Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Judgment Day Nears for Khmer Rouge Torturer-in-chief

Comrade Duch (Photo: Reuters)

Sunday, July 11, 2010


BANGKOK — The torturer-in-chief of a notorious prison during the Khmer Rouge’s reign of terror in Cambodia will finally learn what price he has to pay for the almost mathematical precision with which he carried out his duty to torment and kill nearly 14,000 people, including babies.

The judgment on Jul. 26, in the first international trial of a surviving Khmer Rouge leader, will be a groundbreaking moment for the Southeast Asian nation, coming 31 years after the genocidal regime led by Pol Pot was driven out of power.

The 77-day trial of Kaing Khek Eav, better known as Comrade Duch, at the UN-backed Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia (ECCC) on the outskirts of the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh, began on Mar. 30, 2009.

The prosecution in this hybrid war crimes tribunal, which includes international and local jurists and lawyers, has pushed for a 45-year sentence for the 67-year-old chief jailer of the Tuol Sleng prison in Phnom Penh. Duch faces charges of crimes against humanity, war crimes, murder and torture.

Tuol Sleng, or S-21 as the extremist Maoist group called it, was a former high school where Duch and other jailers interrogated and tortured civilians, including children, who were considered enemies of the Khmer Rouge.

Only 11 people came out alive from the estimated 12,380 to 14,000 people imprisoned in Tuol Sleng. It was one of the nearly 200 detention centres that the Khmer Rouge maintained across the country during its rule from April 1975 to January 1979.

During this period, close to 1.7 million people, or nearly a quarter of that country’s population at the time, were executed or died due to forced labour or from starvation, as the reclusive tyrant Pol Pot pushed to create an agrarian utopia.

Among those who survived Cambodia’s ‘Killing Fields’ is Vann Nath, for whom the Duch trial has been a personal matter. He was among the 11 prisoners of Tuol Sleng who walked out alive. Duch was "the former butcher of Tuol Sleng," Vann Nath wrote in a book about the horrific period he spent in the Khmer Rouge’s most notorious prison.

It was his talent as a painter that kept him alive. Vann Nath was ordered to produce regular portraits of a man he hardly knew but was shown black-and white photographs of – Pol Pot. This order from Duch left him little room for error in making the initial black-and-white, and the subsequent colour portraits, of the Khmer Rouge leader.

"I will go to the court to hear the verdict if my health is good," the now 63- year-old Vann Nath said in a telephone interview from Phnom Penh, where he is recovering from surgery on his left arm. "I hope the court will be fair and provide justice in its verdict."

Other Cambodians like Youk Chhang are more demanding of the judgement for Duch. A long sentence for Duch—spending the rest of his years in a prison where "he will be fed daily" and "do nothing more"—may not "satisfy all the people who followed his trial and learnt of all the horror that took place," Youk told IPS.

"He should be made to read the confessions of what he did to the victims in Tuol Sleng every day in prison as a reminder of his actions," said Youk, director of the Phnom Penh-based Documentation Centre of Cambodia (DC- Cam), which has recorded the accounts of nearly one million victims and identified the presence of 20,000 mass graves. "Some people want him to get a life sentence so that he could never be a free man."

Whatever the judgment, the significance of the Duch trial has not been lost on a country still struggling to recover from nearly two decades of conflict, including the Khmer Rouge brutality, from the early 1970s through the mid- 1990s.

After Duch, other more powerful surviving leaders of the Khmer Rouge are headed for the tribunal. They include Nuon Chea, who was Pol Pot’s deputy, Khieu Samphan, the country’s president during the Khmer Rouge years, and Ieng Sary, the foreign minister at the time.

Beyond the legal import of its work, the tribunal has also been helping fulfill the broader objective of helping Cambodians reach closure in a painful part of their history. The national broadcasts of its proceedings serve as a court- sanctioned narrative of a dark period that had not been subject to official scrutiny.

"The court’s outreach has had a measure of success in informing the public about what was going on at the Duch trial," says Rupert Abbot, a lawyer at the Cambodian Centre for Human Rights. "The process has had a role in people understanding what happened and why things happened."

"The trial will help bring some closure," he said in an interview from Phnom Penh. "It will help draw a line about a period in Cambodian history, especially since you have a new generation."

More worrying, however, with the upcoming verdicts on the cases of ageing Khmer Rouge leaders, is how much support the tribunal will receive from the government of Prime Minister Hun Sen, who used to be a low-ranking Khmer Rouge member.

"The government has not been playing ball," says Abbot. "The Duch trial was easy, because he was willing to admit to what he did, and it was just at S-21. In the next cases, the crime scene is the entire country.


Anonymous said...

I can't wait to hear the verdict, this evil must stone to death by khmer people one by one...

Betta Master said...

Look at the picture. This is what was in Duch's head that moment.


Anonymous said...

I like to see the high profile killers beyond Duch's.

Anonymous said...

If it was in KR time,he would have been plastic bag over his head and gone without chance of going through court process.

Lucky you Duch!

Anonymous said...

Can we're cuting that mother fuckers pieces by pieces. This idiots person I thought he Knownledge person why he did the eviles to his own citizen.

Anonymous said...

duch, the victims you executed did not have a chance for justice under your stupid, backward KR regime, ok!

Anonymous said...

geeee this idiot looks like a vipire or a bat. He looks sooo like an evil that still alive, how freaky!!!! he is. I hope the ghost of the innocents will sent him to hell forever and ever. At night he will be huanted and will never see the day light again. Ass hole. My grandparents ghost, aunty, uncle and cousins will be sitting beside his bed and huanting him as well. wiser

Anonymous said...

All of those khmer victims were very educated people, most of them study at French, Germany, United State, my two uncle were among them he's a pilot and also Mechanics of MIG 21, everyone in his family were all excuted including the young children...i do missed them til today!

Anonymous said...

Ah Duch still denial...son of a bitch sais, they force him to torture and killed people..but he's killed his own people?? he ordered to torture and killed those people..? still dinial..?

Anonymous said...

Ah stupid Khmer Rouge vear pleu nass.
Ah stupid Khmer Rouge unfits to lead and unfits to protect Kampuchea.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing was...some people already living oversea came to cambodia to get killed..? why they so stupid that time..? and why the government in that country help stop them from coming..?

Anonymous said...

Pol Pot and his servants were stupid and they pay the price, Hun Sen and his followers are right because they always act in the countrary of what Pol Pot did, they collect..

Anonymous said...

Who care about ah Dutch!!!!!

Motherfucker! Ah Hun Xen! is a
real ah Pol Pot second generation!

How can the legal goverment imprison people for people doing thing in their own propety?

This fucking ilegal imprisonment is the phycological suppression to all the will and freedome to ALL people in the nation!

Mortherfucker! use the tac tic that emloyed by ah Pol Pot just less cruel and more sofficated with the motherfucker monkey court!

Can the world see! we people of Cambodia again is inprisoning with our mind and abussing by the second generation of Ah Pol Pot motherfucker!????

May lightning strike motherfuckers and its supporters!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ask duch why stupid KR regime like to kill off educated khmer people, etc? what was their real motive or drive to do so? what were they thinking at the time, etc? i'm curious to see what his answers are for the stupid KR motive! why did they have to use killing? why didn't they use other method instead of taking life, etc? were they that stupid? that ignorant?

Anonymous said...

Look at the DAMN NASTY DEVIL ANGRY FACE. A Christian by day and devil by night.

KhmerIsrael said...

What if the Khmer Rouge was a direct judgment from the Creator of the universe against the Cambodian people for their haughtiness?

Unless we all repent from our own righteousness, all will perish and deserve the wrath of God! You can sneer at me but the truth still remains, "for the wages of SIN is death, but the GIFT of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ."

Anonymous said...

yes, maybe you are right. Most khmers during that time, they believed in alot of this so-called witch craft and some even paid to the witch doctor to steal someone's partner or make them felt in love without knowing that they had been duped or tricked into. So, I sometime thought to myself, God hats evil act and therefore maybe he had to get rid or clean up the country and its spirit off the street for good. And off course it also stated that " Karma or what goes around will come around" so, may be they are actually doing it to themselves because of their action. But the thing is those poor innocent children, why did they have to pay the price for their parent action?. I still have this question in my mind. Why can't the one with evil act pay the price alone? you know. But again, God is working in mysterious way to resolve the issue once and for all for good. So, i guess we don't have to be too curious about this anymore. Just believed in him, everything is going to be alright!!!!. wisdom

Anonymous said...

KhmerIsrael may be sick..