Monday, June 07, 2010
Op-Ed by Khmer Borann
Phnom Penh
After the villagers in Anh Chanh Village, Chey Chork Commune, Borey Chulsa District of Takeo province complained that the new Cambodia-Vietnam border post 270 was planted on the middle of their rice field, SRP members of parliament have requested President of National Assembly Heng Samrin to visit the place. Heng Samin did not allow the SRP members of parliament to visit the place where the encroachment by the planting border post is alleged.
Until now, nobody knows the demarcation post 270 was planted on the real border of inside Cambodia’s territory. The visit, although was unsuccessful, by SRP members of parliament and Khmer border activists has shown that, as the elected representative of Cambodian people, these SRP members of parliament are responsible before the voters. Moreover, if we look at the Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia, these SRP members of parliament have followed the constitution. How about the CPP members of parliament, especially Heng Samrin? Are they following the constitution of Cambodia, especially the Oath before they took the office as Member of Parliament?
To see if the CPP members of parliament are Khmer Member of Parliament or not, I would like to invite the readers of KI Media to look at The Oath before the Constitution of Cambodia.
During the operations of their functions and fulfillment of the missions that are conferred by the Cambodian citizens to everyone of us, we determine to respect for the Constitution, serve at all time both at present and in future, the interests of the people, nation and Cambodian motherland. We would like to swear that we will not exploit the national interests for our own or for our family or for our groups or for our respective party.
We would like to swear that we dare sacrificing our lives for always protecting, at
present as well as in the future:
We would like to determine to always retain, now and in the future, the neutrality and the non-alignment for Cambodia, and will never allow any person, whoever wishes to interfere the internal affairs of Cambodia or give order over the national and international policies of Cambodia. We will absolutely not serve the foreign interests and cause harms to the interest of the people, nation and Cambodian motherland.
When solving any issues on the national and international arena, we will totally eliminate all kinds of violence.
However, the Kingdom of Cambodia shall reserve its rights to hold weapons and smuggle against any aggression from the outside, in order to defend its own nation and motherland.
We would like to determine to always respect for, at present as well as in the future, the Liberal Democracy which has a parliamentary regime and multi-party system, and will strictly respect for the Human Rights as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
We determine to fight against of all sorts of corruption, social injustice and will strive for the national reconciliation, national unity, social and national peace, and for the abundance of the Cambodian citizens and for the prosperity and glory of the Cambodian motherland, the sacred and beloved ones of all of us./.
Until now, nobody knows the demarcation post 270 was planted on the real border of inside Cambodia’s territory. The visit, although was unsuccessful, by SRP members of parliament and Khmer border activists has shown that, as the elected representative of Cambodian people, these SRP members of parliament are responsible before the voters. Moreover, if we look at the Constitution of the Kingdom of Cambodia, these SRP members of parliament have followed the constitution. How about the CPP members of parliament, especially Heng Samrin? Are they following the constitution of Cambodia, especially the Oath before they took the office as Member of Parliament?
To see if the CPP members of parliament are Khmer Member of Parliament or not, I would like to invite the readers of KI Media to look at The Oath before the Constitution of Cambodia.
The Oath
During the operations of their functions and fulfillment of the missions that are conferred by the Cambodian citizens to everyone of us, we determine to respect for the Constitution, serve at all time both at present and in future, the interests of the people, nation and Cambodian motherland. We would like to swear that we will not exploit the national interests for our own or for our family or for our groups or for our respective party.
We would like to swear that we dare sacrificing our lives for always protecting, at
present as well as in the future:
- the total independence of Cambodian motherland,
- the full national sovereignty
- the legitimate territorial integrity within the land and sea boundaries which Cambodia used to have in periods between 1963 to 1969,
- the national unity, and will not allow to have any segregation or secession.
We would like to determine to always retain, now and in the future, the neutrality and the non-alignment for Cambodia, and will never allow any person, whoever wishes to interfere the internal affairs of Cambodia or give order over the national and international policies of Cambodia. We will absolutely not serve the foreign interests and cause harms to the interest of the people, nation and Cambodian motherland.
When solving any issues on the national and international arena, we will totally eliminate all kinds of violence.
However, the Kingdom of Cambodia shall reserve its rights to hold weapons and smuggle against any aggression from the outside, in order to defend its own nation and motherland.
We would like to determine to always respect for, at present as well as in the future, the Liberal Democracy which has a parliamentary regime and multi-party system, and will strictly respect for the Human Rights as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
We determine to fight against of all sorts of corruption, social injustice and will strive for the national reconciliation, national unity, social and national peace, and for the abundance of the Cambodian citizens and for the prosperity and glory of the Cambodian motherland, the sacred and beloved ones of all of us./.
No matter how they swear...if they have "kbal yuon kluon khmer" they will always find ways to help Yuon take Khmer land piece by piece.
It is all up to some stupid Khmers,if you don't wake up Ah Hun will allow Youns swallow the whole Khmers land in the very near future.
Pretty soon Yuon border markers will be planted right on the CPP roofs...
CPPs are criminals therefore laws and logical strategy will not defeat this motherfukers! Haven't we all learned by now? These motherfuckers has been abusing our people and destroying our nation for 3 decades. And will continues to do so if all you coward motherfucker people living in Cambodia afraid to stand on their feet to fight back. Disgraceful! What the fuck are they waiting for...? Haven't they learned from the Pol Pot Regimes? Idiots!!!
Don't depend on Khmer abroads! We are safe now and we don't have to give a shit about you stupid coward motherfucers in Cambodia!!!! It's your life! It's your family life! It's the future of your childrens! It's your nation! Stand up for sake of your childrens at lease....
I think the oath should amend to add: May the almighty lightning strike and break my head into pieces if I intent to let my historical adversary encroach Cambodian's sovereingty.
12:07AM Excellent point!!
Let all khmers around the world
and in Cambodia pray to have it happen to those who are betraying their oath.
What an idiot! If parying works Khmer Rouge could not have done such mass distruction, killed almost two million population.
As long as Cambodian people still believes and depending on parying rather take counter actions; Hun Xen and his CPP will continues to abuses and destroying your nation. Praying.... pathetic!!!
Khmer overseas will not able to help us, because some of them have lost their real grassroots and real identity as Khmer.
They need to much times to find out, who they are and where they are coming from ?
Only we Khmer in the country have to fight for our right.
Nobody has forgotten that M.sam Rainsy said contemptuously that the current National Assembly after the 2008 elections is an assembly of Yuon, and thieves and that no members of the Sam Rainsy Party has condemned the remarks of his leader.
Now those members of the Sam Rainsy Party complain that they are not respected by the people.
To be respected, we must also respect the other . Honorable members of the PSR!
Cambodians should remove the monkey, the Khmer vietminh, the actual President of parliment from there, he is too idiot to remain in that position, there is no man in the parliment ?
12:43 pm,
During KR, no one had time to pray. The KR forced people worked, worked, worked... not allowed to get together.... every member of family were separated...
Democratic Kampuchea Pol Pot Khmer Rouge Regime
Pol Pot
Nuon Chea
Ieng Sary
Ta Mok
Khieu Samphan
Son Sen
Ieng Thearith
Kaing Kek Iev
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...
Mass Murder
Crimes Against Humanity
Force Labour
Overwork to Death
Human Abuses
Unlawful Detention
Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime
Hun Sen
Chea Sim
Heng Samrin
Hor Namhong
Keat Chhon
Ouk Bunchhoeun
Sim Ka...
Attempted Murders
Attempted Murder on Chea Vichea
Attempted Assassinations
Attempted Assassination on Sam Rainsy
Assassinated Journalists
Assassinated Political Opponents
Assassinated Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Assassinated over 80 members of Sam Rainsy Party.
"But as of today, over eighty members of my party have been assassinated. Countless others have been injured, arrested, jailed, or forced to go into hiding or into exile."
Sam Rainsy LIC 31 October 2009 - Cairo, Egypt
Executed over 100 members of FUNCINPEC Party
Murdered 3 Leaders of the Free Trade Union
Murdered Chea Vichea
Murdered Ros Sovannareth
Murdered Hy Vuthy
Murdered 10 Journalists
Murdered Khim Sambo
Murdered Khim Sambo's son
Murdered members of Sam Rainsy Party.
Murdered activists of Sam Rainsy Party
Murdered Innocent Men
Murdered Innocent Women
Murdered Innocent Children
Killed Innocent Khmer Peoples.
Extrajudicial Execution
Grenade Attack
Drive by Shooting
Police Brutality Against Monks
Police Brutality Against Evictees
Death Threats
Human Abductions
Human Abuses
Human Rights Abuses
Human Trafficking
Drugs Trafficking
Under Age Child Sex
Border Encroachment, allow Vietnam to encroaching into Cambodia.
Signed away our territories to Vietnam; Koh Tral, almost half of our ocean territory oil field and others.
Illegal Arrest
Illegal Mass Evictions
Illegal Land Grabbing
Illegal Firearms
Illegal Logging
Illegal Deforestation
Illegally use of remote detonation bomb on Sokha Helicopter, while Hok Lundy and other military officials were on board.
Lightning strike many airplanes, but did not fall from the sky. Lightning strike out side of airplane and discharge electricity to ground.
Source: Lightning, Discovery Channel
Illegally Sold State Properties
Illegally Removed Parliamentary Immunity of Parliament Members
Plunder National Resources
Acid Attacks
Turn Cambodia into a Lawless Country.
Steal Votes
Bring Foreigners from Veitnam to vote in Cambodia for Cambodian People's Party.
Use Dead people's names to vote for Cambodian People's Party.
Disqualified potential Sam Rainsy Party's voters.
Abuse the Court as a tools for CPP to send political opponents and journalists to jail.
Abuse of Power
Abuse the Laws
Abuse the National Election Committee
Abuse the National Assembly
Violate the Laws
Violate the Constitution
Violate the Paris Accords
Unlawful Detention
Death in custody.
Under the Cambodian People's Party Hun Sen Khmer Rouge Regime, no criminals that has been committed crimes against journalists, political opponents, leaders of the Free Trade Union, innocent men, women and children have ever been brought to justice.
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