Young ambassadors plead for world's poor
27 May, 2010
Penrith City Star (Australia)
SIV RAUV of Glenmore Park has been campaigning to end poverty around the world.
Ms Rauv, 22, and 999 other young Australians were ambassadors for the Make Poverty History campaign, organised by Oxfam, World Vision and the Oaktree Foundation.
``We took to the road,'' she said. ``A large part of our campaign is to get 40,000 petitions to Federal Parliament.''
She said anti-poverty campaigns were working and the Oaktree Foundation's research showed extreme poverty fell from 42per cent of the world's people in 1990 to 20per cent.
``The government said it would increase international aid by 9per cent that was encouraging,'' Ms Rauv said. ``We're petitioning for more effective aid, so more goes to the poorest countries in our region with the funds to go to those who need it.''
The 1000 ambassadors from around Australia met in Canberra for three days, speaking to MPs and exchanging ideas.
Ms Rauv's parents are from Cambodia, which she has visited.
``I grew up having everything I wanted,'' she said, ``but seeing Cambodia and the living conditions there made me reassess my life.
``We have the resources to end global poverty, so I don't see why there's still poverty out there.''
Ms Rauv, 22, and 999 other young Australians were ambassadors for the Make Poverty History campaign, organised by Oxfam, World Vision and the Oaktree Foundation.
``We took to the road,'' she said. ``A large part of our campaign is to get 40,000 petitions to Federal Parliament.''
She said anti-poverty campaigns were working and the Oaktree Foundation's research showed extreme poverty fell from 42per cent of the world's people in 1990 to 20per cent.
``The government said it would increase international aid by 9per cent that was encouraging,'' Ms Rauv said. ``We're petitioning for more effective aid, so more goes to the poorest countries in our region with the funds to go to those who need it.''
The 1000 ambassadors from around Australia met in Canberra for three days, speaking to MPs and exchanging ideas.
Ms Rauv's parents are from Cambodia, which she has visited.
``I grew up having everything I wanted,'' she said, ``but seeing Cambodia and the living conditions there made me reassess my life.
``We have the resources to end global poverty, so I don't see why there's still poverty out there.''
HUNG XEN should be ashamed by himseft. He is given by the king to be the title of SAMDACH AKA MAHA SEHA HUNG XEN. This is should be ver respectfull name, he would be a great leader but looking at the living standard of majority of Cambodian people now where are they?. They are very poor. Some family are going to starve due to lack of food and necessary for human being.
Only those who are HUNG XEN ally then has everything. They are poor through steally the Cambodia natural and corruption.
I am very pitifull to this country but I don't know when the dictator to be vanished from this country.
Just sit back and relax. HunSen will be vanished by another coup d'etat like that of 1997's. He's going to taste his own medicine soon.
Great idea to end world poverty, but poverty always be with us. We can reduce it, but never end it. We can reduce hunger and suffering in the world, but we can't never end it.
As for HS, he is not going to go anywhere. People in Cambodia will continue to vote for him.
If you wish for a coup or assassination, don't dream about it, coup is not possible, and even if someone manage to assassinate HS, don't dream that the opposition will be in power. His son or other CPP leader will take his place.
Rauv, you are so cute in terms of both beauty and intellects! I wanna no ur email address, can you share me? hehe here my email: keotheelite@gmail.com
She must be richer than Bill Gate, USA when she claimed she can have everything she wanted. Really!!! Good for her.
``We have the resources to end global poverty, so I don't see why there's still poverty out there.''
You don't see? because what we see is to be blind. We all are educated and trained to see only the apparent truth, not the truth itself.
We have all resources but they are used by and for the powerfuls and the richs only. They are not shared. They are plundered, robbed, then the powerfuls and the richs to enslave and exploit the poors.
So the poors become poorer and more and more in number. The cause?
The aman made political system whether domocracy, communism, socialism or autocratic and economic system whether free maarket, free trade, globalisation or cooperative or collectivism , they only serve the powerfulls and the richs. They become reacher and mor powerful. they do not share.
they do not need, but they WANT.
It is good that people give to charity to help the poor and those that cannot help themselves. But when you are talking about force wealth sharing it is communism and it is not good, it failed, they only make people poorer and more suffering.
8:34 PM, what you say it seem we have no solution.
But Jesus is the solution.
The world, the way of life of present day, will end one day by self destruction at his second coming, then Christ will reign for one thousand year.
8:14PM, She wanted little, she contended what she had. But most of human never satisfied of what they have even they are billionaire oe trillionnaire or own the whole world.See?
you have eyes to not see (blind)
You should see with your heart to the truth
I swear, can you guys just be happy that a young Cambodian is leading a crusade to fight this endemic?
Yes I am happy for these girls for their good actions toward the poor. And I know they will becoming healthy like losing weight.
8:48 Jesus is not the solution, if he is he helping everyone right now, making the world more lovely to live in. Its the people that make a difference, not religion. Stop believing in something that you cannot see!
Ar Quak (Hun Sen)stop starring at the asses and start to look at the poor. U have enough asses at home and u also have enough money for yourself too. SON OF A BITCH
Ar Quak (Hun Sen)stop starring at the asses and start to look at the poor. U have enough asses at home and u also have enough money for yourself too. SON OF A BITCH
Ar Quak (Hun Sen)stop starring at the asses and start to look at the poor. U have enough asses at home and u also have enough money for yourself too. SON OF A BITCH
Jesus? what has Jesus done, huh? Give me a break! BTW, topic wasn't about JESUS!
These girls have my support. They have good hearts. They are willing to give up their life styles to go to a poor country to help. Really, good for them. I just hope, they will have more support, financially, and physically. Good luck, girls!
Thank you for your kindness!
End Injustice-replace with righteousness-end poverty.
Thank You For Being Useful Idiots On Behalf Of Social Globalists.
7:35 am
Bastard, that is all I have to say.
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