Saturday, July 03, 2010

"Prahaes Batt, Prayatt Kung" Op-Ed by Ven. Hok Savann


Anonymous said...

Sound like you really like politic.My question to you is why not defrocking ,join the political party and run for office?.

Anonymous said...

potitics is the most important part
of the life. and the religion deals
with this very life, not the god,
the outside world.this life good
the next too,good.making people understood the life,the way to live
the life in the good way has been
ever taught by many monks in thousands of years.why people can't
see and understand that.

Anonymous said...

As an individual,monk still can have a say in order to maintain living and better living for cambodians.

Anything with strategy is politic,and humble teaching of buddha about living a sensible life is politic.

Buddha's aim is not to go to heaven that we majority mis concepted.He sacrificed his individual comfortable life to search for UNDERSTANDING(Bothi),and teaches us about humanity.It is a noble knowledge.

Many now cheat buddhism,including monks who supposed to learn and understand about life and predominently practice that understanding in order to teach buddhist members.
This abuse is called ALACHI,betray own family.

Venerable Hok Sovann is expressing and teaching us by this mean.

God blessing!


Anonymous said...

If Mr. Ly Diep is really a Khmer and wants to protect Khmer interests, he should learn from Monk Hok Savann. Being a divider and spreading false informations about Sihanouk and Cambodia will only cause mistrust and animosity among Khmer communities.

I sincerely salute Monk Hok Savann for his brilliant article. We Khmer must always be careful than careless..."Prohaeh baat, proyaat koang"

Botra Khemara
Chamcar Mon

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much,venerable Hok Sovann. You are such a very bright words to bind khmer together,to protect khmer land and her people.

ignorant wise boy said...

I think this Monk has a gutt, man.
Let him say. The day he dies his soul will be taken to see Yumpbal for not following Preah Puth.
His sbung cheipor will be take off and Yumpbal will send him to stand trial. He needs a good lawyer.

Anonymous said...

I am not pretending that i know everything about Buddhism.But as a monk,you should know the DOS and DON'T

១- ​​​រៀនធម៌អាថ៌
៤-គ្មានកាន់លុយកាក់។គ្មានcomputer,telephone,radio,DVD,VCD,CAMERA,AUTOMOBIL ETC... etc...
៥-គឺមានត្រឹមតែ​បាត្រ ស្បង់ចីពរ​​​នឺងសៀវភៅធម៌អារ​ប៉ុណ្ណោះ។
៧-បើសិនជាចង់ធ្វើនយោបាយ គឺច្បាស់ជាមានគូរបដិបក្ស។
៨-បើមាន​គូរ​បដិបក្ស ច្បាស់ជាមានមនុស្សជេរ។
៩-បើមានគេជេរ កុំខឹង។

In all monk should concentrate to reach only one goal ,that's nirvana.Don't stray out of line.

Anonymous said...

This is the problem with khmer monks.

1- Eat SRP's food then vote for CPP.
2- Eat CPP'S food then accuse CPP of being yuon's slave.

Anonymous said...

monk thmill tep vong should stop committing crimes,he better go to Nga Bay in Prey Nor kor looking for youn whores istead of vc secret agent in scamnoidia.

former khmer refugeea in SONG BE vn 1979.

Anonymous said...

I think this monk should meditate more. Most big monks don't respect the budha's rule.

Anonymous said...

include cpp's members should meditate more, most of them R Youn's gangs.

Anonymous said...

This is an unfair.They lived in a free housing(wat).Eat free food and when invite to do some religious ceremony at individual home ,they are more than happy to receive money regardless.And never pay a dime to the taxes .In front of public,they behave so nicely,when they are alone or away from the public's eyes ,they surf on the internet looking for something nasty.

Anonymous said...

Vietcong Ho Chiminh and Communist Mao who had destroyed our Buddha,please respect International Law and International Justice.

L` Ignorance est la source de la souffrance.

Anonymous said...

Dear monk,

We are very sorry that communist Vietcong and Mao had destroyed our Buddha.

មនោបុព្វង្គមា ធម្មា មនោសេដ្ឋា មនោមយា
មនសា ចេ បសន្នេន ភាសតី វា ករោតិ វា
តតោ នំ សុខមន្វេតិ ឆាយាវ អនុបាយិនី ។

Anonymous said...

May Buddha saves all people khmer Leu,Khmer Krom,and khmer on this earth.

"An insincere and evil friend is more to be feared than a wild beast; a wild beast may wound your body, but an evil friend will wound your mind" Lord Buddha.

Anonymous said...

12:06 PM
no one can destroy lord buddha. they only destroy the buddhism or buddha's teachings. lord buddha is in heaven after he discovered freedom from the endless cycle of human incarnations with all craziness and sufferings.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous country,no land to live in,no religion to worship.There are no wrong to the monks to do the politic.Where is the Heaven ? Monks must do politic to save to the country.No country,no religion.

Anonymous said...

200,000 - 1 = 199,999 CPP!

Khmer Young said...

As a younger Cambodian, I am happy to see great monk like the Ven. Dr. Hok Savann who has actively participated in engaged Buddhism. His analysis here is brilliant and thought-provoking. All Khmers are happy to read and follow his precious advises.

But only those who has Khmer body with Vietnamese brain and Vietnamese soul who disagreed with him. Not only that, these species of human beings have relentless attacked the most venerated monk like Ven. Dr. Hok Savann. Let consider this, monks are human being, they need to live within a society of fair, independence and equality. A good monk cannot close his eyes not to see the sufferings of his followers. The sufferings of the followers are the sufferings of the good monks.

Monks cannot just stay inside the temple without helping followers living around the temple. Monks, followers and communities are interconnected since thousand years ago in Cambodia.

There are attempts of imperialists like Siam and Vietnam to take over Cambodia by degrading and making division among Buddhist monks and Khmer people. Those tactics include the scolding to our active monk by using politics as the pretext to divert the goodness of the monks.

Not only monks in Cambodia who are suffered by this propaganda, Cambodian farmers and their children are taught not to get involved with politics. With this matter, farmers and Cambodian Buddhism have become the tools of the elites. The elites have exploited and taken advantage them till today.

Let wake up now to practice the right thing for the right result. Ven. Dr. HOk Savann has done his great work!


Khmer Ordinary said...

You fail to know that there are two kinds of Buddhist monks: In the Buddha time, those monks were called "Ariya Sangha". They could attain Nivarna." The Buddhist monks in these days are called "Samatti Sngha." They cannot attain Nivarna. They live in the age of modern technology. They need some neccessary equipments for their own use in writing, or communication. As long as Dr. Hok Savann and other disciplined Bddhist monks conduct themselves properly (unneccessarily to be perfect), they are OK. Mosy of Dr. Hok Savann's writings is about teaching; but since he is an ordinary person (not a potted plant) living under the umbrella of world politics, he can express his patriotic opinions for the sake of Khmer people's welfare in general, who have been to suffer unlessly by some Khmer savage rulers who serve the enemies of Khmer people, but maltreat their own people. If some Buddhist monks, like Dr. Hok Savann, is guilty of violating some Buddha's rules, his guilt has a million times less magnitude than the today Khmer rulers' who have hurt and harmed Khmer people, but benefit the Yuons.

KO said...

correctio: most of...; who have been made to suffer

Anonymous said...

A monk is a human being who lives in a society which is influenced by politics that can affect the lives of everyone, his included and for that reason he has all the right to express his opinion, including political opinion.

A monk who does not express his political opinion is either afraid of the authority and/or unconcerned of the well-being of his compatriots.

A monk who studies needs to use his knowledge and thought to help the society to which he belongs and that is his right and obligation as a citizen of a country.

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

A l'attention de tous les Khmers et Khmeres dans le monde entier.
Ne croyez pas les paroles du nommé HOK SAVANN. Il est naturellement Khmer. Il est vêtu d'habit safran, mais il n'est pas de vrai bonze comme on le prétend. HOK SAVANN est un vrai menteur qui se dissimule sous le safran du dhamma bouddhique. Hok SAVANN n'est pas non plus savant. HOK SAVANN avait eu acheté son diplôme du doctorat en Inde mais il habite éternellemnt
à Montreal (Québec)CANADA.Il ne parle ni Français ni Anglais. c'est drôle semble-t-il ???

ignorant savant boy said...

12;21AM. I don't read this monk wrote, but whatever it is, he has the right to express his concern for his homeland like every spiritual leaders around the world.

One thing I dislike is the extremists who fight to divide our people, and then we all fall into Yuon's trap. If this monk is going too extreme he needs to be a civilian instead of cheating Lord Buddha. If not then God bless him.

Anonymous said...

A l'attention the writer 12:39 AM.
Moi, franchement je ne suis pas contre ou pour à HOK SAVANN. Tout ce que j'ai déjà dit est réel et exact. Vous croyez ou non, c'est à votre problème (?). Mais si vous vouler la vérité, vous n'avez qu'à faire des renseignements auprès des Khmers qui habitent actuellement à Montreal ( CANADA )

Anonymous said...

HOK SAVANN est un homme très avare et très égoïste.Il ne dépense aucun sous pour le bien-être des Khmers déshérités ou pauvres tant au Cambodge qu'à Montreal(CANADA). Il ne récite des DHAMMA que juste pour avoir de l'argent pour sa grande poche personnelle.
A Montreal, il y a quatre pagodes bouddhiques cambodgiennes y comprises la pagode du nommé HOK SAVANN. Tous les bonzes des trois autre pagodes sont peut-être des ennemis bouddhiques de HOK SAVANN. HOK SAVANN ne participe pas dans toutes les cérémonies religieuses avec bonzes des autres pagodes parce qu'il pense que tous ces bonzes sont inférieurs à lui ou bien HOK SAVANN veut avoir tout seul, tout l'argent provenant de toutes ces cérémonies. HOK SAVANN avait eu acheté son Ph.D de l'Inde sans suivre les cours du doctorat mais il est très fier de son diplome acheté(?). HOK SAVANN se nomme lui-même le titre en Khmer : MOHA BÂNDITH HOK SAVANN (?) Qu'est ce veut dire MOHA BÂNDITH ? Quelle est la différence entre MOHA BÂNDITH et BÂNDITH ? Donc le Ph.D de HOK SAVANN a la même valeur des Ph.D de HÉNG SAM RIN, de CHEAM YEATH, de SOK AN, de HUN SÈN, de CHEA SIM...etc...?

Anonymous said...

HOK SAVANN can say whatever he want but first he have to disrobe as a monk.Don't get a free shelter ,eat free food and play politic.If he want to be a politician,he should be a civilian pure and simple because monk is a symbol of religion that people worship .If you're a monk and play politic then the language reserved for the monk should also be changed: And here they are:

1- ឆាន់បាយ-------->ច្រាស់បាយ
2- និមន្តទៅណា-----> ប្រកាច់ទៅណា
And a whole lots more.

Anonymous said...

"Separation between the State and Religions" was the greatest concept from the American forefathers' great minds.

If you want to do politics, take off the robes and join the politicians. If you run financial schemes, again, take off the robes and put on the business suits.

Anonymous said...

oui, d'accord, 3:20 AM.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Francais, show me one of the Buddha's rules that bands a Buddhist monk from getting involved in politics. If you can find one, tell me in what book do you find it? Non, ne d'accord pas!

ignorant savant boy said...

2:41 AM

I already told you.

Anonymous said...

10:28 AM,

yes, sure, monks can do politics and create porn videos!!!!

Anonymous said...

10:28 AM,

Hey, preah chao athika wat, you would not have any ill-feel toward the police kicking the political monks, would you?