Friday, July 02, 2010

Sacravatoons no 1762 :" Home Sweet Home "


Anonymous said...

i think it has nothing to do with the wealth of a nation and its leader(s); it has more to do with the attitude, the cultural or traditional differences. you also have to took at how people dress. for example, in cambodia, the way people dress has nothing to do with their wealth, it has more to do with the special occasion, where as in the western culture, everybody tends to dress casually in clothings like jeans, t-shirts, shorts, etc. in cambodia, the way you dress can be frowned upon or judged on. i think they think the same with the appearance or size or even style or type of their homes in cambodia, really! it has nothing to do with wealth of the country, etc; it's more to do with the attitude or mentality or i called it cultural differences, really! to understand this better, i suggest students to study anthropology, cultural anthropology, that is.

Anonymous said...

i think the author who posted this failed to understand the differences in culture of difference nations and people of the world. yes, it's more to do with people's way of life and their culture than their wealth. i mean look at some of the wealthiest people in the western world or western culture like france's rich woman liliane bettencourt or warren buffet of america or even bill gates, etc, look how they dress; they look unextraordinary or mundane as people can't even tell if they are rich by their look alone; whereas in cambodia or asia for that matters, people tend to show off their wealth more by the way they dress, their home appearances, their personal conduct, etc, etc... i think that's the difference between the eastern culture and the western culture which plays a role in attitude, you know! you can call it economic disparity or whatever from the look alone, but it's really isn't all that, though. it's more to do with attitude in society, really!

Anonymous said...

I think your argument cannot divert the attention of the learned one. Reality is the most worthiest one. While the government is using anti-corruption law to promote their policy in this term, their greedy behavior and manipulation are strongly embedded in their action and mind.

Only simple question you should ask the committees of the anti-corruption unit; what are the sources of money Hun Sen has used to build this mansion? - From the state money, his wife's business money, his patrons, his saving account, or from his ancestors heritage?

Cambodians people are perpetually deceived by your argument so-called anthropological perspective! But many readers here are not idiotic in anthropology.

Take into account and response responsibly, don't divert the real issue or chew the plastic apple, but continue to store the real apple in the fridge.

Anonymous said...

8:42PM and 8:49PM are written by one person. S/He is cannot find any better idea to support the argument rather to confuse readers to relate the issue to cultural differences. The issue is about corruption and abuse of power, nothing else. The image of the properties are just simply the reflection about greed and irresponsible behavior. Aren't you feel a shame to write such irrelevant comparison?

Anonymous said...

I agree 8:42. It's a culture different where a small group of ruling elite exploits and lives off the backs of the majority of Cambodians. Instead of using their knowledges and wealths to help the less fortunate compatriots like Warrant Buffets or Bill Gate, they use they money and power to abuse and showoff to those below them in order to feel big and important. Look at all the titles given to these men and their wives. With all their villas and second wife, they failed to understand they are just a big fish in a very small and insignificant pond. A beggar to the world.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is not only AH-YONG-YOUN, but also a crooks-minister.

NOT prime minister!

Anonymous said...

Greed, corruption and abuse of power go way beyond cultural differences. It has nothing to do with culture. These problems can happen anywhere with any crooked leaders if they can get away with it.

In Cambodia you can show off your illegally gotten wealth and showing off one's wealth is the desire of any human being, but the reality in Cambodia is that you can do it without any consequences if you are in power.

What we see here is simply human behaviour and this behaviour can only be sustained in a society where the people are not strong enough and well educated enough to challenge their leaders and demand to know where the money comes from.

Cambodian leaders from one regime to the next have in general continued to abuse public money for their personal enjoyment and luxury. They even share this money and privilege with their friends, relatives and, of course, their cronies.

It will never stop by itself. Only through strong education and time that this behaviour in Cambodia can be stopped hopefully one day in the future.

Thank you Sacravatoon for having made this comparison.

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

12:07 AM I love you man!

past: He sold chickens!
present: He sold lands!

before: Hollyhood "Boyz N Da Hood"
today: Hollywood "Bottles of Wine"

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i everyone assessment is true. scene like this exist through all administration in cambodia, past or present. hopefully in the future, khmer gov't and people when became better educated can all help to change or reform this type of personal extravaganza of personal wealth, etc... i chose to be humble. hey also, don't forget it is a sign that cambodia is at peace again, prosperous, having good economy, etc... when people in cambodia feel they have confidence in economy, etc, they build nice, beautiful homes, structures, skyscrapers, modern infrastructure, etc... and who to say; everyone sounds hypocrite, here! two wrongs don't make it right, you know! god bless cambodia and all khmer people. and t

Anonymous said...

It's OK to enjoy life to the fullest in whatever ways of individuals preference, showing off or being humble, so long the wealth is from good consciences and moral earning.
But if the wealth generates from every mean of corruption, stealing from National Budget and Resources, cheating from disadvantage people through land grabbing and the list goes on...And we have no doubt what so ever that Hun Sen, his clan and their cronies have been earning are fitted perfectly in the above list. The great shame for the rotted and corrupted of Hun Sen government is the shonky law against corruption that they use to manipulate the country donors to Cambodia. Only people who are blind or side with the government in order to gain benefit from what ever deals they are after would turn their blind eyes to go along the law and its practice.
Like Lord Buddha said: "Nothing is permanent" so we will see sooner or later what will happen to them.

Anonymous said...

What kind of culture are we talfing about?

Cambodian culture which is influenced by Buddhism, or culture of which dominated by corruption?

Corruption is driven by greed, and greed is the animal instinct.

Which one shall we continue to uphold,as human?.

Anonymous said...

This is about POWER, CORRUPT, AND IMPUNITY. It has nothing to do with Culture. Hun Sen has power and he wanted to show the world that he can do anything in Cambodia even stealing money from donnors for his own personal use.

Anonymous said...

Bill Gate: $43,000,000,000.00
house: $140,000,000.00
shopping: Walmart
dining: fast food (McDanold)
residence: Merced Island, WA

Warren Buffet: $38,000,000,000.00
house: $700,000.00
shopping: Walmart
dining: fast food (Wendy)
residence: Lincoln, NE

house: from donors
shopping: from donors
dining: from donors
residence: Toul Mak, Nom Benh

WORLD POPULATIONS: 7,000,000,000

Anonymous said...

if everyone in sen's picture of his family celebration has to own a house like this one owned by him, the whole phnom penh would not have enough m2 (metre carree/squared meter) to build them, and Electricite du Cambodge would have to build a new 100 megawatt power station to meet the demands. kinda disgusting...too much donor money stolen and don't know what is better to do with it than overindulging...

Anonymous said...

10:42 PM Hahaha! Whee! Good one!