Friday, May 21, 2010

Show The World We Exist (Census 2010 PSA) - By Phanith Sovann, a talented Cambodian-American

Originally posted by Rasmey

The following are two more songs, one in Khmer and one in English, that Phanith sang at her church in Long Beach, CA.


Anonymous said...

is this another one of Laura Mam wanna be?? OMG!

Anonymous said...

Yes indeed... She is another Khmer singer star. She posesses very good voice. I love her voice.

Bravo kaun khmer!!

Anonymous said...

Here's another one of shitty voice. I felt that Khmer is being insulted badly.

Anonymous said...

she must practice at church.

Anonymous said...

She must be one of those who sings church choir in Khmer.

Anonymous said...

she looks like a compulsive department store shopper.

Anonymous said...

Why we show the world we exist ?
Cambodia and Khmer existed more than 2000 years without you or this song.

Anonymous said...

no one no you 1:49 ask the white and Mexican ?
Thank you make khmer proud of you girl

Anonymous said...


Go eat some dirt and wash your your mouth and brain with soap.

Anonymous said...

Way to go girl! We are proud of you. I am happy to see Khmer American young generation still speak Khmer, sing Khmer song, and working for the cause of Khmer community here in the US and in srok Khmer.

Panith is a studying in medical field in UCI Irvine, CA. She is active in her Cambodian community church. She is one of the leader of Cambodian Awareness Organization. You can join the organization on facebook. Here is the link:!/group.php?gid=168268969960

She also has yearly mission trip to bring gift and love to Cambodian children in Cambodia.

May God bless her for all her good work for Khmer community.

Anonymous said...

1:49PM you don't need to make mean comment. At least this girl is working hard for Cambodian community's cause. What have you done for Cambodian community lately!?

Yes we exist, but in the US, Federal funding for ethnic community only allocated if they know the number. So filling out the 2010 census is very important. So that US government would pay attention to our community.

If we don't declare through the census that we exist, they don't know how many of us or we exist at all. So no funding for Khmer community.

You know why the Vietnamese, the Mexican communities are well represented and well funded because they are very vocal, they come out and let the world know that they exist. Any issue that affect them, they come out by the thousands, unlike us, we Cambodian like to lay low, keep everything to ourselves.