Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Thailand deports back 210 Cambodians from Rong Kluea market

03 May 2010
By Suon Sophal Mony
Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
Click here to read the article in Khmer

Thailand’s joint authorities arrested Cambodian citizens who lived in Rong Kluea market without proper legal paperwork, and they handed them over to the Cambodian authority in the evening of 02 May.

In the evening of 02 May, Thai immigration police, cops and black-clad soldiers arrested numerous Cambodian citizens who slept along various stalls inside Rong Kluea market, Thailand, and who do not hold proper legal paperwork. The arrested Cambodians were taken in for education before they were handed over to the Cambodian authority.

Ser Lak Ky, a merchant inside the Rong Kluea market, said on Monday 03 May that, on 02 May starting from 08PM to 02AM, numerous Thai joint force members went to knock on each market stall and at locations where Cambodian merchants are living to check on their paperwork, subsequently the Thai forces arrested numerous Cambodian citizens who live there illegally.

Ser Lak Ky said: “Last night, there were Thai cops, the black-clad [soldiers] who came to arrest many, about ten truckloads and seven black-and-white cop vehicles. The people arrested were all Khmer citizens living there, but they did not obtain a border pass, there were so many of them who did not have border pass.”

Cambodian merchants indicated that these Cambodian citizens reside inside Thailand without legal paperwork. They were sent to the Aranyaprathet police station for education and they were deported back to Cambodia.

Sao Bunrith, director of the immigration police at the Poipet international border gate, said that the Thai authority deported back 210 Cambodians in the morning of 03 May after they were arrested from stalls at the Rong Kluea market on Sunday evening.

Sao Bunrith said that these deported Cambodians crossed the border illegally into Thailand through the various border crossing paths. They were all released after receiving advice. “I do recognize that they crossed through our [official] border gate, to cross through our gate, they must hold documents. Therefore, they could have crossed along border crossing paths. They cannot cross through our gate because they don’t have the proper documents.”

The Cambodian consul in Sa Kaew district, Thailand, could not be reached to confirm the arrest of Cambodian citizens by the Thai authority.

General Hun Hean, the Banteay Meanchey police commissioner, noted that, following the Cambodian New Year, Cambodian citizens have returned back to their work in Thailand in spite of the directive from the Cambodian authority telling not to do so.

Hun Hean said: “Some of them listened to us, they came back, but others did not. When they cannot enter through [to Thailand] in one way, they find another one.”

Human rights officials indicated that the reason Cambodians have to leave their country to find work in Thailand is because of their poverty and the lack of job market in Cambodia. These officials are asking the Cambodian government to resolve these issues.

Recently, the Cambodian ministry of Foreign Affairs and the government issued directives to all provincial and municipal authorities along the Thai border to take measure to prevent Cambodians from crossing the border into Thailand illegally, nevertheless, it is observed that the number of Cambodians crossing to Thailand to find work is increasing significantly.


Anonymous said...

Its typical:

The Khmer Consul in Sa Keo district could not be reached.

It is his job and duty to have a look for Khmer People if they are arrested in his district where he work as a Consul.

This show me that Khmer People are so selfish and never help Khmer people in other countries.

It is not only Thailand, USA it is the same.

This is the reason that Khmer People have a very bad reputation in other countries and people looking down on them.

Compare this with Vietnamese People how they help each other in the USA.

No honor, no Values.
What a shame.

Anonymous said...

You are right 3:24 pm. Khmer people they don't helps each other that much not like ah Youn and ah Chen. I hardly seen ah Youn ever came to ate Khmer food or sopping at Khmer Stores. I only seen Khmer people they keeps supports those motherfuckers Youn people. Why?

Anonymous said...

Yeh..Yeh..You can say anything negative about the Khmer people and it still right because Cambodia is a dirt poor nation and Khmer people are dirt poor people! How else can dirt poor Khmer people help each other when they can't even help themselves! I believe to help is to have compassion and to have a heart! Does these dirt poor Khmer people born without a heart? Maybe and maybe not! Oh well... It is natural for any dirt poor people to have negative image of themselves and it is up to dirt poor people to fight those negative image! It is okay to hate the poor and how else can you become rich?

Anonymous said...

And you motherfuckers above, ever heard the Vietnamese and Chinese robe and tourcher their own race for money?????? in USA and Europe alike!???

Anonymous said...

Can ah Kwack leurn from thai how to enforce laws???? returne the eligal Viet to their country instead of giving land to them while steal land from Lhmer????

Anonymous said...

Calmate, cool down, you, you are worse, you fight eachother, this site is not for fighting, if you want to fight go to Cambodia, become politician, member of parliment, minister, prime minister..
If you stay here, pratice your Englis, fuck your wife and killed by cholesterol or heart attack!

Anonymous said...

Listen up Khmer people! It seems that these dirt poor Khmer people are willing to risk their life just to have a job to support their family! But does AH HUN SEN willing to risk his position of power so that Cambodia can create more job for dirt poor Khmer people? Of course not! AH HUN SEN and his myopic vision of Cambodia will never change anything for dirt poor Cambodia as long he remains in power!

It is so amazing with all the political turmoil in Thailand but the Siem still have time to deport any illegal dirt poor Khmer workers in Thailand and this is to show how much hatred the Siem have Khmer people in general!

Anonymous said...

AH.. AH... AH... You don't have to use such language! If you love Khmer so much, don't just type the cheap comments in here. If you really care about Khmer, you must contribute!

Anonymous said...

Lot of Khmers do not know the law. So they do not comply with it.
Bad example from their leaders, their rulers and even their spiritual leaders (Sangha made thing bad to worse. There is lack of leadership in every aspect of life in Cambodia. Most importantly in ethics, civics, responsibility, accountability, governance, justice, love, compassion and so on and on.