Saturday, May 22, 2010

Khmer Krom Continue Push for Rights in Vietnam

Thach Ngoc Thach, left and newly re-ordained monk Tim Sakhorn, middle, drops by VOA Khmer while on a visit in the US.

Sok Khemara, VOA Khmer | Washington, D.C
Friday, 21 May 2010

Activists for the Khmer Kampuchea Krom have been asking for more help from US officials in what they say are rights abuses in Vietnam, but in a statement to VOA Khmer this week, the Vietnamese Embassy in Washington said their efforts amounted to “sabotage.”

“The purpose of distorting history and slandering Vietnam’s policy toward the Khmer community is to undermine our national solidarity and to sabotage the fine relationship between the S.R.Vietnam and the Kingdom of Cambodia,” the Vietnamese Embassy said in a statement to VOA Khmer.

The statement referred to a delegation of Khmer Krom to policymakers in Washington in recent weeks that included Tim Sakhorn, a monk who was imprisoned in Vietnam in 2007, and other monks and representatives.

The delegation is seeking a congressional hearing on their rights along with laws to protect ethnic Khmers in southern Vietnam, where they say rights to religion, education, land and other freedoms are limited by Vietnamese authorities.

In its statement, the Vietnamese Embassy said the government does not discriminate against the Khmer in the Mekong Delta, sometimes referred to in Cambodia as Kampuchea Krom, or Lower Cambodia.

“The Vietnamese State pursues a policy that ensures equality, unity and mutual assistance between and among these ethnic groups,” the embassy said. “Ethnic minorities including the Khmers are equally treated and receive due care from the State, which is trying its best to unceasingly improve their material and spiritual life including the needs of cultivation and housing land. Vietnamese laws ensure the right to freedom of beliefs and religions and freedom of non-beliefs or religion of all citizens.”

Thach Ngoc Thach, president of the US-based Khmer Kampuchea Krom Federation, who was also a member of the Washington delegation, urged Vietnam to open itself to a fact-finding mission between the UN, US, human rights groups and other diplomats.

“The Khmer Kampuchea Krom delegation also wants to visit Kampuchea Krom with an escort by the media and an international delegation to find out the truth, as we do not want to see mutual accusations,” he said.

Khmer Krom activists want Vietnam to publicly apologize for rights abuses there and to grant more freedom of religion to Khmers in Vietnam, who practice a different form of Buddhism than the Vietnamese.

The issue of the Khmer Krom is highly charged in Cambodia, where many are still rankled by the loss of the Mekong Delta from a former Cambodian empire to the Vietnamese.

Thach Ngoc Thach said the region should be recognized as formerly Cambodian, as evidenced by Khmer Krom temples in the delta.

The Vietnamese Embassy said the area “has been a part of Vietnamese territory for hundreds of years” and called the Khmers living there “an inseparable part of the community of 54 ethnic groups of Vietnam.”

Nevertheless, each year a number of Khmer Krom seek to flee Vietnam, and Human Rights Watch has said their religious freedoms are often restricted in Vietnam, where many Khmer Krom fought alongside the US in the Vietnam War.

Some 100 asylum seekers are currently in Thailand, where they are seeking protection. However, those like Leang Sokha, a 50-year-old monk, say they are living in deteriorating circumstances and are not always able to achieve asylum status with the UN’s refugee office.

“The reason that the UNHCR rejected my refugee status was because they first asked me what nationality I was, and where did I come from,” Leang Sokha told VOA Khmer by phone from Thailand. Without the proper documents, he was unable to answer them convincingly.

Leang Sokha said he had fled Vietnam after the authorities there asked him to watch members of his Khmer Krom community, jailing him when he refused. He declined a second offer and fled, he said.

A UNHCR representative in Washington referred Khmer Krom questions to the office in Bangkok. Officials there could not be reached for comment.

Another 25 Khmer Krom who have fled Vietnam are seeking protection in Cambodia, but they two face hardships, activists say.

Thach Ngoc Thach said Cambodian policies that would allow citizenship for Khmer Krom have many criteria, including a Cambodian residence, birth certificate as Khmer, Khmer parentage and other documents.

He said he was confidence US officials would take a closer look at the Khmer Krom issue.

Venerable monk Kim Moul, who was another member of the Washington delegation, told VOA Khmer in a recent interview that he hoped the US would follow up.

He said he and other monks were defrocked by Vietnamese authorities, imprisoned and monitored after they were freed.

“We all fled to Cambodia and they came to arrest us in Cambodia,” he said. “Until I fled to Thailand, then UNHCR sent me to Sweden.”


Anonymous said...

This is a good news that millions of Khmer Krom brothers/sisters want in near future. We want to have more rights that could lead to have Khmer Krom representative in the government of Vietnam and that could lead to autonomy if the oppression still practice.

Good going Khmer Krom!

Anonymous said...

For real, what do these Khmer Krom think? What political leverage do you have in your demand? If you want anything to happen, you need to learn that things don't come in for free. You either have to make it happen yourself or have enough leverage for others to help you.

What do you have at the moment except plea and begging? If these Khmer Krom really want to see something happen, they need to stop all these whining and start to be proactive by building up their political leverage by holding political posts and big business. You need power to influence people. At the moment, your only hope relies completely in the desire of others to uphold their principles and come to help you and apparently, that is going nowhere except minor things that basically don't count at all.

Anonymous said...

“The purpose of distorting history and slandering Vietnam’s policy toward the Khmer community is to undermine our national solidarity and to sabotage the fine relationship between the S.R.Vietnam and the Kingdom of Cambodia,” the Vietnamese Embassy said in a statement to VOA Khmer.

=The Vietcong government got it all mix up again between oppression and slandering! Tell me in what way did the Khmer or the Khmer Krom slander the Vietcong government? Well...the Vietcong government can claim that they have a fine relationship with AH HUN SEN former Khmer Rouge Vietcong slave puppet government and Tell me what is amazing about the so called fine relationship with Hun Sen government after all Hun Sen government is a Vietcong puppet government set up since 1979!

The Vietcong government had been preaching do good mother fucker for years about equality, unity, and assistance toward ethnic group! But the Vietcong government can put any Khmer Krom in jail anytime they want if they see any Khmer Krom as a threat to their rule! For example Monk Tim Sakhorn was living in Cambodia for years even with proper documentation and the Vietcong can order AH HUN SEN government to deport Monk Tim Sakhorn at will without due process according to the law back to Vietnam to be persecuted and to imprison in Vietnam at the order of the Vietcong government for his freedom of expression! So is this the equality that the Vietcong government is talking about? There are million and million more Khmer Krom who are at the mercy of the Vietcong government oppression and nobody even the world can't see and hear about them and who talk for them?

The discussion of the Khmer Krom will continue indefinitely until there is a solution whether through political settlement or through arm conflict!

Anonymous said...

Bravo! Bravo! Bravo! KKrom, Your are doing a sensational jobs. Keeps broughts all the bads things that ah Youn had done to our KKrom people let the U.N.know. Wishes to all KKrom people and successful in the near future.

Khmer O.R.C. CA.

Anonymous said...

5:20 AM
I quote the last sentence: "...political settlement or through arm conflict!"

Many of KKroms died fighting alongside the US in vietnam war. Are you willing to wage war against the youns, this time for your OWN INDEPENDANCE ?

Anonymous said...

go for the god and reaching for the gold KK

Anonymous said...

5:17am is either a YOUN agent or just lack of the capacity to think logically. His/her writing looks great and are trying to discredit what KKF is doing.

KKF is heading toward the right path and he/she is trying to deflect attention from what KKF is actually getting stuff done. All in all bravo KKF, your dedication and determination will follow through.
This is call advocacy not begging like this YOUN agent stated.

Anonymous said...

Nowadays, they don't make war with weapons any more. It is being made by economic sanction.


Anonymous said...

You are dreaming in technicolor

Anonymous said...

What should I do to help our Khmer Krom out of pressure? I love Khmer Krom, Khmer Krom is struggling for freedom, but Khmer Kandal why just ignore Khmer Krom? Khmer Krom is my hero!

Anonymous said...

To 6:22AM

So what if many Khmer Krom people die fighting the Vietcong and that is the price that Khmer Krom have to pay for freedom! It wasn't a lost cause for the Khmer Krom people and the American want the battle!

Remember the tiny Baltic states got their independence from Russia without firing a single shot!
The Yugoslavia broke up into many different countries through arm conflict! The tiny East Timor got independence from Indonesia through arm conflict! I never believe for a moment that Vietnam is more powerful than Russia, Yugoslavia, and Indonesia!

If there is a will and there is a way! In conclusion, the Khmer Kampuchea Krom independence nation is within reach sooner or later! Just like I said there must be a solution whether through peaceful political settlement or through arm conflict to the Khmer Kampuchea Krom issue otherwise the Vietnam will never have peace!!!!!! Since 1949.…the Khmer Kampuchea Krom is still a thorny issue for Vietnam and in 2010 and the Khmer Krom is still a thorny issue! The issue of the Khmer Krom won’t go away!

Anonymous said...

To 7:09AM

Only the Super Powers can put economic sanction against smaller countries to change the behavior of the leadership! But even economic sanction has limitation because it takes a long time to have an affect on the country such as 20years to 30 years! Yes...economic sanction is part of the solution!

Anonymous said...

To 7:17AM day the dream will become a reality! So you Vietcong don't dream about anything at all? I know because you are too busy eating dogs and worshipping naked women! It is the nature of the Vietcong to cheat, to lie, and to steal!

Anonymous said...

Ask the Viet, when they used to be under China rules for +1000 years how did they feel?

Khmer Takeo,

Anonymous said...

We will never give up our hope and we never give up our dream, never give up our ancestor will.
And so our fight will go on.

sayhi said...

vietnam is already have that part of the country why can v. government let that part of people live freely as vietnamese(cambodian vietnamese).

Anonymous said...

we can talk to find a solution. people like to live in peace. no one want to fight. I'm sure all kk like peace not war. and i think vn people want the same.

Anonymous said...

To 11:05AM

Yes..we can talk to find a solution. But the Vietcong government wants none of that or be part of any peaceful settlement with the Khmer Krom people!

Even the most hated man Pol Pot dare to fight the Vietcong government over the Khmer Krom issue and what make the Vietcong government thinks that any average Khmer leaders won't do.

The Vietcong government can stop all the hate, the suffering, and the conflict by free the Khmer Krom people now!

Anonymous said...

This country belongs to us and we want to be free. It is clear, we just don't want to live under the Vietnamese Colonialism.
Now is 21 century and the world don't accept the new Colonialist System.

Remembered of the former Communist State of Yugoslavia. All people live under today Hanoi doctrine, one day they will split of from Hanoi like the former Yugoslavia.

Anonymous said...

I'd a gree with you 5:17.The same thing with the poor thai,there government had lefted poverty above 60% level and what the hell do they wanted more...if you're dumb and poor!change your attitude.

Anonymous said...

5:17 and 7:01, you sound smart but you carry a hidden agenda in your head. KKF is just an organization to help raising the issues of the Human Rights violations to the world. KKF cannot do as what you try to say so you make the readers think that KKF doesn't do the basic things just like you mention.

When the rights of Khmer Krom in Kampuchea Krom are respected and freely expressed publicly, then what you want the Khmer Krom to do will happen. At this time, whatever Khmer Krom do, under the Vietnamese government's eyes are always carrying on something to against them even they just practice their fundamental rights, such as demand returning their confiscated farmlands.

When Khmer Krom have issues and facing the Vietnamese court, they have no lawyer to defend them. This is what KKF comes in to demand those rights for the Khmer Krom's voiceless in Kampuchea Krom.

Don't look at one side of the story and you must know what the organization does before you judge them. Or you just intentionally mislead the readers.