Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Som Niyeay Phorng - Op-Ed by Angkor Borey News

Click on the article in Khmer to zoom in


Anonymous said...

Ly Ngoc Diep is Yuon and he is known a Yuon spy, a great divider, and Heng Soy is a member of KI, so what does it tell us who is Heng Soy? Ly Ngoc Diep has the same feeling as his countrymen in Hanoi, and his story has never changed; he is attacking China through King Sihanouk, every body can see that.

Anonymous said...

If you are a real Khmer, why don't you write an article about Hun Xen and his clans, who are the puppet of Yuons, giving Khmer land to Yuons? Prove yourself to be a real Khmer. Don't just accuse someone as a Yuon whithout any solid proof. I want to know how much Khmer language can you, as a real Khmer, write. Show your real Khmer ability.

Anonymous said...

The real SMART Khmers do not just write like dog barking from outside the fence.

Ger in and fight to free the country.

Don't use this stupid Yuon Propaganda and claim that only real Khmers can write and and speak KHmers. About 12000 Americans who work in State Department can speak Khmer fluently and million Yuon spies were well trained from Srok Yuon to speak Khmers before they entered Srok Khmer.

Ly Ngoc Dinh is Yuon spy he is not a Khmer Krom but Yuon, He is good only dividing Khmers.

Anonymous said...

No Khmer nationalists can fight to free a coutry whose leader is a puppet of another stronger country's domination. Cambodia has been under the Yuons' control for over thirty years. If you are a smart Khmer show me your smart strategy. If you can, you are a real dumbfool. Perhaps you are one of Hun Xen's lickpittles who licks his butts for fortune!

Anonymous said...

The so called " ANKOR BOREY" newspaper in Long Beach is nothing. But it is the trash only. Ly Diep has a brain damage. He has no knowlege to undertand the value and the dignity of the journalist. The language that he publishes in his newspaper proves that he is a low class writer. The intellectual persons in Long Beach know that Ly Diep is just a trash.

Ven. Hok Savann has used Ly Diep in order to publish the article from Canada. Ven. Hok Savann knows how to exploit.

Ignore Ly Diep ! His wife is nice.

Anonymous said...


You are dumb. To be freed first one has to be a puppet. You cannot have all at once. Yuon were Chinese's puppet for thousand years later Yuon freed. Yuon were French puppet then killed French after that. Now Yuon again are US's puppet but Chinese don't like it, so Yuon have to decide with Chinese or US.
Barking and barking like wild dogs are dumb and only helping Yuon not helping Khmers.

By the way Ly Diep is Yuon not Khmer Krom and never be one.

Anonymous said...

I think you are most dumbfool who want to free a country from a stronger domination of another stronger country by becoming its puppet first. You might be right, but you've to learn to understand the mentality of Youn exantionist before you bark your silly ideas out, ah pleu! They are nationalists, but ah Hun Xen, his clans and you are lackeys who will sell Cambodia for power and fortune!

Anonymous said...

correction: from the domination of...

Anonymous said...

Mr. Diep needs to leave Khmer Affair alone.

Thank but no thank.

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep, I absolutely agree with your acticles and your political analysis and I don't care that you're a youn or khmer, but you're right whatever you wrote and said. Paris's Agreement in 1991 is very clear said....why this king or the government signed that border supplement into law? and now look all the new border posts that are just planted have a lot of issues...
Thanks for the useful acticles from Angkor Borey!

khoun khmer,USA

Anonymous said...

Ly Diep is Yuon spy. He has no answers for Khmers but divide.

Anonymous said...

khoun khmer,USA

1:27 PM

Regarding the PPA - 1:27 pm you are right on and so does Mr. Diep. Dont worry about Khmer Krom issue, one needs to implement the PPA into effect but look like somebody is not...