Soldiers who fell in Cambodia laid to rest
May 29, 2010
The Central Highlands province of Gia Lai held a sombre ceremony at the Le Thanh international border gate on May 28 to receive the remains of 149 Vietnamese soldiers who lost their lives while serving in Cambodia.
The remains were found in the three Cambodian provinces of Ratanakiri, Strung Treng and Pret Vi Hia.
The fallen soldiers, who sacrificed their lives in the fight for independence and to help the Cambodian people escape from genocide, were finally laid to rest in a cemetery in Duc Co district.
A grand requiem for the soldiers was held by the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, monks and many local people before they were repatriated.
The remains were found in the three Cambodian provinces of Ratanakiri, Strung Treng and Pret Vi Hia.
The fallen soldiers, who sacrificed their lives in the fight for independence and to help the Cambodian people escape from genocide, were finally laid to rest in a cemetery in Duc Co district.
A grand requiem for the soldiers was held by the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces, monks and many local people before they were repatriated.
That is not mysterious for any Khmer that Yuons invaded to take control Cambodia in 1979. The goal was not to help Cambodians but to own Cambodia. Of course, they saved Khmer lifes at the same time from Khmer rouge regime.
Because of that, Cambodians owe nothing to Yuons.
ho chi minh city will always be known as prey nokor in khmer! we will use our khmer names forever there!
We Khmers should teach them how to say the right words or call the right name.
and the mekong delta region will always be known as khmer krom.
And Scambodians know as dark Miens, we will use it forever then, just a small stuff and a Miens make it so serious, brainless Mien
What the fuck is a miens? mien ethnicity doesn't even exist in Cambodia you damn BASTARD!! Don't be mad because your sorry ass ethnicity is pale!!
Yeah 1:31 AM...So does your Mom with dark pussy. She loves to get fuck and suck by Cambodians dick.
no wonder khmer don't like youn! i wonder why?
If neither of your parents side, grandparents side, and great grand parents side doesn't practice any other traditions other than khmer customs, culture, traditions and didn't migrate from any other asian countries such as: China, vietnam, etc. than it means that you're a Khmer Angkor descendant and pure 100% KHMER.
We all know that Pret Vi Hia belongs to Thailand, Khmers are barbarians who love to stole other's properties. Thief and beggar of Asia is Khmer dumb race
2:06am, oh really? you're so smart(ass), i want to learn from you! now bite me!
2:06AM you're whole country is living a fairytale teaching fictional stories to your dumb ass!! you don't even know why or how these ancient temples were given their names. You low life roaming thai thrash!!
Ah yuon don't dream too much. Careful that Hanoi will not be rename Hainan or Yunnan. :)
Yeap, the fucking YUON/VIET commies want to make everything theirs...That's the Viet's true color!
YOUN company own Preahvihear.com
Damn to youn and siam dare look down our khmer icons but disgrace to Ar Hun Sen that become to youn dog and has never become to origin dog.Very shame on disgrace dog that take the killer to be it master
Ye, keep barking, Khamen dogs for shit. I wanna make a dumb in Angko What too, come and share
I hope Khmer people who living in Cambodia must wake up; otherwise Cambodia will become Lao number 2. Hahaaaa. Any way Vietnam already control Cambodia's Gov. 40% already. The Vietnam's gov. next move is to name all the province in Cambodia and Preath Sat into Vietnamese name....how about that!
Khmer people must wake-up, stop support VN's gov.
Free Khmer!
Next Angkor Wat will be rename by youn......30 years from now Khmer children will not realize Angkor Wat was built by Khmer King.
Well, current stupid Khmer king right now doen't care so why care?
M'sea Yuon 7;53am.
The current or the past Khmer Kings care for their country. You need to shut UP and stop dividing Khmer people with your falsefy story.
This KI never has posted any good things about the King does help his country does not mean the King cares nothing for his country.
Does the King have to tell you what he has to do?
I wonder if KI has intentions to divide Khmers like many readers said, that some members of KI may be Yuon spies or some serve Yuon's interest?
I don't agree with this person "Socheata" highlighted "Pret Vi Hia" in red.
Every ethnic group has its own dialect, its own pronunciation. Like Thais called us Khmer "Kamen", Yuon called us "Mien" and we called them "Yuon".
This is not an important issue to cause us concern anything but this person Socheata is an idiot who provokes us to fight like T'mats.
What we need to worry about is to help the opposition leaders to unmask Yuon that their helping games were Yuon's expansionsim strategy, that we Khmers knew all about it, and Sok Kong is Yuon, and he has no business in Cambodia reigns over our Temples. If somebody say "racist". BS, Sok Kong declared himself in Yuon Newspaper that he is Yuon.
hey commy youn, preah vihear is not that hard to spell. if you can't pronounce khmer clearly, then youn shouldn't be in cambodia in the first place, ok! learn to speak khmer fluently and clearly for a change, ok! again, it's called preah vihear, both a khmer province and a khmer temple namesake, ok! if you can spell this khmer name correctly, you shouldn't be a diplomat in cambodia, ok, youn scummy!
10:37AM Tell me what sihanouk has done to help khmer right now? Do you agree that Khmer land being enchroached by Youn and have you heard anything from sihanouk's mouth or sihamony? or they are just the poppet of Hun Sen? I know sihanouk loves the thrown more than Khmer land and people that's why. I rather see khmer without king.
10:37 perhaps you are your self is youn ,youn like the kings ,easy to manipulate and use them as always,so stop painting your gay and playboy king only the stupid people like you that think ki is youn news.
Fuck your mom and your sis hard, gay dumbass.
1:39Pm Why you get hard so fast? I told you don't take too much Viagra and over doses it go to get you grand ma and you mother instead cuz you too dumb and stupid. Get that pathetic king away from Cambodian people that is the bad luck and chickenshit king they are not deserve to call as the khmer king we all must change the name to YOUN DOG king=Sihakmoney the incompetent king ,khmer people should get rid of that leach.
Can the Vietnamese protest their Gov. about the border violation by China ????
Is Viet Nam a free country ???
Socheata renamed "Xo Chea Tuoy" by the Yuon commies?
How would viet people name things right if even KI-Media can't tell the names right (Hun Xen, Chea Xim, Xam Rainsy, etc.)... KI-Media is probably viet!
ah Kan Tob needs to learn to respect Khmer territorial integrity not just Khmer words.
it goes to show how the human mind is working. it's all psychological. the mind is a powerful conveyor, if you believe in something by your mind, your body and action goes there. same concept with what ki is doing. their mind believe that there is a monster in the closet, therefore, they are afraid of the closet. it's outdated thinking but it convinced their mind. study psychology, it's an interesting subject. so, by ki spelling khmer names to sound like viet/youn, they are trying to arouse anti youn in khmer to fight the current regime. i think it is stupid to fight against any khmer people because some people have nothing to lose from overseas comfort and refuge. they often forget that there are more to cambodia than their poltical ambition which goes nowhere, really! they are fighting a losing cause for this isn't like back in the 1980s, it is a changing cambodia, a slowly but surely modernizing cambodia. if people like some maverick politicians failed to understand this, they are going nowhere, really! maybe that explains why they remained a minority political group. i think they are using old or outdated tactic by playing with the khmer mind of anti youn. of course khmer hate or do not trust youn given youn control khmer krom. i mean anti youn was there and for a good reason since historical time. by arouse khmer people who can't think and who are less educated, they can gain political vote from these khmers. however, when we take time to analyze and scrutinized, it is no more than a political game ki and others are playing. it is the mind game, and it's powerful. it is always not right to be so one sided, i don't care who you are or who you're with, really! people, by nature will always looks for easier way to do things, maybe it is due to time constraint or what have you. i'm sure when people are finally wakening up, they will be inquisitive and wary of monster in the closet fantasy so when they actually face the monster of the closet of their mind, they will found out the real truth that there is no such monster in the closet after all. it was just their mind creating it to keep gullible children away from the closet, really. that's the moral of the story. god bless cambodia.
Can someone from ah naam haong's ministry or ah someone at the council of ministers educate ah barbarian yuons to learn how to spell the name right in English, people could understand if ah barbarians wrote it in their romanized fuckin barbaric no-written-charcter yuon language. But for goodness sake this piece was supposed to be in English - don't just write how you pronounce, ah "xakaer kantorp."
Tell that fuckin editor at P.P. Post to put his expertise to good use and policing the incorrect usage of Preah Vihear name in English by ah yuon.
1:13 PM,1:16 PM, and 3:04 PM.
You asked questions in reference to Khmer Kings and the border between Yuon & Khmers.
I stop answering the same questions to you and anyone who plays games of dividing Khmers.
You only want to hear what you want to hear, and since you are too ignorant about the geopolitics in SEA and the world and if you are Khmer like myself I let you keep barking. The dog like you can only barke nothing else.
If you are Yuon, one thing I knew is Yuon like to divide Khmers and you fit with this cathegory.
For the best interest of my people Khmers, the current King has been doing an excellent jobs building homes for his people and the King continues to build more.
To be freed Cambodia needs all helps from Khmers, the King does his duty to serve his subjects, and every Khmers should try to help.
You said you rather see Khmers without King. It is not up to you who may be Yuon or fake Khmer, it is up to the poor Khmer people who see the King as a symbol of unity, and they want the King as their umbrulla. Your desire to have Khmers have no King is the desire of Yuon want to eliminate the King who is the best friend of China for its own rapid expansionism.
Many readers have their own say, that KI many times plays Yuon games. I recognize it and I now say like many readers who don't trust KI.
While King Sihanouk building homes and clean water for his people KI chose not to inform Khmers, why KI is afraid of? Real Khmers must allow poor Khmer people to have chances to have homes and food, become stronger, and their children may have god future if we continue to hlep.
Right now they have been evicted from their own homes by the powerful lawless, and we need the current King who can be a good diplomat with the thugs to serve the poor.
To bring a stupid fight like different dialect to justify its fight and bragging KI is serving the interest of Khmers? BS. If I attack Yuon with this "Pret Vi Hia", Yuon will attack me for calling them Yuon. I said "Yuon" is my Khmer word and I refuse to change for Yuon want me to change.
There are too important issues real Khmers should worry about is to help opposition to be strong.
This silly fihgt is a scapegoat KI uses to wash its hands from many time playing Yuon games.
"Chess einh oy kreinh chess Kae". Readers are not dumb.
hey you fag* @ 4:44AM,
go stick your dipstick in YUON's (_O_), okie?
You don't read my post. But if you take time to read and try to analize what I said, you will appreciate me.
Also I am not Yuon, but a very proud NOBLE Khmer man who knows a lot and know how to deal with my opponents. Cursing won't hurt me because my knowledge and wisdom is great for your barbarian to beat.
I don't barke but I beat.
ah chhkuot 4:44 AM,
no body cares if ah yuons called Preah Vihear "pret vi hia" in their or your fucken language, but that author wrote in English, and the word in English is "Preah Vihear," it is used by UNESCO, ah chhkuot.
4:44 AM,
What if the Nhan Dan called your highness "xi ha nuoc?"
Am supporting 4:49am
And I want to tell 5:07you don't bark but your balls get beat by the others balls,my suggestion to you should find new way to make money instead doing or giving negative impact about ki first move to Sanfran or Pattaya where a lot homo living secondly cut it off and change your sexual orientation to be ladyboy that easy for you to generate your income,oh perhaps you are so ugly ? Get lose, you know the root of HIV and Aids come from? So stop pollute ki you are not popular and not welcoming here,it not mean that I discriminate on your gender but with your faggot@winy .cum like you only using lips and your mouthed ,people are being scare to read your comment because it sounded so weird and ridiculous. Like I mentioned already you are not welcome but you just sneak in so whose fault is it? You don't like KI that fight all the ways to against youn because you are youn your self,you stated the readers are not dumb this day,but you are individual dumb and messed up. I hope you will change your nick after you read my comment to make people enjoys your writing or you will get curses at all the times before they are reading or skipping your comment.
KI plays cat and dog. KI doesn't fight for Khmers only but for Hanoi too. Most readers agree. that in KI there are Yuon spies.
6:21 AM.
You are Youn. This is the only fight you can come up. Khmers cannot progress, your Yuon always rush to divide. While your Yuon encraoch into my country, you start to shift the real issue to another thing.
ah chhkuot,
even ah baraing got on board and said the "yuon" in KHMER usage (not in a formal English publication)is derogatory, ah chhkuot. They were all offended, even for Akashi, and you, ah chhkuot think it is against "progress?" and petty???
7:00am then go to Deum Ompil or your site? And leave KIMedia alone would u?
This is the name that YOUN intended to rename since 1979 but unfortunately that USSR collapsed forcing YOUN to withdraw from Cambodia otherwise Phnom Penh would still be NAM VANG until now.
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