Sunday, June 06, 2010

Sihanouk and the Kampuchea Krom land: Op-Ed by Angor Borey News

Click on the article in Khmer to zoom in


Anonymous said...

Yep! WHAT NEWS FROM LY NGOC DINH/DIEP? Khmer Krom wannabe, but he is Yuon spy.

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep,

You are not really that stupid, are you?

You blame Norodom Sihanouk for all the evils that have befallen Cambodia.

You attack him without stopping and blame him for everything bad that has happened in Cambodia.

You have given him with no support whatsoever and expect him to work miracles solving all the problems faced by Cambodia and Cambodians even though currently he is retired.

Who are you anyway? What have you done for Cambodia, but writting articles after articles attacking Sihanouk?

You can't blame Sihanouk for everything, can you? You should blame yourself right now for having done nothing, but destroying unity among various groups of Cambodians.

Shame on you!

Anonymous said...

I think Soth Polin and Ly Diep should apply for full-time jobs cleaning urinals and toilets at Home Depot instead...this has more dignity than writing craps about Sihanouk to tear Cambodian nation apart...we need solidarity against Yuon and Siem, not division.

Kannha Sim Vary
Psar Tuol Kok

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep is a very stupid man.

You should learn to read between the lines the messages given by Norodom Sihanouk who rightly believed that the North would win the war eventually and it would be better off for Cambodia to be on the same side of the eventual winner.

Lon Nol was too fast to remove Sihanouk. The Khmers were so divided in the 70s that there were so many groups who did not want Vietnamese in Cambodia, but yet could not work together at all, which is very unfortunate for the country!

Anonymous said...

Massiah Soth and Diep have personal vendetta against HM doing so only helps the enenmy...

Ly Diep is not a Khmer name...if you are Khmer Krom with Yuon name...then Yuon have effectively use you to divide Khmer solidarity and unity.

I laugh for 25 years of your vulgar rude papers as I make a dump in the toilet.

If you are so patriotic...I dare you to set foot on Khmer soil!

Maybe "chon kbott chiat" name Hun Sen will send you to heaven early.

Anonymous said...

Cambodians need unity at all cost!

We work together to defend our ancestral land first before we talk about anything else.

Anyone who tries to split Cambodians is not helping to defend our land at all!

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

Dharma said to respect one's parents...the monarchy is comparable to that.

To insult the monarchy is like to insult the parents.

Why do you think more prosperous countries like Japan, UK, etc. respect their monarchy? Even our neighbor Thailand has Lest Majeste law to prevent an imbacile to disrespect the country's symbol.

HM Sihanouk has earned his title as "Preah Mohavireakksatr" for his lifetime contribution to the Cambodian nation.

Remember our independence from France November 9, 1954?

Remember ICJ decision on Preah Vihear June 15, 1962?

Rembember the great era of "Sangkum Reastr Niyum" between 1954-69?

Remember who called for China's invasion of Vietnam is 1979?

Remember Paris Peace Accord of October 23, 1991?

In this case, Mr. Ly Diep's article above is quite insincere child!

--Khmer Battambang

Anonymous said...

His article is no difference than some Communist Yuon blogs. The same strategy to divide Khmers as usual. He is paid high, so pay no attention to it. Most Khmers around the world already knew Ly Diep is Yuon spy not Khmer krom. He is aiming only to divide Khmers.

His real name was Ly Ngoc Dinh. He born in South Vietnam from Vietanmese parents. He came to Cambodia and lived in Kg Thom with his Viet relative. He is one of the infiltrators. He and his many Viet spies infiltrated into Lon Nol's army. That was why Gen Lon Nol's defeated because many Viet Spies who sent info to Viet Cong and Viet Cong were already among Viet KR of whereabout the rep army.

Anonymous said...

12:29 PM
Ly Diep is not the killer but he is a Yuon spy who is a divider.
King Sihanouk didn't kill his people but Ly Diep's Yuon army did.
Don't try to wash your hands Ly Ngoc Dinh, your Yuon did all the crimes in Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

don't worry sihanouk will go hanoi soon and ask his master how to kill more khmer

Anonymous said...

What have Ly Diep or Soth Polin done for Cambodia?

Have they built any school or hospital?

Have they passed out supplies to poor Khmers?

Have they wore uniforms to resist Yuon invasion of Kampuchea?

If you two bastards [retards good for nothing] have NOT done shit for Khmer people yet...simply shut the fuck up.

Nuon Dararith
Long Beach, CA

Anonymous said...

Hi Ly Ngoc Diep 12;36pm.
Your Yuon game is not working anymore. Talk about the geopolitics in SEA if you can blast. Your Yuon propagandas are too rotten and dumb.
Khmer King is a closest friend to your Yuon's biggest enemy called China. Don't twist.

Anonymous said...

Instead of writing political craps for years to brainwash lesser educated Khmers into believing your fantasies based on your extreme personal hatred toward our beloved King Father Sihanouk...maybe you guys better focus and teach your family members and friends from fighting within a Long Beach buddhist temple to gain money and prestige...

I'm GAY said...

Ly Ngoc Dinh/Diep was one of Vietnamese party cadres, civil officials and professionally trained to do just divide the Cambodians. This is the time that Vietnamese are aggressively making their strategy of consolidation in Kampuchea called colonization process in Kampuchea. We hope that China could help Cambodia, because the US are too far too reach.

I'm GAY said...

cort' 12;58pm.
too far to reach.

Anonymous said...

Three tactics cobine! using by ah kwack Hun Xen to destroy Cambodia!

1)Systermatic Corruption

2)Ganster style of offer that can not be refused, and

3)Pol Pot's style of timidation.

Can this evil element called, Goverment?

Sware to your mother UN, before you answer the question??????

Anonymous said...

Three tactics cobine! using by ah kwack Hun Xen to destroy Cambodia!

1)Systermatic Corruption

2)Ganster style of offer that can not be refused, and

3)Pol Pot's style of timidation.

Can this evil element called, Goverment?

Sware to your mother UN, before you answer the question??????

Anonymous said...

Three tactics cobine! using by ah kwack Hun Xen to destroy Cambodia!

1)Systermatic Corruption

2)Ganster style of offer that can not be refused, and

3)Pol Pot's style of timidation.

Can this evil element called, Goverment?

Sware to your mother UN, before you answer the question??????

Anonymous said...

Three tactics cobine! using by ah kwack Hun Xen to destroy Cambodia!

1)Systermatic Corruption

2)Ganster style of offer that can not be refused, and

3)Pol Pot's style of timidation.

Can this evil element called, Goverment?

Sware to your mother UN, before you answer the question??????

Anonymous said...

Prette Sihaknuk dying thousand life times ,won't be able to become to a human being as ordinary people,the reason that cause this bizarre animal Sihaknuk not return to live are : As Cambodian lives should have been saved instead of killing two million khmers,Sihaknuk said:If we do not go to war we have never win the war1967(Intending to kill or planning to kill khmer people for his ignorant s ambitions )#2 While Lon Nol and US Envoys had called Sihaknuk to return home to come back to his throne Sihaknuk refused (believing with Monique Srei Preay youn ,stated no one dare to challenge with your magesty(Big mistakes) and siding with khmer rouge and Vietcong to kill Cambodian innocent.With out Sihaknuk name ,speeches from Radio Peking and reputation there were not too many live to waste and join Marky ,Markea s jungle 1970.#3 BEFORE sihaknuk got back to Cambodia Sihaknuk told khmer rouge soldiers to kill khmer people very gentle (because he did not like khmer people who join Lon Nol and clean up all the mess(Revenges and Viruses ) Sihaknuk will not stay in Phnom Penh,he wanted to reside in little cottage in Siem Reap provvince as a simple people(Other intending,willing planning this is sinful thinking). While he was in the head of Kampuchea Democratic(Sihaknuk wasn't in the jail as he claimed ,why he lied to his koun Jao and the whole world? Why should he stay in his palace while all of us went to live in the miserable places at the country sides ,and some source have stated Sihaknuk wasn't in house arrest that is wrong I met him personally(puok khmer krohom stated)(What it mean to us?
#4 Sihaknuk call all khmer to fight with youn ,Khmer Monica,Khmer Seun Sarn,Khmer rouge. Persuaded those khmer to get kill by youn and Hun Sen then lure those khmer to give up the weapons and bow down to youn and Hun Sen,now this man named Sihaknuk kissing ,Hun Sen ,Bun Rany Drinking champagne singing karaoke ,promoting movies what is the points again? Dear Cambodian intellectuals ,scholars AND ALL citizens that have the acknowledgments to think If Sihaknuk is the king in the right mind and respectable ?
To me personally I give two thumbs up to Mr,Ly Diep,Poline, and Oun Sim I DO NOT TAKE A CRAP TO BELIEVE WITH the retire king and his son too much that is enough .
Good writing ,please write some more for our next generation to know and have knowledge about our history and the roots of the problems causing khmers turn weak!

Anonymous said...

Your people called Ly Diep is a Youn spy. Do you guys have any proves to show to us that he is a Youn spy. So people can believes. Don't just said with out proves no one believing in you either fool. In my point of views I thinks Ah Sihanouk is recreates everythings. This fucking stupidest King made our Country disasters. After 13th Century all the fucking Khmer king is so useless King...
Khmer In O.C. CA.

Anonymous said...

You are Yuon. Don't pretend to be Khmer. Your garbage can only brainwash few clowns like ah Kvack.
No one read your shit anymore. People are tired of your Yuon propagandas.

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep was born from Yuon parents and from Srok Yuon. He only writes how to divide Khmers. And you too
1;17pm, you are Yuon.

Anonymous said...

OOP !Japanese ,Thai,England s king not the play boy,they are not killing patriarchy Choun Nath and sucking the enemy cock like Sihaknuk this kind of king sick and thick skull you can curse him every days and nights it won't be close to two million and five hundred thousand that got kill by this King led us in the wrong side of the way,so please refrain from superstitious before they call you Alzheimer,knee jerks or tmart Vaang

Anonymous said...

Hi Yuon 1;24pm.
You twisted the facts. You play Yuon Hanoi's games as usual.

Anonymous said...

1:18PM That is it ,the words that you can use against me?
Please ask me some khmer words in Balei or Sansakreit and the royal words if I can't translate to you then I accept that you right.
Respectful 1:11

Anonymous said...

Ah 1:20 I'm not fucking Youn those I'm fucking realy heates all ah Youn people. I used to fight with ah Youn alots in the U.S. Those fucking animales idiots Youn everytimes I fucking seen them I just wanna kills them all. I'm not likes ah CPP clans that likes to licks and kiss ah Youn pussy.

Anonymous said...

Your statement against King Sihanouk was fabricated by Yuon Hanoi. It does not work anymore because Yuon Hanoi were the ones who killed million Khmers.

The facts written by western scholars so stop Youn Hanoi games.

Anonymous said...

We Khmer people welcome Mr. Soth Polin and Mr. Ly Diep to go to Washington D.C. and yell in the microphone in front of the Vietnamese embassy for the return of Kampuchea Krom back to Cambodia...

This is more useful than insulting HM Sihanouk who was held as hostage and put in house arrest in 1976-79...14 members of his children and grand-children were killed by the Khmer Rouge...

At a time, where we are in danger...we need unity, not twisted facts like the above the article...

Sok Khemara

Anonymous said...


I support you 1000% my khmer brother!!!

10 thumbs up!!!!


Anonymous said...

1:29 I would like to swear If the facts that I have Stated was wrong ,the khmer Monarchy stay with khmer people for ever but is not ,May Lord Buddaha destroy the sdach thmil Sihaknuk ,his wife and all his kids to live in miserableness and Cambodian people spit on the khmer royal families every single faces and when they die Cambodian people go to piss every of their graves.
Respectful me 1:11

Anonymous said...

1:30 PM,
Yuon this day can speak fluently Khmers, Bali and Sangkret. Your reasons are meaningless.
Ly Ngoc Dinh is Yuon spy regardless you have tried to defend this Yuon.

Anonymous said...

1:33 you wrong you are the liar ,I am the live witness for that happened,so the fabrication and twisting lying about Sihaknuk innocent it doesn't work itself .It doesn't matter you good at lying but the pictures it talk it self.
I like youn pussy like Sihaknuk too but not Youn ivaders.

Anonymous said...

1:39 PM,
Not only you are wrong but you were sold to EVIL.
You are too evil to even dare to speak of Lord Buddha and called upon Buddha to destroy others.

Your fucking evil don't know that Lord Buddha was a peaceful Lord?
You are not Buddhist but the absolute evil.

Anonymous said...

1:34! and now he, Shihanouk and family, again willing to stay in a housearest for foos and medicare! that most of Cambodian will never have!

Pol Pot all over again! EHHH??????

Anonymous said...

1:34! and now he, Shihanouk and family, again willing to stay in a housearest for foos and medicare! that most of Cambodian will never have!

Pol Pot all over again! EHHH??????

Anonymous said...

1:41 See you stuck because you are the real liar for the homeless king Sihaknuk your self

Anonymous said...

1:46 PM,

Pictures are not good evidence anymore, we need DNA.

Like to read your low class fight.

How about intelligent debate? Can you handle?

Anonymous said...

1:47 My dad,my brother,my sister fought with youn all the way until your Youn King Sihaknuk told khmer rouges to crashed them okay . I am practicing and respecting Buddha all the ways so what I was my words spelled out are base on the the facts and truthful ,why you afraid for ,if you good as you preached?
24k gold not afraid of being burn and the twister like you are whining?
Respectfully me

Anonymous said...

1:54 At the end your true color revealing?
You sound terrible ,what the hell of the Court do not use the the evidences ,pictures ,witnesses and facts,Only your corrupt court in Hun Sen that let Sihaknuk free,if he reside some where else perhaps Sihanuk s ass on the stick already really!
respectfully me 1:11

Anonymous said...

It seems that this Viet spy Ly Ngoc Dinh knows how to attract his flies to fight.
Anyone is interested in intelligent debate instead of talking trash?

Anonymous said...

You must be an idiot to find the Cambodian DNA betrayal person,it doesn't making senses.
cheer me1:11

Anonymous said...

I do not take the crap if LY DIEP is youn,but every things are accurate and wasn't Ly Diep either who had destroyed Cambodia but Sihaknuk and me youn monique ez

Anonymous said...

1:55 PM/2:02 PM.
You have no respect for yourself not just have no respect for Lord Buddha. You are a very sick evil person. Your trashing Lord Buddha by calling upon the Lord Name to destroy other beings?

You have a very low education to understand the geopolitics in SEA what Yuon have been doing for 500 years. If you are Khmers you are easily brainwashed because of your low education and your evil manner.

Anonymous said...

Yes, let's talk intelligent stuff and arts! How about how to sing in royal court with a lousy voice praising peking and condemn the dead lonoliens???

Anonymous said...

Xấu hổ về bạn, Lý Diệp hay Lý Ngọc Định ... trở lại nước bạn, Việt Nam! Bạn chắc chắn không phải là một Khmer ...

Sao Mony
Moat Chrouk, Kampuchea Krom

Anonymous said...

2:05 PM/2:09 PM
You are being possessed by Yuon Ly Diep, that is why you see Yuon didn't kill KHmers. Cannot free yourself until you pray to Lord Buddha to forgive you for calling HIM to destroy other beings.

Anonymous said...

For the intelligent god king who is very skilled in SEA geo-politics, the next cambo-viet border posts will be installed just outside much for his efforts and intelligence...

Anonymous said...

2:11 PM,
That is not intelligent debate but stupid and mentally sick.
Beijing is better than Hanoi.

Anonymous said...

What kind of intelligent you have?
You are just intelligent in your own mind2:03? Shame on you that you like to attack on the news reporter but not youn ,If in Songkom Reastr onkoy yom (Sihaknuk regime)perhaps you take Ly Diep to execute in Trapang Kraleung as Sihaknuk did to khmer siding US and films it, letting people watch every theaters? Oh that is too old,you have a rusty brain and that brain it don't work this day.
Jess eng kreng jess keh?

Anonymous said...

2:15 PM,
Land can be expanded, can be shrinked and can lose if the leaders of any nation make a wrong move. It does not matter if it is the super power. Making a closest friend with China like King Sihanouk is rare when a country is small and poor and Viets walking all over inside the country making themselves Cambodians. King Bhumibol has tried so many times but his attempts missed. Now he is dying his nation is about to collapse. And Burma is building Nuclear weapon may be Thailand can be in troubles or divided or lose all the land.

It is not much to debate since you are interested only mocking around like a troll.

Anonymous said...

2:17 PM,

shit, man, you just insulted the god king's devotion to making bad music and cheesy movies... how dare you???

i know, i know, the intelligent strategy for SEA geo-politics is to set up a home and command center from beijing...after all, that was the last place that appreciates high intelligence...

Anonymous said...

2:10 the smart person have never put any one down also intelligent people does. To you I think you are below average person what I see you mentalities and knowledge .Sihaknuk and his wife committed crimes against human in Cambodia devastated lives tremendously ,making my country Cambodia walking behind her neighboring for two hundred years and you pray this kind of scum bag ,homeless king as a living God you must be one of idiotic that conspiring and continuous to kill and weakening her and people ,you are the worse of the worse people of this planet earth ,your monarchy and your self try to swim across the hateful current by your self so at the end you will exhausted because you make fool of your self and you look like a monkey that what I can tell.

Anonymous said...

2:18 PM,
The fact I was 5 months 3 days old in 1975. If I were King Sihanouk I would order to shoot the trouble makers like yourself and Ly Ngoc Diep. King Sihanouk has mercy but I wouldn't have much, I will be like King Bhumibol who is the world richest and orders his PM to shoot down on protesters.
People like you need a strong laws and order.

Yes Jess einh oy krenh jess keh? You need to repeat many times, so your idol Ly Diep wouldn't think Kaun Khmers are dumb.

Anonymous said...

2:24 PM,

Was the king alliance with the khmer rouge and his calling for revenge on innocent people who were not with the khmer rouge a part of his strategic geo-political move to save Cambodia?

For convenience sake, both the vietcong and khmer rouge were initially supported by beijing. Do you believe beijing cares about preserving the sovereign of cambodia more than its strategy to prevent america from interfering with its rapid growth and expansion?

Anonymous said...

2:25 pm,
No You don't know but a troll.
Now tell me what can you do better than the King? So what is wrong for playing musics? King Bhumibol plays musics and wrote songs and sings. Most Presidents play some musical instruments. That is not a good reason to attack the King. I can play guitar and sing, though it is not my career. Come on.

Anonymous said...

2:34Pm Stop changing the subject ,can you? Jeatr Rong Roeung Prous Prochea Jeatr Vetrnear prous Neak dDeuk Noim, Sihaknuk got pay from our taxes money he must works for us that his job ,now Cambodia in miserable you think that Sihaknuk wants to get away? oh oh no if he afraid of the heat don't get in to the kitchen in the firstplace? We are here we have the right here to reflect what is wright and what is wrong what we should change and what we should not ,king Sihaknuk should be out from the politic period that is loser right there so stop praying to the devote God king that has never stay in his country when we need of his help he is some where around. Shame shame on you and you wand to kill Ly Diep oh God making mistakes don't wanted to change ,ni wonder why khmer have no where to go?

Anonymous said...

2:42 PM,

making music and having fun are okay, siding with the genocidal killers and holding vengeance on innocent people by a supposedly "king father" of the nation is total bullshit...

Anonymous said...

Thanks you KIMEDia this is hot topics

Anonymous said...

2:41 pm.
The King played jeux to fit with the KR if he wanted to save Cambodia. The KR were created by Yuon Communists, and Yuon Communists were roaming in Cambodia. The King chose the strategy that offered to him. The US were not interested to help a small Cambodia but Thailand and South VN only. Lon Nol tried but failed because Yuon Communits were in. If the US won but I doubt it, the Communist will take Cambodia. Why The Yuon Communists were alread spreading all over Cambodia.
The US have never helped any nation 'til death, except S.Korea.
Because of N. Korea threats.
The US alone cannot fight China and Soviet Unions. Look at WWII, The US needed allies, UK and Russia to defeat Hitler.

Anonymous said...

1:34! and now he, Shihanouk and family, again aRE willing to stay in a house arest for fooD and medicare! that most of Cambodian will never have!

Pol Pot all over again! EHHH??????

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

2:51 PM,
How do you really know the King did kill his people? You believed Yuon Communists broadcasting via radio? What if it was not him but fake? What if he played jeux to make his enemy to trust him? I wanted to catch the drug dealers I posed myself as a drug dealer.
I don't believe the King wanted to kill his own peole. These tactics used by Yuon Hanoi propagandas. I won't fall into it. It was written by the western scholars how Yuon did and do, don't tell me I should believe your Yuon propagandas.

Anonymous said...

M'neal Yuon 3:01pm.
You cannot handle the truth but lies.

Anonymous said...

The bottom line is, he is a calculated opportunist looking out for his skin only. who let the vietcong roam cambodia before the lon nol's time? if he played "jeux," he was a lousy game player, and it cost cambodia with a killing field.

Anonymous said...

Did Sihaknuk called khmers to join his resistance in Marky jungles? Youn nad Sihaknuk took the picture together it was fake ?

Anonymous said...

Sihaknuk killed Joun Narth because he wanted to be communist State was lying?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Preah Kosomak told Sihaknuk do not take that Srei youn Monique it was fake?

Anonymous said...

2:42 PM,

to answer your question, yes, i may be just a troll, but that is because i wasn't born with a stamp saying "royal highness" on my ass... other wise, i think i can sing better the he...

Anonymous said...

3:08 PM,
It was Jeux politics, but why are you dragging this shit same story for the past 30 years while your Yuon Hanoi are invading Cambodia via Hun Sen? Who benfit fromthis division?
You just show us clearly that you are not Khmer but Yuon. This is the only story you provoke Khmers to kill each others.

Anonymous said...

3:09 you are exactly right I support your comment. Did Sihaknuk Sihakmoney raise these problems telling his citizen to help? /Mushachua NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Is he in the house arrest ??NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
HE TRY TO PLAY THE SAME GAME LIKE HIS FATHER? Taking only good and the best ,the wrong and the worse the others people whom must taken it?
Oh not that ,that is so wrong and bad move.

Anonymous said...

3:15 You can't shut me up ,that is the truth ,are you afraid of your self in the mirror? With out Sihaknuk khmer krhom would not have the chances to win over the Lon Nol regime? I do not under stand why you like to cover up the weak and flaws spots?

Anonymous said...

The same Yuon's fabricated stories: SD Chhuon Nath was killed by the King? Queen Monineath is Srei Yuon because Queen Kosomac said so?
Are there any more Yuonpropagandas you want to post? We read and laugh.

Anonymous said...

3:26 PM,
No body is afraid of your stupid comments. Your Yuon fabricated so many stories to divide Khmers we are so used to it.

Anonymous said...

3:16 PM,
The King cannot show his emotion taking side. No manarch on earth will do that. The King is a symbol of an umbrulla, a unifier not a divider. Look at the monarch next door did. Queen Sirikit attended PAD's funeral then half of Thai population accused her of being a tyrant hiring PAD to defend her family not democracy.

Your stupid comment is causing more calamities in the nation.

Anonymous said...

3:31 and 3:28 is it you propaganda that Sihaknuk hide youn in easterners Provinces to fight and defeated USA and get pay millions million dollars to go to live in Bejing(kill my khmer people and selling my country to youn?) And Sihaknuk did the wright thing? Wright my ass

Anonymous said...

3:37 Don't talk shit about the thieves that stole My land ? Your icon symbol you must be an idiot to take thief as your teacher

Anonymous said...

You make me laugh all night/day long. Without Sihanouk, Gen Lon Nol would win? Hahahahahah...
It shows so that you are so naive and dumb. Read the French Canadian political writer named Justus M. van der KROEF*
about Vietnamese's expansionsim in Cambodia. It took back into 18th century, then in 1900's. King Sihanouk or any Khmer leader would face the same fate or worse.

Anonymous said...

Thanks KI you are the real leading for khmer,not a youn yoke s news .
Long Live KI love your news
The more hatters you have the more popularity you are!

Anonymous said...

3:41 PM/3:45 PM.
You are not Khmer but Yuon. We aren't fooled by.

It is not that we don't want to debate, but you seem to drag the same fake story for 3 decades, nothing new.

Anonymous said...

3:49 pm.
Polular as intelligent people is good but popular as playing Yuon Hanoi games is very bad. Yes I heard that KI's members are Yuon spies, and it could be truth.

Anonymous said...

3:47 you do not have your own brain ,and you are blind and mutes ,the foreigners have never be good to you stupid ? Hearsay it wasn't good t okay hearing hundred times not even better then you saw it once okay ,my advise to you!

Anonymous said...

3:49 PM
It surely a good flattery. Most Cambodians love to be falttered even you stab behind they wouldn't mind.

Anonymous said...

Yes Sihaknuk sleep with srei youn ,hiding youn out feed youn take money from youn run to Bejing and honest mistake play youn games you thing which is the worse?

Anonymous said...

3:54 PM,
He wrote more than huhdred years ago, he must have seen and known about Yuon. And why are you mad at the ancient writer? Without those writers I can see this new event, and why do you think I need your advice? Evety politician plays games. They win and they lose. I just don't believe what these idiots write fake stories that's it.

Anonymous said...

Heard your Yuon propagandas so many times. Ask the rain man Xakrava how his toon help Cambodians to unite or divide?

Anonymous said...

Sacrava is an excellent artist with his cartoons but he is the stupid knee jerks when come to politics. He has no intelligence that is why we named him a rain man.

Anonymous said...

as chinese khmer ,i beg the king help his ppls. Do not let bastard hun sen Nguyen tan dung 'dick to continue killing his ppls anymore.and help our khmerkampoucheakrom brothers ,sisters out of youn grip.stop fighting each other Bon Phaon Euy.

Anonymous said...

The new King is a very good King. Unlike his Father this King is helping our poor people, but KI who plays Yuon games never posted the Kng's work.
Nikum Preah Norodom Sihamoni you will see him helping.
Now we know why many people said KI's members are Yuon spies.

Anonymous said...

4:25PM I don't believe in you, and why?
How about Somransy ,Musachua they are sacrifice for the cause of nation .Dare Sihaknuk Sihakmony dare open their fucking mouth to help? beside helping ah Hun Sen Youn dog,kissing embarrassing partying on the khmer s tears every single day?
You sound like ar Ky Tech defending the traitors,killing the innocent people .that s good thing it happen in Cambodia if in somewhere else your fucking license must be revoked in the days
,again like ar Ky Tech it victory over helpless lady Mu but people around the world they are disguise so do you yo defend the killer Sihaknuk sound like you try hard to make this criminal innocent and good king but only people do not go to school or ar smao vaing(Royal palace grass) like you are shamelessly to bluff and blah blah tirelessly and it is not work. .

Anonymous said...

You talk so trash. 4;44pm.
We dont' see any intelligent discussion you have. How could anyone make you to understand when you are talking only trash?

Anonymous said...

4:44 PM,
And what ar Ky Tech has to do with our discussion in reference to you smear the King from Father to this new King his son? And who is ar Ky Tech? And why is ar Ky Tech is in this dividing Khmers as you are trying to divide?

Anonymous said...

4:52 the salvage like you very difficult to find your way to be good and educate >The criminal can not be mixed with the good people in the high standard of society ,you like to take the advantage the others for your own good ,but it won't work that way. If i talk with the kindergarten kid they are understand very well,you know what am i talking about and you know what is wrong and wright but you pretend to be stupid.Well well you can t lead the horse to drink the water if the horse like you do not wanted but I see with my own eyes your damn devote God king is bad sold out country for dollar and youn pussy and escape to safe heaven watching my khmer brothers sisters and Cambodia bleeding.

Anonymous said...

There three panels:

One Panel is to unite Khmers against Yuon. They secretely help Khmers. They keep calm.

Panel two: is playing Yuon games by dividing Khmers so they keep cursing the King and brining all dirt to post on the dashboard.

Panel Three: Real Yuon Ly Diep who created the confusion for Khmers to fight and so they watch Khmers are dividing.

Anonymous said...

5:07 PM
The more you barke the more we know that you are REAL Yuon spy who only cause troubles to divide Khmers.

Anonymous said...

4:59 I meant you are defending the criminal against human as the devote GOD KING?
You see black as white and cloud the water.

Anonymous said...

Panel four persuade Cambodian people to kill in marky jungles ,and they were not finish them they try to lure khmer people to get kill by the same old bastard criminal and leave the empty land for youn the same they won Lon Nol s war.

Anonymous said...

5:09 the more that you let the cat out of your bag,the more your grill fishes will be eaten by the cat and you will be eating shit because you do not know how to unite us but you were kill us for the Queen yiekcong nation. what is you want more from khmers people?

Anonymous said...

So what they devote to the King to help to unite Khmers, and what are you going to do? Barking? How long?

Now you are defending Yuon Hanoi and why do you blame them for defending the Monarch? The King is doing good helping Khmers and what about you?

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Unite my shit,youn flood Cambodia up to the king nose ,this idiot keep silent .The king if the symbol and icon of the country and if this pussy king afraid to let the world know that youn swallowing Cambodia,who going to know and help khmer to fight? Look at Mu and Ransy they fight so hard and this robot king turn the bag for them you think he is unite ?or he is freak out before his fight,this kind of king is not mine i will call the dogking oh even better because the dog are loyal to the masters . Called cow dung as your united God better ,we can use as natural fertilizer no harm no chime.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone understand these (5:10 PM, 5:14 PM, 5:19 PM) write about?
May be the same person and I cannot understand what this person is trying to tell us.

Anonymous said...

May God destroy the killingfield creator khmer king named Sihaknuk!
God ruining srei youn undercover Monique Mony Neath as her mother inlaw wishes!

Anonymous said...

5:29 PM,
What language are you writing?
Your English sucks.

Anonymous said...

5:36 so do you?

Anonymous said...

The Prohok English are about the same,and what else you are trying to prove ? Put down ,insulting ,cursing the others people for your own good.

Anonymous said...

This Yuon Ly Ngoc Diep knows how to pick his flies like Xacrava. :)

Anonymous said...

5:36 Every day routines I communicate with hundred hundred white,black the English born speaking .If you are not understanding that was not my fault sorry I can't help.

Anonymous said...

Let us help to correct your Prahok English :)
You should write like this:
The Prohok English is about the same, and what you are trying to prove ? Putting down ,insulting ,cursing other people to make you what? Looking good?

Anonymous said...

5:46 PM,
No matter how many people you communicate with, when you write too sloppy, you tell the people that you are stupid.

Anonymous said...

5:57PM Cursing others people to make you what? That is shitty English I have never heard one of them teach me that ,keep it for your self .The white men do not hire me .Oh please give me a break?

Anonymous said...

It doesn't matters my writing is sloppy but people like to the bitchy here pick on here and there is not good neither so what is your points? You are not my parent why should I listen to you?

Anonymous said...

It is precisely not wrong to ask question "What?" You can ask many type of questions. I only gave you an example. I am a native English speaker, but I am not an expert English writing like those journalists. I knew that you are not a native English speaker and you write too sloppy.

Anonymous said...

Pickering ,mocking pretend to be English teacher here is not worth because you not getting pay to do that if you are man enough ,go to see our bank account and I will check yours also after that we are will determination who is the winner ,you like to try it?

Anonymous said...

5:58 PM,
The points are you are a hothead, and dumb. How can I be your parent if I am not old enough to be?

Anonymous said...

6:05 pm.
No one pretends to be an English teacher, why are you lying? I said I am a native English speaker.
I was trying to help you to win the debate then you turned to bite me?
When you debate with others you should write not too sloppy.

Anonymous said...

6:03 don't kid to your self I am not the England native like you ,but bragging here is not make you look good in the public neither I am carrying the passport to travel around the globe ,Is it make you better than me? Sorry that is wrong people to boast about and make you look better.

Anonymous said...

6:09 if you admitted that you are not qualifying then stop bossing around ?It make your look like an idiot instead.

Anonymous said...

You cannot write and you are rude like Hun Sen. Why do you get so defensive and accused me of being a braggart? You write too sloppy and you are dumb.

Anonymous said...

This 6;19pm is mentally slow :)

Anonymous said...

6:19 PM is a pudden-head.
This type of person is not bright and it is esy to take advantage of. Pudden heads are the people who are easy to be brainwashed that is why the Yuon Ly Ngoc Diep keeps flashing the same story for nearly half century, and the pudden-heads are going wild.

With the pudden-heads I just stay calm and laugh. :)

Anonymous said...

Champa wiped out by YUON! Are we next?

Anonymous said...

The truth hurt just like that. Those who said that Ly Diep articles divide Khmer people are dumbfools. Keep writing the truth; let it hurt the fools. The Buddha said, "If you cannot find a good friend who you can associate with, just walk alone like an elephant walking in the forest." I am with you Ly Diep, as long as you say the truth. I don't care if I walk alone as long as I walk along the right past of moral.

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep is just an uneducated man who is trying to be known. I find him very stupid without judgment.

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep,

You think your article is truth, but it's BULLSHIT! I think you are a sad low class individual who have nothing in life but to be jealous of someone who happends to be King, who has everything, who is well-loved, who is witty, who has a kind heart, who is talented, who is gifted, who is a playboy, etc...

Why don't you focus on how Khmer people get together, how we can build our country, how we can help our poor people who have nothing...

First, I advise you to get some help to alleviate your mental instability, to take psychology courses and become a monk and learn about dharma. Try meditation in the morning or better yet take some pills to calm down a bit...'HIMSA' (Sanskrit for violence and anger) is not the way to go in life...

Ly Diep, I think you enjoy irritate people with your nonsense...if you are a good man as you claim...Please search for our living hero Lok Pou Mam Sonando for help. He is a great example for all Khmer people.

Kannh Sim Vary
Psar Tuol Kork

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep,

You think your article is truth, but it's BULLSHIT! I think you are a sad low class individual who have nothing in life but to be jealous of someone who happends to be King, who has everything, who is well-loved, who is witty, who has a kind heart, who is talented, who is gifted, who is a playboy, etc...

Why don't you focus on how Khmer people get together, how we can build our country, how we can help our poor people who have nothing...

First, I advise you to get some help to alleviate your mental instability, to take psychology courses and become a monk and learn about dharma. Try meditation in the morning or better yet take some pills to calm down a bit...'HIMSA' (Sanskrit for violence and anger) is not the way to go in life...

Ly Diep, I think you enjoy irritate people with your nonsense...if you are a good man as you claim...Please search for our living hero Lok Pou Mam Sonando for help. He is a great example for all Khmer people.

Kannha Sim Vary
Psar Tuol Kork

Anonymous said...

I think Soth Polin and Ly Diep should apply for full-time jobs cleaning urinals and toilets at Home Depot or here at Psar Tuol Kork instead...this has more dignity than writing craps about Sihanouk to tear Cambodian nation apart...we need solidarity against Yuon and Siem, not division.

Kannha Sim Vary
Psar Tuol Kok

Anonymous said...

. Other countries worship their monarchs because their monarchs don't sell their countries.

. Ly Diep, Soth Polin or any Khmer nationalist, could build a lot of schools or hospitals if only they have a chance to govern the country!

. How can you unite with someone like Sihanouk or Hun Sen government who's motto is to give away Khmer land to Vietnam? just like when you form a government like Ranaridh did to include these trash in your government or separate the bad apples from the good apples?

. I don't give a shit if Ly Diep is a Vietnamese born or not but there are good folks who's not Cambodian but love Cambodia more than the so-called proclaimed Cambodians? wake up guys! Hun Sen is Cambodian? is he better than an innocent cyclo driver?

. Do you have a better idea or do you know fact and history more than Ly Diep? did he fabricate all these? Go figures!

Anonymous said...

I know Mi Sim Vary is Sampheun Tuol Kork.

I'm GAY said...

My dear Kannha Sim Vary.
Ly Diep is Yuon, I wish you stop counting him as one of ours. Most of us Khmers knew Ly Diep (Ly Ngoc Dinh) is Yuon spy.
I can only laugh :) I saw this same post by the same Yuon spy Ly Diep for the past few years nothing else but this smear post.

I'm GAY said...

7:56 PM,
And what is the truth that your Yuon hero Ly ngoc Diep knew about?
Bringing a peaceful man like "Buddha" to make your points but you are completely an idiot.

Anonymous said...

Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime

Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Kek Iev
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...

Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention

Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime

Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...

Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.

"But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union 
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered 10 Journalists
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son 
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Border Encroachment, allow Vietnam to encroaching into Cambodia.
Signed away our territories to Vietnam; Koh Tral, almost half of our ocean territory oil field and others.  
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation

Illegally use of remote detonation bomb on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.

Lightning strike many airplanes, but did not fall from the sky.  Lightning strike out side of airplane and discharge electricity to ground. 
Source:  Lightning, Discovery Channel

Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters. 
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.

Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice. 

I'm GAY said...

1:37 AM and 1:37 AM,
Ly Ngoc Dinh is not here to tell the real history, he is here to divide Khmer communities.

About the history and other facts internets and libray are the places not from the Yuon spy.

You cannot handle the facts from the educated Khmer people like this dear woman, you insulted her, what make you look? Pudden-head like some said.

I'm GAY said...

This morning we were going to send you some old papers we copied from the European Libraries to post, but we change our minds.
We don't trust KI, but we keep observing. KI, you have earned a bad reputation, and you already knew what it is.

See you again

Anonymous said...

Sot Polin and Li Deip used to bark at each other...teach ah Sot Paline and your family don't even try to teach other Khmer.

"Jeh aeng oy kraeng jeh keh"

N. Nakia

Anonymous said...

Go Ly Diep! Go!
Go Ly Diep! Go!
Go Ly Diep! Go!

i like your articles!

Anonymous said...

Soth Polin was and may be is a Paris taxi driver I think :(
What Ly Diep has done in his entire life ?

Anonymous said...

Can someone post the picture of uncle ho's funeral??? Was not it true there was a picture of the great "jeux" player who kneeled and teared in front of ho's corpse??? Tres magnifique et dramatique!!!

Anonymous said...

and of course, the most famous picture of the great "jeux" player with his black pajamas, all smiling, with kr cadres and comrades...

Anonymous said...

19666 called youn to hide out kill khmers and Us soldiers,1970 called khmers to look for death search in Marky jungle
1970 called youn and yiekcong to kill Lon Nol
1975called khmer rouge to kill all khmer in Phnom Pennh and all provinces before majesty step in khmer soil
1976King of khmer rouge,
1979 called khmers to die along Thai border
1991kiss ass with youn Hun Sen to kill all khmer resistances that help Sihaknuk to get back to the throne
1991 up to now suck younHUn Sen cock for fresh protein to survive on daily basis, what else the king Sihaknuk can do to improve Cambodia and her people?

Anonymous said...

Some one who love to devote God king Sihaknuk,please change your respect to cow maneuver ways better cuz we can grow the plants and veggy for human daily need.

Anonymous said...

What can I say ,called the khmer terminator as their God father?
Must be insaine

Anonymous said...

"Jomdtet ed ahso" or "Bend over with your ass high up"...the Novel massiah Soth Polin wrote. He should ask his colleague Ly Diep to do the same in front of Hun Sen's house so that Bun Rany can poke it with a stick! :-)

Anonymous said...

"Jomdtet ed ahso" or "Bend over with your ass high up"...the Novel massiah Soth Polin wrote. He should ask his colleague Ly Diep to do the same in front of Hun Sen's house so that Bun Rany can poke it with a stick! :-)

Anonymous said...

People like Ly Diep, Soth Polin, Soth Paline etc. who can't even make it in real life for their own livelihoods expect to tell educated Khmer people around the world about how to think and who to hate?

They are wasting their time, do something useful for a change...continue to be taxi driver in Paris or tuk tuk driver or become gardeners in P.Penh is more dignified.

I bet these people eat prahok everyday and never brush their teeth when they go to bed at night.

They are rotten and good for nothing. I regret Pol Pot did not finish them off. Khmer society do not need scums. We need real heroes who can help our Khmer country to prosperity.

Observe the current Khmer hero like Lok pou Mam Sonando if you want respect. He has done so much for Khmer society...

Anonymous said...

People like Ly Diep, Soth Polin, Soth Paline etc. who can't even make it in real life for their own livelihoods expect to tell educated Khmer people around the world about how to think and who to hate?

They are wasting their time, do something useful for a change...continue to be taxi driver in Paris or tuk tuk driver or become gardeners in P.Penh is more dignified.

I bet these people eat prahok everyday and never brush their teeth when they go to bed at night.

They are rotten and good for nothing. I regret Pol Pot did not finish them off. Khmer society do not need scums. We need real heroes who can help our Khmer country to prosperity.

Observe the current Khmer hero like Lok pou Mam Sonando if you want respect. He has done so much for Khmer society...

Anonymous said...

6:02am your intelligent is limiting,you can see far but close to your nose,Sot Poline he is famous for generations ready please don't compare the pieces of glasses to the diamonds that is not the comparison of the apple and orange.

Anonymous said...

Thanks KI the more you get hatters the more reputation you have .
Love KIMedia for ever

Anonymous said...

6:02 you are very young to observe who is who? By reading your comment made me disappoint Soth Poline was e Nokorthom news paper khmers owner from Songkom to Republican and he left country to French because of his personal security with Lon Nol government he was and is the khmer patriot he was so famous ,I do not know a bout you? If you admire Hun Sen regime I narrow minded to deal with you,if you talk about knowledge and intelligen from the sonkom he ie the man I am telling you,you mess around with the wrong person.

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep singing Yuon karaoke! :)

Anonymous said...

Can some one posting Sihaknuk in Karaoke

Anonymous said...

The good old days of "Sangkum Reastr Niyum" 1954-69 of Preah Moha Ksatr Samdech Norodom Sihanouk:

Anonymous said...

The bad day of preh Moha ksatr khmer1970 to now every khmers know

Anonymous said...

We are not living in the past,we need to survive today and tomorrow.Do we khmers has that? Who is the root of problems?
Sdach prette Sihaknuk and his families.

Anonymous said...

Je salue M. Ly Diep à venir me rencontrer en face à face à Pékin (billet d'avion et l'hébergement sera fourni)!

Ruom Ritt

Anonymous said...

It's true, all Khmer leaders have mistakes, more or less. Sihanuk,Pol Pot and Hun Sen are the same shit... they have more or less mistakes.
Ly Diep, I like your acticles and your political analysis and I agree with you 100%.Please keep posting more of your acticals on KI,so I can read them...
Best Reguards,

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep would do well as a writer in Phnom Penh...he should open a headquarter of Angkor Borei there...

Anonymous said...

Soth Polin, Ly Diep and Narin Kem should compete in P. Penh.

These eloquent patriots will earn lots of Medals bestowed upon by Samdech Hun Sen for their outstanding writing skills.

Anonymous said...

But Ly Ngoc Dinh is Yuon Spy.
Everyone already knew about this Yuon. He has tried to be Khmer but he is not one of us.
Ly Ngoc Dinh why not tell everyone who you were and where were you coming from?
