Monday, July 05, 2010

Freedom parks' for Cambodia

Question: Does Cambodian constitution mention in any chapter about building "freedom parks" to promote freedom of expression and democracy? Any democratic countries in this world has built such "freedom parks"? - Actually, this freedom parks will indirectly jeopardize the Cambodian people in voicing their concerns towards misbehavior of some government officials. More than this, government cannot effectively operate their works as they certainly loss feedbacks from their customers.
Jul 5, 2010

PHNOM PENH - CAMBODIA is making way for 'freedom parks' across the country for people to hold demonstrations, a move local activists fear could limit rights of expression, the government said on Monday.

'All provinces and cities are preparing locations for the freedom parks,' interior ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak told AFP, adding that local authorities nationwide had been informed about the move.

He said the planned parks, which would provide 'safety and allow people to express their opinions freely' from 6am to 6pm (5am to 5pm Singapore time), were required according to a controversial law passed last year.

The legislation restricts the size of demonstrations to 200 people, a measure that opposition members and activists said would be used by authorities to stifle free speech.

People from across Cambodia regularly hold protests near Prime Minister Hun Sen's home on a number of issues, including a spate of forced evictions across the country over which the government has faced mounting criticism.

Chan Soveth of local rights group Adhoc said the new parks could lower the profile of such demonstrations if they were forced to take place away from the premier's residence. -- AFP


Anonymous said...

Fuck the freedom park! AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave want to measure the ground for Cambodian people to walk on to express their freedom? Every square inches of Cambodia is a freedom land because million and million pay with their life and blood not just AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave...

What Cambodia needs is a park for the Vietcong slave dictator to walk and to ponder what will become of him when he fall from power!

Anonymous said...

stop complaining, this is better for people to have a place to demonstrate or protest safely without chaos like blocking streets, traffic, etc... plus, it is protected by the police so no one can get hurt, ok! think about it, would you rather have a safe place to voice your discontent or concerns than to do it everywhere where people can get hurt. gov't looks for a way to protect the protesters and give them a safe place to do it as they please. i think it is better this way. it's not like gov't is framing the protesters or suppressing their freedom of speech or freedom to demonstrate, etc... stop whining already!

Anonymous said...


Are you sure about that? Any country has done that? Limite the land of expression by promoting freedom of expression? It is not wise logic, but it is dumb logic.

Anonymous said...

This is called the FreeShit Park which restricts to only 200 protesters. The FreeShit Park is violating the freedom and basic rights of protesters.

Anonymous said...

Yes this is the shit park. Another shit to restrict Cambodians from critisizingthe corrupt Hun Xen and CPP vietnam's stooges. If one has real freedom, one doesn't need to be told where, when, how, or how many people to express freedom. To those who don't know what the real danger of DICKtator Hun Xen and CPP are doing to suppress khmer people. Let put it this way for you. The freedom park Hun Xen gives to the Cambodian is like the Vietnamese give the puppet gov't of Hun XXen and CPP to the Cambodian people. Is the Hun Xen and CPP regime to protect Khmer? Is it for the benefit of Khmer? The answers are NO and NO.

Anonymous said...

phi dom phak, bong oun xmere...

Anonymous said...

Phnom Penh and Washington, D.C. have the same lay out as far as space for demonstration is concerned. We have the space from the spot near Cambodiana Hotel to the Independence Monument where people could gather to voice their concerns without causing major interruption to traffic. When city planners, be it French or khmer, created this park, the main purpose was to establish a place for people to use it, be it for demonstration or for picnic. If the government could not allow such place to be used by the people freely, freedom parks should be renamed free oppressing parks.

Anonymous said...

12:10 AM I love you man!

Everyday Hun Xen measures every square inches of Cambodia for Yuon. Millions of Khmer shed their blood and life for this.

Anonymous said...

It is a new invention of RGC, and it may not be a bad idea.However its size and site has to be discussed for realistic useful approach.

Details of the so called Freedom park have to be disposed, such as term of use, limitation, centralised for easier communicative purposes,safety..etc.

If it intended for out of site out of mind and control by force, then the name said is meaningless.

Meanwhile,why RGC can't resolve issues arised as priority. That would make people more suspicious of the so called freedom parks.

The trurh remains to be seen.


Anonymous said...

Freedom park or roundup park?.

Anonymous said...

How about you alowed to fuck Bonary in her ass hole only!\??