Wednesday, July 07, 2010

RESPONSE to THARY UNG’s misleading and defamatory comments of RICHER & SITHEA SAN and GOLDEN COAST BANK

Dear Friend,

Thary Ung’s email is misleading the public (with the help of Borann Duong who is a publisher of a Cambodian Newspaper) with the clear intention to defame and personally hurt us as well as the Golden Coast Bank, the first Cambodian charted bank in the United States of America, which we helped to establish in May, 2007 in Long Beach, California. We, Killing Fields Survivors, came to this country as refugees with few dollars and were able to help establish a commercial bank like other ethnic communities (Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and Japanese) in the United States.

It appears that Thary Ung has no understanding of the operations and regulatory requirements of a commercial bank in the United States. She doesn’t understand the difference between an administrative “Cease and Desist Order” and a “Court Order.” However, before explaining about the bank’s operations and regulatory requirements, we want to share with you what appears to be Thary Ung’s animosity towards Golden Coast Bank, a community bank and the first Cambodian chartered Bank in U.S., which every Cambodian should be proud.

Please see the attached letter for additional information. Should you have any further question,

Do not hesitate to contact me at (562)367-7770.

Thank you

Richer San
562-367-7770 Cambodia Town, USA


Anonymous said...

Sok An is a big thief of Cambodia.

These Guys such as Peter Long, Richer San and many CPP prominent members in The USA are The Sok An's Servant,(Sok An's Arm and Legs) and that money were stolen from Donors to Cambodia, Tea Money, counterfeit U.S.D.
They USES this Bank to Transfer or (wire) from Cambodia to That Golden Coast Bank to clean or wash their Black MONEY or durty MONEY.

I Ask U.S. Authority to look into hard currency, hard loan, hard cash of this Genden Coast Bank of the Cambodia thief of Sok An in very very hard cases. And this bank also link to Cambodian Grocery stores around Long Beach, LA and Santa Ana areas.

According knowledge and wells these Guys dont have That kind of MONEY unless they were tax fraudulent.

Anonymous said...

Just shut up!

All of you scum bags have no interested in help or work to Cambodian community, beside using as to apply state or federal funds.
All of you scum bags creating one association to another just for your own gains.

When all of you scum bags have internal problems...then cry for support.
GO to hell all of you leeches, GO to suck blood from hun xen or sok an and lick their shit...

Huh ha!

Anonymous said...

12:04 PM: I agree with you. These people does not have their own money to open the bank. They must received a support from someone they associate with in Srok Khmer.

Cambodia Town, they created can not sustain itself. This organization has no credible structure. Now, they are currupting among themselve.

Cambodia Town is a copy cat. They just want to have Cambodia Town because other races has it own town.

Anonymous said...

I think Ms. Thary Ung exposed the bandit of Long Beach rats and that's why Richer San is upset and manipulating the statment make him look innocent. He's using emotional as a strategy in this issue.

From what I heard, the FDIC did a press release issuing an Administrative Order to " Cease and Desist" of Golden Coast Bank on January 27 ,2009 for the violations. Ms. Thary Ung forwarded the attachment of the Cease and Desist Order to Mr. Borann Duong for his information. Ms. Thary Ung did not forwarded mass emails per Richer San's innaccurate accusation.

It appears Mr. Richer's statement is really the defamer in this case. He accusing Mrs. Thary Ung but in facts, he's the person defaming Mrs. Thary Ung.

If the bank follows the laws, rules and regulations therefore, FDIC wouldn't issued an Cease and Desist order to the Golden Coast Bank on January 27, 2009.

It appears Richer San is giving his opinions on Mrs. Thary Ung but he neglect to address the issue why FDIC issued the order to " Cease and Desist" in the first place. Simple, the Golden Coast Bank failed to comply with the FDIC laws,rules and regulations set forth.

It appears Richer San accusing Mrs. Thary Ung of defaming him and the bank but he forgot to mentioned that FDIC did a press release and the information Mrs. Thary Ung forwarded only to Mr. Borann Duong for his information only. It appears Mr. Boran Duong is the one forwarded the mass emails to his network. Mrs. Thary Ung did not mass emails to the people per Richer San's interpretation.

We, know who is the real bad guy can't really wash yourself from all the karma you casted upon yourself for all those years.

The truth shall previal...and the community shall see.........stay tuned.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Thary Ung we heard that you have done alots for the community and you do it with a genuine heart. You help the community with expect in returns not like other people using the Cambodian community name in vein for their personal gain or interest. Cambodia Town is a great concept but the administration got to go...

We support Thary Ung and will do a mass petition demanding Richer San to apology for his defaming statement on Mrs. Thary Ung. I couldn't believe a man fight with a lady...the bad part is, he is manipulating the entire content of the issue.

This issue will not stop here...Richer San MUST issue an apology letter to Mrs. Thary Ung.

Anonymous said...

Richer, be a man to fight with the Vietnamese or the Thia. Don't fight with a lady that put so much into our Cambodian community here. Richer, you need to be a man dude...don't be a little sissy.

A real and educate man doesn't fight with a Cambodian your muscle with the Viet Congs or the Thais.

I'm GAY said...

Yoy gave a green light to an uneducated man to fight with a Cambodian lady. Hun Sen is an uneducted man and he is fighting with Hon. Mu Sochua. Are you satisfied?

What if a Cambodian woman like Hun Sen's wife? Can any man fight with her if she kills his family member?

Just because the person is a Cambodian woman, and she chalks everything up and lack of real principles, why can't we men fight with her?

Don't throw this bait, because she is a Cambodian woman.

Anonymous said...

Richer San is a big CPP supporter. I met this guy on many functions in long beach and I can tell you. This guy is all about face, most of all money. As a matter of fact many business people there are CPP supporter. Bastard tried to bring up we are all killing field survivors. Your supporting one you fucker!

Anonymous said...

Richer is asking for justice? Wow! After what he went through as a refugee trying to escape communism and dictatorship, and after he got a taste of freedom by living in the most democratic country in the world, he gave up everything of his past experience and sold his conscience to Sok An and CPP for a few bucks. He associated and aligned himself with the CPP in order that he could invest in real estate in Cambodia. This guy willing to stoop to any level to earn a few bucks despite he knew for the fact that his actions contributing to prolonging the suffering of millions Khmer. My advise to you is for you to give up American citizenship and go live with the dictatorship maybe they can understand your indignation and give you some sympathy. For Khmer living abroad, who not only love democracy, justice and freedom but willing to sacrify everything for it, can not and will not give you any sympathy. As a Khmer, who had many relatives who served and died along the border, I hope when you die there will be a place for you in heaven and I hope your soul will choose heaven over a dollar sign($).

Khmer K

I'm GAY said...

2;50pm & 2;56pm
Now come to only "hate" not about having foresight. Richer San seems to have a foresight, and you lack of it. If Richer San didn't do it, would you still blame Hun Sen for having the Viet Sok Kong instead of Khmer?

In the letter said Thary Ung lost election, and then she went crazy.

If she won, you all wouldn't have this story to trash.

Anonymous said...

One more thing. Mr Richer and Mrs. Richest (Sothea) I hope you both are smart enough to invest some money to buy yourself a big burial plots so you both can have enough spaces for all the blood money that you earn from the poor Khmer people in Cambodia to be buried with you. And don't forget to put CPP logo on your tomb stone.

Khmer k

I'm GAY said...

3:24 pm.
Now you said you prefer the Yuon Sok Kong to replace Khmers. Khmers cannot rise to do anything only Yuon can. Is it you want to tell every body?

They are smart to get money from Hun Sen to open the bank, and why are you so angry at them? Hun Sen robbed Khmers, but they didn't. At least they use the money from Hun Sen to build a bank to help Khmers.

There are 2 things I can think of you as: a typical jealous idiot Khmer, or a Yuon spy who divide and destroy Khmers, then this project will go to Yuon.

Anonymous said...

3:20 am

This is not about Thary. This is about Mr. $ and Mrs. $ and their willingness to shamelessly sold their souls to CPP on the expense of suffering of milion of ordinary Khmer people. I could careless if Mr. $ and Mrs. $ didn't used their positions as a community representatives to associate themselves with CPP. But they did. Therefore, as a democratic supporter and who loves justice and freedom, I have to take action. I can not just stand by and watch Mr. $ and Mrs. $ use their positions to destroy Khmer community and country for their own benefit.

Khmer k

I'm GAY said...

Your posts before this one were mostly cursing and envious of this couple. Now you talk of being a democratic citizen.

Is there a rule that these community representatives cannot associate with CPP? How long are you going to detach yourself from Cambodia? Would you be able to replace the Yuon Sok Kong or you just resist from outside?

Anonymous said...

I hope the Department of Justice will look into this matter, and if circumstances indictate, issue subpoena to those who are suspecting perpetrated complicity.

Anonymous said...

The person who calls him/herself "I'm Gay" is so good at manipulating and twisting story. I am not convinced that "Khmer K" made the comments with jealous or hate but presenting the facts. I am just wondering that "I'm Gay" is being hired to respond comments in order to defend Mr&Mrs $.

Anonymous said...

One big MISTAKE for Khmerican!

1. Khmerican invested with GCB.
2. Golden Coast Bank to CPP.
3. CPP treated all Khmer citizens.
Hun Xen stays in power forever!!!

Anonymous said...

ខ្ញុំឃើញ លោក​រចឆ័​ និង​សុធាសាន​ អង្គុយយ៉ាង
ខែងរែង ក្នុងសាលាក្រុងឡងប៊ិច ទាមទាឲ្យមាន
ការដង្ហែរក្បួន ថ្ងៃ​ ១៧​ មេសា ដែលជាថ្ងៃកាន់ទុក្ខ
របស់ខ្មែរ​ គ្រប់រូប. ឥឡូវ​ រិចឆ័រសាន​ ថាខ្លួនឯងជាអ្នកមានជីវឹតក្រោយ​ ពីការប្រល័យ
ចំជានិយាយឡប់ៗ ភ្លីភ្លើ ស្តោះទឹកមាត់លើទ្រូង
ឯងទៅវិញុ ឆ្កួតមែន​ ៕

I'm GAY said...

No I'm not paid by anybody and I don't know these people. Everything you said are your opinions.

I like to put interest of Khmers ahead of the interest of one person whose ultimate hate is coming between the interest of Khmers or other way around, afraid that Khmers may get ahead or no more Sok Kong. I can say the same thing to you, just opinions.

You are biased and I'm not. This Khmer K posted at 3;24pm was a curse words. Read it if you want to know I'm right.

If any Khmer wants to combat against the hostile Yuon force in Cambodia, I don't stop them. There arer many kind of struggles: join with them or against them like Raisny and Mu Sochua.

It may sound so bad to you, but resisting only from outside, how are we Khmers going to take over our jobs Youn occupied?

I'd like to take credits for it, but no Khmers can be Daniel Ellsberg who halted Vietnam war through Wikileaks, so why should I stop Khmers who want to be the first?

Anonymous said...

Cambodia Town Inc. is a good concept but the people in the association need to go... Richer San and Sithea San are doing it as a business.

People in the community are now awared of their acts and supporters are getting slimmer and slimmer each day.

I don't think they can stand any longer in the community. The only supporters they can get is the foreigners which they do not know their deep root. The Cambodian people know them very well like the palm of the hand.

People need to observe them and draw your own conclusion. Truth will previals.

Anonymous said...

Mrs. Thary Ung was this year Grand Marshal for the Cambodian New Year Parade 2010 which I just checked on site.

Mrs. Thary Ung bio was very commendable in her effort to help her community both in the U.S. and Cambodia. That's why the Cambodian Coordinating Council voted her as Grand Marshal 2010.


Anonymous said...

Mrs. Thary Ung was this year Grand Marshal for the Cambodian New Year Parade 2010 which I just checked on site.

Mrs. Thary Ung bio was very commendable in her effort to help her community both in the U.S. and Cambodia. That's why the Cambodian Coordinating Council voted her as Grand Marshal 2010.


Anonymous said...

WHO LET THE DOGs OUT Mr.$$$ and Mrs $$$........Someone is barking here in my backyard. He sounds so innocent...he should be an actor. I don't think the majority Cambodians view them as leader. I think they view them as LEECHES which suck blood.

Anonymous said...

When some1 like you writes too sloppy, too trashy, even real no one will believe you. It all comes from how we can carry or represent ourselves, and you are certainly sloppy.

Anonymous said...

Who is the b*atch Thary Ung? Can Richer sue the b*atch's ass for misrepresenting the facts? I would sue the b*atch or make the biatch to issue an apology letter. It is a good thing that Richer is quick and fast in responding to the misrepresentation. The establishment of Cambodia Town and Cambodian First Bank are the pride of every Cambodian near and far. We all should thank Richer and his team for making it happen for all of the Cambodians near and far to share. The bitach Thary needs to stop the hating. We all need to stop being so gullible and need to see the reality as is.

Anonymous said...

Shut up Ah CPP supporters like Richard San and his wife. Anybody in Long Beach should rape his wife and cut his dog. Only the stupid people who wants fame and money from Hun Sen will support Ah Kwak. Whatever cost they will do it to make money for themselves. Who wants to place their money into the stupid golden bank.

I believe this bank is financed by CPP like Sok An. Bank of America is more safe and have their branch all over the world.

Khmer in DC

Anonymous said...

If the banks funded by the richest from Cambodia in the US and why not letting it to proceed? The US can freeze money in that bank anytime. If no Khmers want to put money in that bank then American will.


10:29 AM you are an idiot and ass. It seems you are kissing Richer San's ass for a funny position that he offered to his clans. Most of them are idiots, follow him for a funny promised position. He is using them and spit them out once they are no used to him.

Also, those that follow him are UNEMPLOYED and have no real job anyway. Keep on dreaming you little dog flea.

Anonymous said...

10:29am You are an idiot and ass. You must be Richer's doggies. Most of his doggies are unemployed and have no real job. They need to get a real job or something.

Anonymous said...

I see. Everything is all about the money. The Sans' haters are jealous and they want money, and the Sans: husband and wife want money. We all want money don't we to feed our ass?

Messiah said...

I hear you all, who is who and the reason why..........everyone need to take a long vacation to an island for a month or so then come back and talk, perhaps, it helps to communicate in a civilize manner.

Richer need to cool off and Thary need to cool of as well. When the dust settled then talk for a compromise solution.

We are all Cambodian, we need to talk and find a solution to everything. Richer and Thary if both of you read this blog, let's meet up with me in Shanghai, China on July 30th at 8:00 AM for pourage soup and ginseng tea to ease the blood flow.

Then on the 31th at 9:00am, we fly to Phnom Penh and meet with the
PM Hun Sen for a peaceful talk. Maybe, Hun Sen give you a position in the government.