Monday, June 07, 2010

Rochom P'ngieng found fallen into a latrine

Cambodia's disappeared "forest woman" found

PHNOM PENH, June 7 (Xinhua) -- Cambodia's claimed "forest woman " who was disappeared on May 25 has been found in a toilet, a family member of the woman said on Monday.

Rochom Kamphy, 28, a younger brother of the "forest woman", said that his sister who disappeared from home on May 25 was found Friday.

He said his sister was found by a village at the bottom of a deep hole, which was a disused well and now converted into a toilet, and her body was soaked with excrement up to her chest.

Once she was taken out of the toilet, her body was badly smelled with full of excrement and worms. He believed that a forest spirit might have taken her to that situation.

Rochom Kamphy said his sister is now too skinny and weak and is crying most of the time.

The lost woman and later called "forest woman", Rochom P'ngieng, 30, was discovered in 2007 after the family claimed she had disappeared since 1989 while she was herding buffaloes behind her house.

Rochom Kamphy said, last year, his sister disappeared for nine days and nine nights, but she finally returned home and this time she disappeared for 10 days.

Prior to her disappearance last month, Kamphy, said his sister still could not speak, except a few words, but she could listen and understand what his family members were talking to her.

The family of the "forest woman" is living in O'yadao district in Ratanakiri Province, located about 600 km northeast of Phnom Penh.


Anonymous said...

poor girl. she still has the spirit of the call of the while inside her.

Anonymous said...

Interesting story. I would like to wish her well with her family.

Anonymous said...

Hope it was her mistake.
Or some bad people pushed her into the hole for some reasons.
Wished our authority need to do more to protect her life.

Anonymous said...

Introduce her some girl friends to play or be with her. Step by step trying to integrate her into community. Find out something good that she likes. This will take a lot of efforts and patience.

This is the very interesting story. Don't we want to know how she survived for many years inside the dense jungle.

Anonymous said...

Introduce her some girl friends to play or be with her. Step by step trying to integrate her into community. Find out something good that she likes. This will take a lot of efforts and patience.

This is the very interesting story. Don't we want to know how she survived for many years inside the dense jungle.

Anonymous said...

10 years in jungle,10 days in latrine hole????????? TO MUCH! ONLY A FOOL WILL BAY IT!