Monday, June 07, 2010

24 hrs – Farm Land: Report by Nicolas Axelrod

June 5, 2010
Originally posted at:

24 hrs - Farm Land from Nicolas Axelrod on Vimeo.

Yoo Tho is a 63-year-old farmer, who has worked his land for nearly 30 years. In February 2010 a sugar cane company started bulldozing the land around his cornfield. The company wants to force him and other farmers off their land and replace their plot with other less fertile land. Farmers protested, sleeping out in the fields to stop the bulldozers, threatened by the company and the army hired to protect the land concession; villagers are left with little choice but to accept the authorities demands, leaving the farmers of Omlaing with an uncertain future.

Other 24 hrs Series: Buying Coal Part I, Selling Coal Part II, Ox Cart, Cyclo

For additional work by Nicolas Axelrod, please visit:


Anonymous said...

So inspiring and shameful for the powerful Hun Shittt

Anonymous said...

"the army hired to protect the land concession;"

The army is not hired it sponsore by the company! It is legal by direct order from Samdack Dek Chor.

Anonymous said...

kom chor ah avar!!!!!