Saturday, June 19, 2010

"Lauk Ov'puk Chea Bangkorl Kruosa" Father's Day poem by Sam Vichea


Anonymous said...

Wrong for actual reality, be more smarter Vichea, every Khmer women work and earn money as much as men and may be more..

Anonymous said...

Blah, Blah!!!!! What is this? Again, mother & father should be celebrated and honored every day. No need to wait till May or June to honor them. My point is, why embrace western culture? Khmer culture, by far, is the best! Khmer should embrace Khmer's culture & costume inside Srok Khmer & out. Father & Mother's Day are just business in U.S. Rich and business people make money during these days. So folks,
don't just honor them on these two days? Show support, love, respect and obey every day. That's to me, is the most precious gift ever!

Anonymous said...

ពួកអា ខួរក្បាលបង្កង ចិញ្ចឹមតែ ទំនៀមទំលាប់ ប្រពៃណីបរទេស!!! អញ្ចឹងចង់តាងនាមជាខ្មែរផង...ស្អុយណាស់លោកអើយ!




Anonymous said...

What about Valentine's Day?

In Cambodia big time.

Ah Hun Sen regime is just like that.
Kanjah Yuons.

Anonymous said...

Boeu Anh celebrate Father's Day teus kbaal ei Ah-raeng!

Ah Kancheah Yuon kantorb!

Anonymous said...

actually, you know why they designated father's day in america. it is to recognize the role father play. it has nothing to do with working harder than mother or what have you! the same thing can be said about mother's day, etc... some people here seemed to misterpret or misunderstand the purpose of it. it has nothing to do with comparing. it has more to do with recognizing their role in family, society, and so forth, really!

Anonymous said...

The stupid khmers have no imagination, no creativity. They simply follow western traditions like sheep.

Anonymous said...

12:59 AM

Kanjah Yuons, is better than you have no Srok, Ah khmer ott srok!

Anonymous said...

4:01 AM

You’re completely wrong! If you’re Kanjah Yuons, you have no Srok. You’re just Kanjah Yuons legal immigrant in your own motherland, you’re a moron!

Anonymous said...

4:01 AM, Yes you have Srok for NOW.
Later, if you do not wake up, your Srok will become Yuon's Srok.
And then you HAVE NO SROK + Yuon's SLAVE.

Don't worry about us in Western Countries.

Or you're jealous?

Anonymous said...

12:59 AM,

Khmer culture had the same purpose by creating BON PH'CHUM BEN, the celebrate and recognise our ancestors who did gave LIFE to our descsndants.

So, you're stupid by not understanding that, or you're a real Viet illegal immigrants' offsrping.

Anonymous said...

I know there are good dads out there looking out and working hard to provide for their famiies, but in general I don't like the Cambodian fathers at all. They are abusive and unreasonable and crazy. On top of it, they would rather spend their family's money on young girls in or from Cambodia. I curse those dads to hell and I pray that they will be rotten in hell. There is nothing worst than a dad who drains the family's fiances to support his sexual life with young girls in Cambodia. I don't care how much useful he was in his younger days, but the moment he stop investing with his family and start draining them financially, those dads must not be honored, period. If I have to choose between a Dad and a Mother, I WILL choose a mother any day and any time over a dad in a heart beat. A dad is always "in need" and even in his old age, he is always "in need" and therefore, a dad is a monster, a creature, a lowlife that needs to be abandoned and left alone to rotten in this world and in hell. Children should HONOR ONLY their mothers, and never their fathers. Fathers in general are MONSTERS and Animals of the cravings that will prey on their own children sexually and financially. Fathers are simply MONSTERS that are out to wreak havoc of their own families so that they can have resources to fulfill their "needs" and those "needs" are to please young girls in Cambodia. All dads are azzholes at the end.

Anonymous said...

In the Ten Commandments of the Bible
Exodus chapter 20 verse 12 says;

"Honor your father and your mother so that you may live a long time in the land..."

I have been looking after my father and my mother. Unfortunately my mother has passed away but I still have my father with me in my home, my father is nearly 100 years old now.

I have seen that my children love me and their mother so much. I don't want anything from them but they never forget father's and mother's day including my wife's and myself birthday, they always wrote cards and brought presents to us then we all prepared dinner together at my home.

I believe that when you honor your parents your children will honor you.

Anonymous said...

8:43, is your dad a creature of "endless needs" with young girls in Cambodia? If he is, then should be abandoned and left to die alone. I have seen lecherous Cambodian men in their 90's and they still crave young Cambodian girls' pussies. Is your that one of those lecherous men? If not, then honor him, but if he is a lecherous man, then send him to die with a young Cambodian pussy in Cambodia. Young Cambodian girls do not ever mind f*cking a lecherous 100 years old lecherous Cambodian men from America. By the way, in case you have no clue of what the word lecherous means, here is the meaning: "always thinking of sex".

Anonymous said...

I am at 8.43AM

I wanted to say something about my wife.
I would like to express my respect and honor to my wife who has been caring for my father for so long and never complain anything about him.
I owed my wife so much and if anything happen to my wife that need sacrifice of my life, I will have no hesitation to do so.

Thank God for my wonderful wife, she is a perfect wife of mine.

May God bless you all!

Anonymous said...

In the western world, when kmère become khmei they talk like 4:32 AM for sure. and in Nom Benh when khmère become Smère they talk like 12:09 AM and 4:01 AM for sure!.

Anonymous said...

I am from 8.43AM again

I would like to say sorry to 8.54AM

I didn't mean to say anything to you, of course I should say:
"When we honor our parents our children will honor us"
I should say we and us instead of you, sorry for that.

Anonymous said...

In short, nothing wrong with celebrating Father's Day, where ever we are.

Anonymous said...

8:59 AM you may die under between her lags.

ធ្វើជាប្រុសមិនត្រូវ "ងាប់ក្រោមកន្ទុយក្បិន" ទេ!

For me, I only sacrifice my life for the nation when needed, but not for woman like you 8:59 AM .

Anonymous said...

Lok Vichea,

Your special talent has always captured my attention and I take my hat off for your golden words on father's day.
For those who do not appreciate the poem and misinterpret it, they possess with barbaric ideology and beyond rescue from the insanity they are in.
I also take my hat off to 8:59AM who openly acknowledges and shares his wife's noble acts with us here. Please accept my humble respect to you both, Lok Vichea and Lok 8:59AM.

Anonymous said...

There shouldn't be any argument here. Sam Vichea is only making a generalization about a father, because it's time for the celebration of the Father's Day. Why people take this issue so seriously?

Anonymous said...

The bottom lines is that some guys owed their wife so much, and are willing to sacrifice their life if it is necessary because their wife have a goldmine between their legs.

Anonymous said...


I am wondering where do you come from? and how you exist?
I have no doubt that your dumb head was once came from that goldmine between the legs for sure and why you are so critical about it?

Anonymous said...

2:07 PM

What a stupid question! Are you a man or woman?? If you’re a man, you’re completely a pussy-whipped! What do you think it's better to be pussy-whipped than pussy less?
I know that we came from female genitalia as a mother because the parent participated in the act that produces children, of course. I didn’t talk about mother’s vagina, but I talked about women’s vagina in general such as your wife’s vagina. You are a man who has worked so hard to take care of your family, why you still owe your wife so much? Tell me …your pussy; what did you own your wife besides her magic vagina? If you have children and if you are willing to sacrifice your life for your wife if it is necessary, who take care of your children? You brought them here in this world, now it's your job to take care of them, not to sacrifice your life for a stupid thing…you’re a moron.
Do you know how selfish can you get?

Anonymous said...

4:10 PM

Correction: what did you OWE your wife besides her magic vagina?

Anonymous said...

4:10 PM

Are you having a problem with your wife? it looks like you are fighting with her and pour out your anger and frustration on me. Common man, it's not fair to do that, I know it's hard to deal with it but it's not the end of the world. Chill out man you're so desperately to seek for a married counselor to calm you down. Do yourself a favor will you! by taking time out and think of all the great things she has done for you and family and good luck.

Anonymous said...

Dear all,

I love my family including my mother my father my wife and my children. I am contend with what I have I am contend with my wife and my children. When I can find peace and happiness for my family then I am able to share this peace and happiness with my community.

It is impossible for a person to find peace for the nation when his family is torn apart.

I believe in Bon and Barb. It is impossible for a person to be honest with the nation when he doesn't believe in Bon Barb because he would try to do every sort of things to feed the desire of his flesh.

I am not trying to teach or preach to anybody here but only to share the experience of my life and my family.

Of course I have gain another step of victory by not to retaliate with dirty words to someone who attacked me nastily with dirty and sinful words. May God forgive him.

Thank God for my wonderful wife and children.

May God bless you all!

Anonymous said...

did you know that in america most people benefit from the few, the proud, the activist, the advocate, etc... most people or ordinary american people like you and me have all benefited from the american generosity and from the gov't's giving the benefit of the doubt to people in order to be a service and provide for them, etc... it sounds here that some khmer people have no concept of this "giving the benefit of the doubt" to society at large so everyone can benefit. it sounds like some people can be so evil to not give general society or people the benefit of the doubt so to improve society, thinking, etc... i think this concept is very foreign to cambodia, especially after stupid KR era. benefit of the doubt means authority is given people a chance to their claim for benefit, etc... where there is a grey line. the only except to this rule is if you committed a felony, crime, etc, then you lose that benefit of the doubt. did you know that if you live in america and you apply for welfare, and other gov't benefit, etc? i think cambodia as a nation should adopt to this noble concept of benefit of the doubt practice by american gov't. think about it, so all people is given a second chance to benefit from society at large, instead of scrutinizing people minor or petty mistakes in life and make it such a big deal that overlook all other parts of their personal achievement, etc... wake up and really do think smartly and wisely about it, ok! it will benefit people in cambodia and make cambodia a good country and its citizens a productive, smart citizens, etc... god bless cambodia.

Anonymous said...

yes, in america, all gov't claim for benefit for giving the benefit of the doubt where there is a grey line. in other words, no further question as gov't authority assume all applicants are good human being who need gov't assistance, etc... of course, the only exception to the rule is you have committed felony or other heineous crime, etc., then yo lose all of that benefit, meaning that's the only time gov't really scrutinize you or investigate you thoroughly. it ought to be apply to cambodia so everybody can live a peaceful, fair, unfear life, etc... something needed to turn blind eye while other must not be tolerated, etc... a fine concept for cambodia to adopt in society. god bless all.

Anonymous said...

5:13 PM

Why did you keep asking me some kind of stupid questions? If you are a man (not a pussyless) why you didn’t answer my question first? I asked you what did you owe your wife so much besides her magic vagina??? Only you don’t work hard enough to take care of your family or you don’t work at all, but your wife still breast-feed you, and keep you between her legs, that is the reason you owed your wife so much for the rest of your life.
I've just debated with you; I don’t have any anger with anyone and take it out on you. Could you do yourself a big favor and be a man, work hard and take care of your family, stop depending on your wife and you wouldn’t owe your wife anything because both of you have to share and divide the work equally in the name of husband and wife. If you owed your parent so much is sound very logical because your parent worked hard to take care of you until you become better educated and more independent. Be a man!

Anonymous said...

How about a father who abused you physically, should he be honored? This father of mine beat a hell out of of me when I was young. In addition, he abused my mother and my 2 sisters. I hate him. I totally agree with 7:27 am. All Cambodian fathers don't deserve to be honored. They are worthless. Unlike, mothers, they are always faithful in sickness or hell. Mothers should be honored and celebrated all the time.

Anonymous said...

9:40 AM

Honor your father or your mother is an option that you can decide in a particular situation. I am sorry to hear of your father who abused you and your family. Child abuse is not right and parents need to realize how they are harming children's lives by physically and emotionally. Some parent just take their anger out on others by hitting their children who didn’t not do anything wrong. Believe me 9:40 AM, there are some good father and some bad mother in this world. Don’t even think all of them are bad or good. If you put the blame on just all father for causing the problem in the family; that is not right. I am wondering if you live in USA, why you let your father abused you and your family instead of just calling 911 for help? Did you ask your mother why she married an abusive man to be her husband? She should stay away from him in the first place or if she really fell in love with him, she shouldn’t have a child with an abusive man like your father at all. It was your mother fault for not thinking about the consequences of his actions.

Anonymous said...

look, the american lady who founded the father's day, meant for this day for good, loving fathers all over america and the world, for that matter. as for your individual case, sorry to hear your father abused your family! in that case, you have a choice not to honor your abusive father which your mother chose to marry and not report to police or divorce this abusive man. remember, there are over 6 billions human beings in the world; this means there are billions of good fathers out there. and this father's day is intended for the good, loving fathers in cambodia and all over america and the world as well. as for your abusive father, i suggest strong you and your family don't tolerate his abuse and do report him to the local police asap. it is stupid to put up with his abuse in your family, i don't care who you are! if you chose not to report, then don't complain about him here, ok!

Anonymous said...

My debate (5:13PM) with 3:58AM

From previous comment 3:58AM said:

I've just debated with you; I don’t have any anger with anyone and take it out on you. Could you do yourself a big favor and be a man, work hard and take care of your family, stop depending on your wife and you wouldn’t owe your wife anything because both of you have to share and divide the work equally in the name of husband and wife. If you owed your parent so much is sound very logical because your parent worked hard to take care of you until you become better educated and more independent. Be a man!

3:58 AM

Here is my respond to you :
Be a man does not necessary have to be arrogant, ungrateful and scoring with your partner/wife.

What I said early was to emphasize on the gratitude I have for my wife who has done so much for me and my family to the extend beyond her responsibilities to be the wife/partner as you have highlighted. You and I, we are entitle to agree with disagree in this debate. However my sincere intention was just want to share with a little experience on relationship that base on meritorious conducts and wisdom that I am so fortunate to have it. Although I have been very good to her I haven't have an opportunity to repay her to the many wonderful things she has provided me in addition to what you have defined above. And that is why I am proud to say that I OW MY WIFE without fearing you or someone like you may say I am not a man. INDEED I AM A MAN OF HONOR AND I MADE MY FATHER & MOTHER TO BE VERY PROUD OF ME as I have no hesitation to publicly acknowledge my wife's noble acts.