Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Sacrava's Thai Toon: The Bumpy Road Map

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at

Click on the cartoon to zoom in


Anonymous said...

they'e heading into an abyss of no return. i hate siem pad thugs and their one eyed yellow, jaundice leader!

Anonymous said...

I have so much fun watching BangCock burning in hell.

Anonymous said...

Please, do not wish Bangkok burn in hell because the city belongs to Cambodia. Rather wish the present illegal occupants burn in hell.

Anonymous said...

Siamese GOVT do not want to solve the problem with Khmer at the border conflict, they just want their troop to station over there waiting for a righ moment to move their troops in when Mr. Hun Sen some how unprecedentally accident to life threathening.
This is one of the Siamese useful style they did during 1800 when the Khmer King was busey fighting with the Champa and Aname from the eastern and 1900,when they embraced JP Govt during WWII, they just simply move their troops in without wasting any of the bullet. They alway have to contest whether Khmer has any capability to protect home land, if not they claim the territory to be their own as same as the anciant Khmer provinces along the Dorng-Raik Mountain.

Down to you Ah Siamese!

Anonymous said...

King Pumipon is very ill and he may not know what is going on at outside the Hospital. If Sirikit ordered her slaves not to, no body dare. With $30 USD, the Frankeinstein Sia O will be the next King, and he will give more troubles to Cambodia. He hates Khmers. Sia O has his own army and many Thais support his sister princess Sirindhorn.

Thai people have no freedom to choose whom they like, they had tried to revolt but they ended up got shot every time they started to rise.

Chakri family is powerful, the world richest monarch and "lese majesty", make Chakri even more powerful. Chakri family is untouchable.

Thais had tried so many times already but they failed because Chakri has money, power, lese majesty, and junta military.

Well your Cambodians will have a neighbor King whore and Queen porn star Srirasmi to watch at least through video.

Srirasmi complained that her boobs were small, she wished to make them larger like Pamela Anderson.

Anonymous said...

Bangkok burn is to pay for Thai rockets burning Khmer houses and market at Preah Vihear. Yala-Patini bomb blast never end and the red shirts will come back again.