Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Op-Ed by Khmer Borann
Many NGOs in Cambodia are working to help the victims of land grabbing. They are doing the excellent job even though they are risking their safety and lives to challenge the powerful crony of Hun Sen. Recently, for instance, a staff of ADHOC in Kampong Chhnang was sued by KDC International, a local company owned by Mrs. Chea Kheng, a wife of minister of Industry Mines and Energy, Suy Sem, for disinformation.
To work in land issues, NGOs have done many activities ranging from holding public forum, workshop to awareness raising on Land Law. Regarding holding workshops or training, I have observed that some NGOs that work on land issues have hired the venue from land grabbers to discuss about land grabbing. For example, one NOG that hold a workshop to discuss the land grabbing in Am Leang Commune, Aural District, Kampong Speu Province, has hired the venue for the workshop at Phnom Penh Hotel which belongs to Ly Yong Phat who is CPP tycoon. Everybody knows that Ly Yong Phat who is CPP senator holding Thai citizenship is the big land grabber. He has grabbed the lands from Khmer farmers in many provinces such as in Chi Khor Commune of Koh Kong province, in Am Leang commune of Kampong Speu, and in Oddor Meanchey Province.
I think the NGOs that used goods and services of the land grabbers may do it unintentionally; they may not think enough about this. Maybe those NGOs just think about good place for successful workshop or training. I think as the advocate, it is wrong when they are choosing goods or services of the violators of human rights. Those NGO are working to help the victims of land grabbing, so it is conflicting when they use goods or services of the land grabbers. Using goods or services of the land grabbers means to support land grabbers to grab more land from poor Khmer farmers.
There are many good companies and not-for-profit organizations that are providing goods and services. I think NGOs should use goods or services of responsible companies and not-for-profit organizations. Using goods or services of responsible companies or not-for-profit organizations means helping to stop land grabbing!
Khmer Borann
Phnom Penh
To work in land issues, NGOs have done many activities ranging from holding public forum, workshop to awareness raising on Land Law. Regarding holding workshops or training, I have observed that some NGOs that work on land issues have hired the venue from land grabbers to discuss about land grabbing. For example, one NOG that hold a workshop to discuss the land grabbing in Am Leang Commune, Aural District, Kampong Speu Province, has hired the venue for the workshop at Phnom Penh Hotel which belongs to Ly Yong Phat who is CPP tycoon. Everybody knows that Ly Yong Phat who is CPP senator holding Thai citizenship is the big land grabber. He has grabbed the lands from Khmer farmers in many provinces such as in Chi Khor Commune of Koh Kong province, in Am Leang commune of Kampong Speu, and in Oddor Meanchey Province.
I think the NGOs that used goods and services of the land grabbers may do it unintentionally; they may not think enough about this. Maybe those NGOs just think about good place for successful workshop or training. I think as the advocate, it is wrong when they are choosing goods or services of the violators of human rights. Those NGO are working to help the victims of land grabbing, so it is conflicting when they use goods or services of the land grabbers. Using goods or services of the land grabbers means to support land grabbers to grab more land from poor Khmer farmers.
There are many good companies and not-for-profit organizations that are providing goods and services. I think NGOs should use goods or services of responsible companies and not-for-profit organizations. Using goods or services of responsible companies or not-for-profit organizations means helping to stop land grabbing!
Khmer Borann
Phnom Penh
can we build more bridges, please!
when cambodian use the laws of the land or the rule of law, ah Kwack Goverment will have no chance in cambodia, really! i think cambodian people in cambodia are getting smarter by the minute, really! opposition is still backward and stupid, and they still live in the dark ages and stone ages, at least in their mentality, you know! stop being stupid for a change, please, for the sake of cambodia, ok!
STOP playing with ah Kwack! and use people power to kick morhetfuckers to hell!
1:50 AM
1:33! wait till some donor donated!
They may not know what goods or services belong to whom. If they know, they won't do it. Now I will never go to Phnom Penh Hotel when I know who's the owner!
REALLY!!! we need laws and justice!in Cambodia!
REALLY!!! we need laws and justice!in Cambodia!
Please help UN!!!!!
I support Khmer Borann idea! Stop using goods or services of the crony of Hun Sen! I never use gasolin sold by Tela Company because this company belongs to Hun Sen's wife Bun Rany! I also never use gasolin of Sokimex becuase this company is owned by Sok Kung who is Yuon and CPP senator!
Yes I fully support Khmer Borann
But I think it is a good idea when NGO hold a press conference in Hotel Phnom Penh belong to Ly Yong Phat to show that people did not satisfy with this company and it is a message to him and government to know about land grabbed by Ly Yong Phat. It is meaning that people have good occassion to insult him inside his house, it is a legal advocacy even we wasted alot of money.
Yes I fully support Khmer Borann
But I think it is a good idea when NGO hold a press conference in Hotel Phnom Penh belong to Ly Yong Phat to show that people did not satisfy with this company and it is a message to him and government to know about land grabbed by Ly Yong Phat. It is meaning that people have good occassion to insult him inside his house, it is a legal advocacy even we wasted alot of money. Now we don't have any way to walk for help victim.
most NGOs and Int'l Org. work also for their own benefit/personally to their own leaders and staffs...
we have seen mant projects which conducted by ADB/WB with gov. ministries as project owners..(laon/grant) fund they pay much for their staffs and collegues.(up to >100 times) with respect to other colleagues held the same or higher education /qualification...
No any equity....
Achar Knoy
Huynh Xanh OWNED the country!
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