Thursday, May 06, 2010

KKF Staff and Three KK Buddhist Monks in Washington, DC.

Venerable Tim Sakhorn (Photo: VOKK)
Venerable Danh Tol (Photo: VOKK)
Venerable Kim Muon (Photo: VOKK)

May 05, 2010
By Lenny Thach,
KK HR Advocacy

The KKF Staff and three KK Buddhist Monks visited the U.S State Department – Vietnam Desk, Cambodia Desk and Refugees Officer on May 04, 2010, to raise the issues on Refugees case, Khmer Krom human rights violation in Vietnam, Religious Freedom and the most important to bring the live witnesses to meet them; the victims below are the live witness:
  • Ven. Tim Sakhorn Former Chief monk of Phnum Den, Cambodia.
  • Ven. Danh Tol Former Buddhist monk from Soc Trang, Kampuchea-Krom
  • Ven. Kim Muon Former Buddhist monk from Bac Lieu, Kampuchea-Krom
During their visit, they met with U.S State Department Staff Mark-Vietnam Desk, Adam West-Cambodia Desk and Refugees Officer to discuss the Khmer Krom issues in Vietnam and Cambodia. The Khmer Krom people in Vietnam are still restricted of their freedom of religious practice, human rights violations against Khmer Krom, detain, imprison, place under house arrest for the people who expression their freedom assembly in VN.

Mr. Thach N. Thach, KKF president and Mr. Giap Tran, KKF Administrator, and Ven. Tim Sakhorn were also briefed on the Vietnam’s policy making is not in process and its political and economic prospects by the wide range of policymakers and analyst. Especially, they have raises important such as; the religious freedom, CERD, legal system, refugees cases and human rights violation in Vietnam.

The KKF’s Delegates urged the U.S State Department to take immediate attention and to urge Vietnam to respect the Human Rights of the Khmer-Krom people, so the mockery trial as seen in Venerable Tim Sakhorn’s case and the Five KK Buddhist Monks will not happen again with the innocent Khmer-Krom people.


Anonymous said...

To all my Khmers Krom brother and sisters please keep figthing hard for our freedom from Vietnamese Gov't abusive...and asking the stupid French government to do something, because they are the one that given our lands to Vietnamese without our permission...

Anonymous said...

I really admired Khmer krom people that they were bravemen and bravewomen...better than Khmer kandal people...Khmer kandal people are suck, only knew how to kills each other...that's it!!

Anonymous said...

Viet needs to acknowledge that Khmerkrom are khmer-viet and that there is nothing to lose if we can promote love, compassion, understanding and respect for one another as a 'human being'. Life is all about love, having good relationship with one another is a way to success as the bible says 'the answer to life is do the right thing for the righteous will live forever and the wicked will be terminate, Proverbs. God hates wicked people and loves those who are humble and kind. So, please people do the right thing so that we all can live forever with god and also let it be done on earth as it is in heaven. For thousand of years people have committed such crimes against humanity and now it is a time to stop and reflex back to what went wrong. Viet and khmer have had a good relationship with one another for thousand of years until the white colonial,so, let go back to square one, let us join hand in hand for the benefit of both of our nations and also let us share the view of the seven wonders, so that we can all be prosperious. Again, the answer to life is "love" and there is nothing to lose when we follow his foot step. Aust

Anonymous said...

All human being may live Equal in Life and Liberty. But the VN government not respect that "human being", they use arm and power to influence people not love and comppassion. If everyone think like you(11:18)then the world will live in peace and harmony.

Since 1979, The VN governament still use restricted on Khmer Krom people and not respect human rights and religious freedom.

In Addition, this year VN is ASEAN Chair, I hope ASEAN countries will come up a good solution to protect human rights,to engage civil society in the process of establishing in Melkong Delta.

I think the only way to solve the human rights violation in Vietnam is "Dialogue and Open Transparency" with Khmer Krom People.

Anonymous said...

i love khmerkrom so much coz they're real buddist followwer.

Anonymous said...

good for them for showing khmer fighting spirit. god bless the khmer krom people.

Anonymous said...

Brothers, monk life is made to prepare civil life in the near next future, you are ready for that, go to school, have a skill and good luck..

Anonymous said...

To all Khmer Krom and some Khmer as Khmer person myself I'm so Proud of what Khmer Krom have done. Keep up the good work like you already have done in past. You guys are my living hero. Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Viet and khmer have had a good relationship with one another for thousand of years until the white colonial,so, let go back to square one, let us join hand in hand for the benefit of both of our nations and also let us share the view of the seven wonders, so that we can all be prosperious. Again, the answer to life is "love" and there is nothing to lose when we follow his foot step. Aust

11:18 AM
you must took wrong medicines...where did you get information that say"Viet and khmer have had a good relationship with one another for thousand of years until the white colonial". Please go back to school again_11:18 AM.

Anonymous said...

I agree with 10:47PM as above is wrong information.

Anonymous said...

If they have good relationship why the hell they slaughtered or killed Khmer Krom in the rice stocking house and locked them up and burnt them alive??

If Viet have good relationship with Khmer Krom how come they took over Khmer Krom's land?

Anonymous said...

11:18 am

You baffled me greatly on two points. Firstly, what history book did you read to get such information that Khmer and Viet always a good relationship for a thousand year? If such a good relationship did exist, why it is necessary for Viet to kill millions of Khmer Krom almost to the brink of extinctionand changed the name of their provinces to Viet dialect and forced Khmer people to forego their language and culture? Don't you think it's appropriate for Viet to learn Khmer language and adapt our culture instead since they are the homeless imigrants moved into an area that does not belong to them or their ancesters? Secondly, why are Viet goverment so stubornly denial the existence of Khmer Krom people and make every atempt to decieve the world that Khmer Krom people are the new immigrant instead?

My friend, no matter naive one might be, to claim the lions and the sheeps always had a good relationship is very childish if not insane.

Khmer K

Anonymous said...

Khet Toeuk Khmao, Vietnamese gather Khmers people and tied them up, and put them inside Nine Rice-Store House, Vietnamese burned all of those people alive...Khmers and Youns are Foe forever!!!!!!!