Tuesday, June 22, 2010

"Bach Angkam Banh-chras Khyol" - Op-Ed by Ven. Hok Savann

Click on the article in Khmer to zoom in


Anonymous said...

This monk is meddling with politics, he needs to be stripped off from our Lord Buddha's robe.

Anonymous said...

Do you know why Dalai Lama escaped Tibet?

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matter what status a person is in, nationalism doesn't discriminate that.

Anonymous said...

This monk is meddling with politics, he needs to be stripped off from our Lord Buddha's robe.

10:43 PM

Hi there;
Do you have brain??? or did you go to school. If you still believe Monks can't get into politic...you are a loser.

Khmer PP

Anonymous said...

Lord Buddha didn't play politics from what I have learned. Lord Buddha teaches the way of life not the politics. Buddhists in Cambodia, Thailand, Burma and other Buddhist nations are not real Budhists.
When the monk becomes a head of State like His Holiness Dala Lama, the neighbor took advantages from it.

One mistake the Tibetians and American Idians did were not having a real governments that was the reason why.

Anonymous said...

If you have gone to school and have real Khmer brains, you must know that Buddhist monks are divided in two categories. Those in Buddha's time are called Ariya Sangha. The today ones are called Samatti Sangha; they cannot become Preah Arahon because they cannot follow the Buddha's principles perfectly. Even the monk head, Tep Vong, of Hun Xen government still get involved in politics, and from what I have observed so far, I found that he does not deserve to be the monk head, but since the head of Khmer nation is a bild mad dog with little education, they fit: "birds of a feather flock together."

Anonymous said...


Are you stupid? Ven. Dr.Hok Savann is not a politicians. He is a Cambodian who is full of patriotism and he has hugely contributed for the understanding and wisdom of Cambodia.

You are uneducated, narrow minded and somehow you are likely a dog of Hun Xen's dictatorship.

If I am close to you I will hit your head to instruct how to say a proper word.


Anonymous said...

11:30Pm if religion is not in politic why ah kwach and Shihanouk bring them as national religion to controle it and the people?

So if it the religion of the nation the leaders should listen to the techer of the religion!

Anonymous said...

Monk hood is NOt to detach from human BUT to go deeper in human life and thought! And the conclusion is to teach human of what right and wrong and reconize and point out the devils and evils!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Monk hood is NOt to detach from human BUT to go deeper in human life and thought! And the conclusion is to teach human of what right and wrong and to reconize and point out the devils and evils!!!!!!!!

Monk have serve and save Cambodia
many centeries before the French came to Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

What about Ah Tra'ngorl Tep Vong?
