Tuesday, July 06, 2010

"Pteah Sdach Khmer" a Poem in Khmer by S'trei Vei Chass


Anonymous said...

Som niyeay tej jous, Just wanna make a short sence.
Ah Botra Khemara
Chamcar Mon and ah lop kmeng sro kor kroey. Please read and learn more about our khmer history.
Please check Youtube, you will find out the truth. Please use your brain and heart. And please check the Youn map, where are they start. and where it is end up now??
Youn is at dey Khmer Krom for now.
Youn will continue...

Anonymous said...

Can you bring back Koh Tral Island before you leave? That's the only wish I've ever dream of before I die.

Anonymous said...

No, do it it yourself.


Anonymous said...

Why SAM DOV ACH take nothkorea body guard.
B cuz he is nothkorea king?What a shame to SDA TACH.

khmerbotra said...

ខ្ញុំអានកំណាព្យនេះហើយ ខ្ញុំមិនចូលចិត្តសោះ មាតាបិតារបស់យើងទោះជាគាត់ខុសយ៉ាងណាគួរតែ គោរព បើយើងមិនស្គាល់ទាប-ខ្ពស់អញ្ចឹងទេវតាឯណា អោយពរអោយជ័យ

khmerbotra said...

សូមបន្ថែមបន្ដិចទៀត បើគ្មានសម្ដេចឪប្រហែល អ្នកតែងកំណាព្យនេះគ្មានទីចាប់កំណើតទេដឹង?

Anonymous said...

Oh wow!! What Eu Yeung will react to this if he reads it? Any one forward this to him yet? If not I will..... Let me know.

From Royal Palace R#3

Anonymous said...

If Sihanouk does something for khmer's benefit perhaps his hatters will stop accuse him.

Anonymous said...

Hey "Khmer botra" Boeu Kmean ah Sdach Ov Aeng Chhkuot Chhkuot, Srok Khmer min thleak baeb nis te!

Ah Lop!

Anonymous said...

បើឪពុកម្ដាយយើងធ្វើខុស គឺគាត់ទេដែលធ្វើខ្លួនគាត់ ហើយគឺកូនចៅគាត់តែប៉ុណ្នោះដែលទទួលផល់ពិបាក។​ប៉ុន្តែស្ដេចតាបាន​ធ្វើកំហុសខុសធ្ងន់ធ្ងរណាស់ចំពោះប្រទេសជាតិទាំងមួល នឹងពលរដ្ថ​ខ្មែរទាំងអស់​គឺគាត់បានហៅទ័ពយួន communist ក្នុងឆ្នាំ​១៩៧០​ដល់១៩៧៥​មកសំឡាប់រាស្រ្តដោយផ្ទាល់ ។មិនតែប៉ុណ្្ណោះសោត គាត់បាន​ទៅចូលដៃ ជូលជើងជាមួយខ្មែរក្រហម ទាល់តែខ្មែរក្រហមឈ្នះ ហើយបន្ទាប់មក​ជីវិតខ្មែររាប់លានអ្នកត្រូវស្លាប់។ត្រង់ហ្នឺងហើយដែលជនជាតិខ្មែរស្ទើរគ្រប់រូបមិនអាចបំភ្លេចបាន ។

Anonymous said...

Stupid poem...no merits whatsoever!
The writer ought to be sent to Trapeang Kraleung!


khmerbotra said...

ចំពោះរូបខ្ញុំមិនបន្ទោសអ្នកណាទេ បើអ្នកអួតខ្លាំង អួតចេះអញ្ចឹងម៉ិចមិនដឹកនាំប្រទេសខ្មែរអោយរីកចំរើនទៅ បើអ្នកមានសក្យភាពអ្នកអាចទាក់ទាញប្រជា ពលរដ្ឋប្រឆាំងគ្រប់អំពើទាំងឡាយដែលជាផល អាក្រក់ដល់ប្រទេសជាតិខ្មែរ ហើយអាចតាំងខ្លួនឯង ជាស្ដេចក៏បាន ប្រវត្តិសាស្ត្រទូទាំងពិភពលោកតាំង តែអតីតកាល បុគ្គលមួយណាដែលមានសក្យភាព អាចប្រមូលប្ដុំទ័ពហើយច្បាំងឈ្នះគេក៏តាំងខ្លួនគេ ជាធំ ដូចជា ហ៊ុន សែន ជាដើម យើងខឹងគាត់ក៏បាន តែបើគាត់គ្មានល្បិចកល់ ឬ មានប្រជាប្រិយអាចទាក់ទាញពួកមាកអោយបានច្រើន គាត់ប្រហែលត្រូវបានគេរំលំទៅហើយ

Anonymous said...

Trapeang Kraleung is Ah Sdach Chhkuot chose to kill Khmer Serei.

Anonymous said...

ពាក្រ លីលា គួរសរសេរ លេលា វិញទើបត្រឹមត្រូវ ។ ចំពោះ ខ្មែរបុត្រា ឯងយល់ច្រឡំ ឬក៏ខ្វះការវែកញែកឲ្យបានស៊ីជម្រៅ ។ ស្តេចឪគាត់
មិនមែនជាម៉ែឪរបស់ឯងឬក៏យើងទេ គាត់ជាមេដឹក
នាំភ្លឺម្នាក់តែប៉ុណ្ណោះ ដូច្នេះគេជេរឬក៏រិះគន់គាត់នោះ គឺត្រឹមត្រូវណាស់

Anonymous said...

Ung Phiny, Sék Serei, Yim Guechsè, Soth Polin and Ly Diep should do some good promoting unity to all Khmer people to fight against injustice, hunger, clean water, health care, foreign occupation, etc. instead of wasting their time bullshitting and insulting Sihanouk (which is totally unmerited and incongruous to time and world events)...and pretending to be nationalists when they don't even want to spend a penny for the good of Khmer. Check out Mam Sonando FM radio station as a good start!

Sihanouk may not love Cambodia more than himself; he is, however, not a traitor like some idiots trying so hard to convince other Khmer. Khmer people are a proud and enduring race...and we will succeed as a people.

If Sihanouk is a traitor; he would not have bothered to gain Cambodia's independence from France in 1953 or challenged Thailand at the International Court of Justice and won in 1962! If he could get Kampuchea Krom back, I am sure he would do it. Sihanouk wrote in his memoir "War and Hope" that he wanted to protect what we have left and that for the Yuon to respect the Brevie line. If one look at the map today...Yuon did not respect that line. Hun Sen had to sign off Khmer maritime areas near Koh Tral to Yuon. Ask Mr. Sam Raingsy or Sean Pengse for further details.

What can Khmer people do to help other Khmer? This is the type of question Ly Diep should be asking...if Ly Diep is intelligent and 100% Khmer as he said...

Botra Khemara
Chamcar Mon

Anonymous said...

វាមិនខ្វះទេ បញ្ញវ័ន្តខ្មែរដែលមានលទ្ធភាពដឺកនាំប្រទេសជាតិឲ្យរីកចំរើនបាន ប៉ុន្តែស្ដេចចំកួតហ្នឹងមិនព្រម។មិនតែប៉ុណ្ណឹងទេ ឲ្យតែនរណាហ៊ានប្រឆាំងនឹងគាត់ គឺគាត់រករឿងគេ ចោទគេថាជាជនក្បត់ជាតិមួយរំពេច ។

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is a old SDACH PEAL among 7,He just came back from brought his wife homeland,

Khmer land gradually lost by the Old SDACH PEAL from sihanouk regime.

All Kon Khmer must wake up!!!
Best wish,

Anonymous said...

The truth is hurts, Botra khmer chomkamorn you are nut and born from the stone so your sympathy is none your heartless and clueless about Sihaknuk make you like one of those traitors, the questions is return back to you, if the leader is weak and incompetent=failed leader ,are we still wanted to commit suicide with him? Khmers people and my families fought for Preah Vihear,khmer people support Sihaknuk till he become the king of khmer rouge, our khmers and own families help him Sihanuk to fight along Thai border with youn , at the end of this war is it Sihaknuk protecting us from youn Hun Sen or he just selfish get the throne for him and his son ,let all us get kill by youn Hun Sen ? Oh you damn stupid to defend the international crime committed in Cambodia to against human being, make you look like one of the Pol Pot son of the bitch that have borne from Sihaknuk s invention.
Like father like son

Anonymous said...

តែកាលណានឹកឃើញរឿងស្ដេចសីហនុម្ដងៗគឺអន់ចិត្រនឹងគាត់តែម្ដង។រឿងអី ឲ្យតែអាយៀកកុងសំឡាប់ខ្មែរម្ដងៗ គាត់តែងស្រែកឡូៗពីស្រុកចិនមកថា​កងទ័ពគាត់បានសំឡាប់ខ្មាំងបាន​ប៉ុណ្ណេះក្បាល ប៉ុណ្ណោះក្បាល ។យួនសំឡាប់ខ្មែរហើយគាត់និយាយបែបហ្នឹង ។

Anonymous said...

It is rather controversal when we express ourself with anguish, frustration and desperation.

At heart he did not betray cambodians. But king father management had led to the loss of about two million cambodians in killingfield.This loss was result of associating with north vietnam promising that Ho Chi Minh would respect cambodia,as south vietnam had already terrorised and gained some camboia's islands such as Koh Tral...etc, with support from Nixon.Fear of being swallowed by Vietnam was real with past experiences with France had given Kampuchea Krom to Vietnam.

China and North Korea are the reliable back up that Cambodia has.

Pre KR, there was saving plan from mistake made with trusting N.Vietnam.Col.Lon Nol was not betraying cambodia,unfortunately his management failed due to corruption.Corrupted government led to seize of Cambodia by partially force and political agreement, in order to shorten our civil war.

I understand that everyone concered and care for cambodia and cambodians,but we all should draw ourselve from mistakes had been made by our leaders rather than pointing finger to see who is at faults.

For better outcomes we ought to seek more knowledge and guided ourselve with more compassion and Ethics.Regardless how much you learnt and know, without the activity's guidelines, we will then fail again.Beware that corruption is not to make you happy,but destroy yourself and surroundings and your beloved country.

While you are being arrogant and abusive for the sake of me and own greed,both sides East and West will support your greed and power for their control.

So most of all,we as individuals ought to be cautious and improve ourselve with knowledge,more moral, more patient,more persistant but drop the ABUSES.

Doing so,I hope we will live and communicate more NOt for yourselve but the country.


Anonymous said...

what a fu. botra khemara chamcar mon. Kiss my ass in Long Beach.
Fu. you an d your sdach Peal.

Anonymous said...

10:38AM Peasant,

Your analytical skill is very shallow. Freedom of expression is not a crime and it's nothing wrong to manifest self emotion when the person have been abused by the perpetrators. Do not mix your political view with these expression which are not the ABUSES, because it's only your view. You have your view and they have theirs.

Anonymous said...

Botra Khemara , did you ever compare between good and bad things that Sihanouk has been done for and to Khmer people ? Every leader ( included Sihanouk )has dome some good things but Sihanouk is the main man who led Cambodia to where it is now , are you still proud of him ? Maybe Sihanouk didnt betray his Nation but he betrayed alot of people who have been supporting him since the beginning of Khmer Rouge . They joined him to fight Lon Nol regime but where was him after Khmer Rouge took over Cambodia ? And in the 80s, they joined him again along Khmer-Thai border fighting Viet invation and Viet puppet government but after he shaked hand with Hun Sen he betrayed those people who have been supporting him again . Those are just acouple of thngs that have been done by the former King .

khmerbotra said...

ខ្ញុំគិតថា មនុស្សគ្រប់រូបអាចធ្វើអ្វីខុសខ្លះ តែហេតុអ្វី មិនលើកយកអំពើរល្អមកសរសេរផង ជាក់ស្ដែងដូចជាប្រាសាទព្រះវិហារ បើគ្មានស្ដេខឪ ក៏គ្មានប្រាសាទព្រះវិហារក្នុងនាមជារបស់ខ្មែរដែរ

khmerbotra said...

បានដឹងបានឮព័ត៌មានផ្សេង ៗ ពិតខ្លះមិនពិតខ្លះ
នាំគ្នាមកជេរស្ដេចឪ តាមពិតទៅទឹកដីខ្មែរជាទឹកដី
របស់ព្រះរាជាគ្រប់ព្រះអង្គ ផ្ទះជារបស់ឪ ឪធ្វើយ៉ាង
ណាក៏បាន បើយើងមិនពេញចិត្តក៏ចាកចេញទៅរកទីឋានថ្មី

Anonymous said...

5:15 pmខ្ញុំជាមនុស្សម្នាក់ដែលរងគ្រោះដោយស្តេចពាល។
ឳពុកខ្ញុំស្រឡាញ់ស្តេចដល់ឆ្អឹង តែបានស្លាប់ក្រោម
របបស្តេចក្រហម ។ តើឯងអាយប៉ុណ្ណានបានចេះ

Anonymous said...


It may be you who is turned out to be sdach Ta chkuort Sihanouk, because you have made so much comments sound like Sihanouk when he presents his argument.

Anonymous said...

"What can Khmer people do to help other Khmer? This is the type of question Ly Diep should be asking...if Ly Diep is intelligent and 100% Khmer as he said...

Botra Khemara
Chamcar Mon

9:12 AM"


Anonymous said...

All Khmers, you should be united and help Cambodians to fight against injustice, hunger, dirty water, foreign occupation..allowing Hun Sen, Sok An and other ministers fill their pockets with Cambodians money..

Anonymous said...

ពួកអា អ្នកសរសេរកំណាព្យទាំងអស់នេះ គ្មានភ័ស្តុតាង គ្មានមូលដ្ឋានអ្វីទាំងអស់ ក្រៅពីសរសេរចោទប្រកាន់ ហើយដើរព្រុស ត្របាក់ខាំគេខាំឯងដូចឆ្កែឆ្កួត ត្រូវគេវាយប៉ុន្មានដំបងបែកក្បាលហូរឈាមអញ្ចឹង!

ពួកអាខ្មែរចេះដឹងអស់ឯងដប់ មិនបានស្មើនឹងវៀតណាម
ឡប់ៗ , ភ្លើៗ នៅតាមមាត់ទន្លេមេគង្គមួយផង!

ខេមរា ចំការមន

Anonymous said...

Min Ches Thvoeu M'cha

Ches Trem KanhCheas

Chor Seam Chor Yuon

York Srok Do Krum

Num Korm Srei Yuon\

Boeur Min Peak Duon

Peak Song ProPhat (Muok S'dach Seam)

Anonymous said...

Sdach luok dei oy Yiekcong kbott cheat sasna...

Anonymous said...

ex king wants to live in china like khmer people want to live in america. the world is a small place, really. everybody is now living overseas all over the world.

Anonymous said...

ចំការមន គឺជារូងបង្កប់ទ័ពយួនដែល