietnam is still the slave of the French always.
5:10 AM & 5:15 AM,
You are real Yuon not Khmer. Khmers must learn the facts instead of carrying Yuon propaganda dividing Khmers.
King Norodom Sihanouk or Khmwer King before had no power to give any pice of Khmer land to Yuon or foreigners.
Your Yuon and French governed Cambodia & Laos, so stop washing your dirty hands and blaming on Khmer Kings.
FYI, the land of Kampuchea Krom was given to Yuon by the French and in a secret deal with the US who came to replace French. They did it together. King Sihanouk may not know it or he knew about it, but he didn't make a record of it, since it was the secreat deal between the western men. The US wanted to keep the southern land for itself togother with Utapao in Siem to fight Soviet & China. The US needed a strong base in SEA to attack Communists.
Stop your crazy propaganda making Yuon Hanoi as not notoriosuly killers. These 5:10 AM & 5:15 AM are Yuon who pretend to be Khmers.
9:32am But the man that you called king is sleep with youn(Monique) And the present king is Half and half though.
Hi Yuon kantorb 3:38pm.
Queen Monineath is Khmer not Yuon. She was born in South, the land belonged to Khmer Krom and officially French. Back then Yuon was not officially owned Kampuchea Krom. She was born from a Khmer mother and a French father.
Your Yuon propaganda brainwashing the Khmer radical extremists to divide Khmers don't work anymore.
The current King is Khmer, unless you can prove what DNA supposed to be Khmer and what supposed to be Yuon.
Check yourself and share with everybody what is your DNA? It may be from ape?
This 3:38 PM is Yuon spy among other Yuon who are roaming in Khmer blogs, Khmers' temple just try to divide Khmers.
Some members of KI may be Yuon spies too.
They made you difficulty Mr. Thach Setha, because you are not Xmer.
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