Sunday, June 06, 2010

Sacrava's Political Cartoon: Pa-Hee Min See Luy

Cartoon by Sacrava (on the web at


Anonymous said...

Shut up band of idiots, you're already eliminated by Sihanouk.
Shanouk used FUNCINPECH to eliminate Khmer rouges and Khmer republicans.
Shanouk used CPP to eliminate FUNCINPECH.
Shanouk is using CPP new members to eliminate Khmer vietminhs alias CPP old members.

Anonymous said...

pa hee min see luy...paom s'uy min yok prak!

party break up over money...

Anonymous said...

Pourk ah kothcheat chenh muk tiet heuy!! bong Phoan khmers becareful don't let them foul you again. Twice is enough.....

Anonymous said...

Wowwww! kmoch kombot tboong!!!!!