Friday, May 21, 2010

U.S. spells out how it will combat world hunger [including Cambodia]

Friday, May 21, 2010

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. global anti-hunger strategy will focus on a small number of countries where collaborative projects can expand local food production and reduce chronic hunger, the Obama administration said on Thursday.

Rajiv Shah, head of the U.S. Agency for International Development, outlined the administration's strategy, called Feed the Future Guide, at a daylong conference. It described how to match international donations and expertise with local efforts.

At the G8 summit last year, nations pledged $20 billion to combat chronic hunger around the world. One billion people suffer from food shortages. The figure climbed when food prices soared in 2008.

Key to success, said Shah, was for national leaders to develop hunger-fighting initiatives, based on proven techniques, that have local support. A month ago, the United States said it would focus on hunger in 20 nations in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

"We are supporting this country-led approach because we know it can unlock the potential of all our development partners to make sustainable, systemic advances toward a food-secure future," said Shah.

Investments in agricultural productivity, along with local market development and new research will result in more food and lower prices, said the administration.

The 20 focus countries are Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia in Africa; Bangladesh, Cambodia, Nepal, Tajikistan in Asia; and Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, and, Nicaragua in Latin America.

Oxfam America, an international development group, said Congress should approve a White House request for $1.6 billion to support the initiative and pass legislation to double U.S. spending for agricultural development in food-short regions.

(Reporting by Charles Abbott; Editing by Peter Cooney)


Anonymous said...

wish the money goes direct into the real hungers and not to the hand of corrupt people.

Anonymous said...

Cambodian is not that poor if the money that was pumped into Combodia was properly managed and the money flow to the right project as plan So the US Governt if you are serious about eliminating hunger tackle Cambodian Govnt. get rid of the CPP corrupt Governt.

Anonymous said...

Combatting against world hunger, including the U.S.

Anonymous said...

US should have done more than just combatting against hunger in cambodia, US must help rebuilding my cambodia also..! Too many unexploded BOMBS-during US bombards cambodia are still piling up througout cambodia...don't forget, US fuck everything up in my cambodia!!


Anonymous said...

American like Google Map steals Cambodia Preah Vihear and give to Thailand and those Khmer became poor because of American war.

Anonymous said...

The US don't care about ordinary khmers. They made a deal with Hun Sen by pouring money into his pocket. In return Hun Sen allows the CIA to operate a listening post(to monitor chinese activities) from the US embassy.

Anonymous said...

Where's the rice and many more food come from?...That's what the G8 need to focus.I believe in near future even right now.All the Government need the scientists for help!...Because the climate change.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Agree with post 7:46am!