PHNOM PENH, Jun. 18, 2010 (Kyodo News International) -- The chief of Cambodia's anticorruption commission has apologized for planning to unveil a massive statue of Prime Minister Hun Sen at his commission's headquarters, a letter seen Friday showed.
Om Yin Tieng, one of Hun Sen's personal advisors as well as anticorruption chief, sought ''forgiveness'' in the letter dated Thursday for having a 5-meter statue of the prime minister made and planning to install it at the anticorruption headquarters.
Hun Sen has reportedly banned making statues of himself and other living Cambodians and installing them on public property because it ''goes against Cambodian culture'' and, according to some, because it is attracting strong public criticism of those being ''honored'' for thinking far too highly of themselves.
Om Yin Tieng said in the letter he had planned the statue to honor Hun Sen on his own.
But some Cambodians argue Hun Sen, who has been premier since 1985, was the real power behind the plan.
Om Yin Tieng, one of Hun Sen's personal advisors as well as anticorruption chief, sought ''forgiveness'' in the letter dated Thursday for having a 5-meter statue of the prime minister made and planning to install it at the anticorruption headquarters.
Hun Sen has reportedly banned making statues of himself and other living Cambodians and installing them on public property because it ''goes against Cambodian culture'' and, according to some, because it is attracting strong public criticism of those being ''honored'' for thinking far too highly of themselves.
Om Yin Tieng said in the letter he had planned the statue to honor Hun Sen on his own.
But some Cambodians argue Hun Sen, who has been premier since 1985, was the real power behind the plan.
Give him a break! Om Yentieng just wanted to kiss his boss Ah Khwak Hun Sen's ASS.
OK! 12:08AM! how about make stutus of Ah hun Xen.s pong kdo ind put it infront of his new office building?
And bonary can go to perfume it every day so it wold not Sa-OYY!
Ah nish mouk doch chhei choos ach!
OK! 12:08AM! how about make status of Ah Hun Xen's pong kdo and put it infront of his new office building?
And Bonary can go to perfume it every day so it would not Sa-OYY!
In fact, Hun Sen likes people to bow down to him as the God king. If you watch all Khmer TV channels, all the propaganda songs and praises are absolutely about Hun sen and his wife who lead Cambodia to bright future and people's happiness/well being. Are people really happy and well, especially those live in the rural parts of the country. I do not think so. Peole who benefit from Hun Sen's regime are his friends, families, ass kissers and yuons.
This man is extremely dangerous, he licks his boss boots, he is already to make Hun Sen as his GOD, that kind of man doesn't deserve to still alive because he has no consciousness, that is a beast.
In Cambodia today most of seniors mminister earned degree without knowledge, conscience. We should call that Hun Sen's day.
(Signed) Hun Sen
You see plenty of ass-lickers like in Cambodia. They tend to do more than their boss ask for.
Cambodian people died during Khmer Rouge is because thugs like this. Ignorance is the name for these people... nothing more and nothing less...
Actually there are many status of prime minister Hun sen and his wife along a route from Sandan, Kg Cham to Chhlong, Kratie. And his statute as Pagoda boy at the entrance of bridge near Kratie town.
Only 5 meter tall?
Can we have bigger and taller statues all over the city?
That way we can truly worship him as he deserves:)
Isn't the Anticorruption Commission suppose to be independent from the government of Hun Sen? This goes to show that this dumb ass cock sucker Om Yentieng blew up his boss's spot and blew the whistle to the people of Cambodia and the International Community showing that the Anticorruption Commission is still run by MR. Corruptor himself "Hun Sen". If these kind of guys were to live in the US they would've gotten hit by a carton of nearly hatched eggs "pong tea koun" already!!
Ah om yin tien, kdo sa-oyy, prays for his boss to die soon that why he is constructing ah kwack statue while he is alive.What make it worsts is the statue only 5-meter tall, which shows that ah kwack after all was not powerful and respect as a PM.
see, i told you. don't blame mr. hun sen. now he ordered it to be removed and destroyed. i think this adviser is playing favoritism by trying to please mr. hun sen; and he is one of the top people on the anticorruption board. what was he thinking, my god! shame on om yentieng! i think he wanted to make mr. hun sen look like saddam hussein, one of the world's most notorious dictator. glad mr. hun sen did not go with it and have it removed permanently!
Om Yentieng's job is to tackle with a corrupt report but not building a statue of anyone.
my prime minister mr. hun sen is very smart man. may god bless him and his family for looking after cambodia right now!
Cambodia are full of corruption news; however, have you ever seen or heard Om Yentieng charged or convicted any of high profile corrupt govt's official? This guy must be fired immediately.
xoy mi lai oss heuy ah, khiam nee chong tae phakorp lok thong, lok thong chauhwaiy, tae baeh chea min kaaam chorp khaluon oss ah ling ha... bhu nia ma...
Om Yin Teang is an hypocrit DOG. He like to lick Hun Sen´s penis.
The Cult of the personality is out of date!
Om Yin Teang is an hypocrit DOG. He like to lick Hun Sen´s penis.
The Cult of the personality is out of date!
Puok AH Lit KDOR ! You are not worthy at all. You are doing the Cult of the Personality at this HIGH TECH time.
Lick Kdor ah SEN and Kandoy mee Rany!
Puok AH Lit KDOR ! You are not worthy at all. You are doing the Cult of the Personality at this HIGH TECH time.
Lick Kdor ah SEN and Kandoy mee Bandit Rany!
A corrupt person cannot get rid of corruption. He can only multiplies it to the greatest magnitude.
This Om Yentieng try to kiss his boss ass, but he is lucky that his boss did not kill him. The statue mean that person is death, wow maybe HUN SEN coming to the end soon.
Original name was Hun Nal,next is Hun=share,sen= 10,000,at the end of his career he will become Hun=Share,Sen=1 cent.
So he is very concerned about his ending day, as he is also getting cheaper to only 1 cent per share.
What a terrible end!
sen is 100,000 in khmer; 10,000 is called moen! 1,000,000 is called lien; 1 billion is called khout; and 1,000 is called pon!
Om Yen Tieng could not have done all of this without the prior approval of Mr. Hun Sen.
This is a clever game in which Hun Sen appears in the end to be a humble leader ordering that his statue not be displayed.
If Hun Sen were truly a humble leader, he would not have allowed so many schools in Cambodia to be named after him at all.
Hun Sen is dangerously smart!
One day in the future he will allow his statue to be displayed, especially when his power grip has been definitely guaranteed.
Anet Khmer
អាហ៊ុន សែន ឪវាធ្វើចោរលួចគោគេ នៅខេត្ត
កំពង់ចាម ម៉ែវាលក់នំអាកោរ។
បើឪវាចោរ អាហ៊ុន សែនវាក៏ចោរ ដូច្នេះវាចោរ
មួយពូជ។មកដល់អាហ៊ុន សែនវាជាចោរលក់ជាតិ
បំផ្លាញជាតិ មារយាទឆ្កែ អានេះវាស៊ីអាចម៍ក្ដ
យួន។អាយិន ទៀងមមីងមមាង សូមទោសអាហ៊ុន
សែន ព្រោះវាចង់ស៊ីអាចម៍ហុន សែន។
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