Friday, June 25, 2010

Appeal for help for Mr. Khut Kong Kea

Khut Kongkea while in Cambodia (Click on the photos to zoom in)
Khut Kongkea currently at the hospital in Thailand

Dear Compatriots & Friends,

Mr. Khut Kong Kea was a member of our family SRP who fled to Thailand with his family six years ago and he is now living in extreme poverty there. After learning about his family's life condition and his current precarious health condition, I am very saddened by his condition.

For humanitarian reasons, Mr. Khut is admitted to a hospital in Thailand due to his serious illness. He is currently being fed by a tube through his nose and by serum. However, since Monday, due to lack of payment, Mr. Kong Kea was deprived of serum and only received basic care. Can you imagine the helplessness of his children at his bedside?

As Kaun Khmer (Khmer Children) can we remain indifferent to this extreme human tragedy?

SRP-MS (Moronak Sang Kruos-SRP) is seeking the solidarity from all our compatriots from all over the world to make a humanitarian gesture towards our fellow who needs our support at this most difficult moment of his life.

You can send your donation directly to his daughter Mrs. Khat Borom. For questions, please contact his son, Mr. Boran Khut via email: or cell. 0873516071. From Canada call 011-66-087-3516071. Note that the donor may send the donation to Mr. Pang Heng or contact one of the volunteers below. For more details, please see the messages below.

Mr. Pang Heng (450)9343873
Mr. Ma Pretty (450)712-4998
Mr. Chuop Samnang (514)543-1479
Mr. Tep Sokhavuth (514)678-8583
Mr. Ly Sokha (450)581-2350

In Solidarity,

Team of SRP-MS

Chers Compatriotes et Amis,

Mr. Khut Kong Kea était membre de la famille SRP, s'est réfugié en Thaïlande avec sa famille depuis 6 ans, vivait actuellement dans l’extrême pauvreté. Après avoir pris connaissance de la condition de vie dans laquelle sa famille vivait et son état de santé actuelle. je suis déchiré par cette triste histoire.

Pour une raison humanitaire, M. Khut est admis dans un hôpital en Thaïlande pour une maladie grave, nourri par un tube dans son nez et de sérum, mai depuis lundi, faute de payement, M. Kong Kear est privé de son sérum et continu à réservoir que les soins de base. Imaginons au sentiment d'impuissance de ses enfants à son chevet !

Nous Kaun Khmer devons-nous rester indifférent face à cette extrême tristesse ?

SRP-MS (Moronak Sang Kruos-PSR) sollicite la solidarité de tous nos compatriotes des 4 coins du globe, vous demandant de poser un geste humanitaire envers nos compatriote qui a besoin de notre support en ce moment le plus difficile de sa vie.

Vous pouvez envoyer votre don direct à sa fille Mme Khat Borom. Pour toutes questions, vous pouvez contacter son fils M. Khut Boran, via courriel:, ou cell. 0873516071. Du Canada composez 011-66-087-3516071. Notez que les donateur à Montreal peuvent envoyer le don à M. Pang Heng ou contacter un des bénévole ci-dessous. Pour plus de détails, veuillez voir dans les messages ci-dessous.

Mr. Pang Heng (450)9343873
Mr. Ma Pretty (450)712-4998
Mr. Chuop Samnang (514)543-1479
Mr. Tep Sokhavuth (514)678-8583
Mr. Ly Sokha (450)581-2350


Anonymous said...

Als is a terrible disease. It is not curable. The muscles constrict all over the body. Bit by bit, it shut down all the organs. I know a person who is going through the same Mr. Khut Kongkea. He is staying at the nursing home in the present. Poor and sick is the worst thing any one has to go through.

Anonymous said...

What disease does he have? How do you know he has ALS? Thx

Anonymous said...

ALS stand for Lou Gehrig's disease. It was mentioned in the current article. Please read again and you will spot the ALS in the writing. I was trying to donate some money,too. All the phones number are in Canada. Do you dial 011 first? Anyway I will do the email. EVeryone, please step up to help him without any condition. Just imagine if you are in his own shoes. Bit here and there will help him to ease pain and live a little bit longer.