Saturday, July 03, 2010

Sacravatoons no 1767 : " We're going Home "


Anonymous said...


thank you brother.

Anonymous said...

Well, have a nice stay in srok chen.

Anonymous said...

Preah Ang, Boeu Preah Ang yeang tov, oy toul bangkun nov neung rana?!

Pi Neay Smao Vaing (s) and Neay Toul Kanthor (s).

Anonymous said...

Well, let us live him alone. He is an old man now. He has done a lot of good things for Cambodia too.

He is not as bad as what some have tried to portray him.

He is not a perfect leader, but he is the best so far when compared to those who came after him.

Be fair

Anonymous said...

Hee, hee, ...

I miss him!

Anonymous said...

No need to come back samdow ach.
"Keep you no gain, remove you no lost eitehr"

Anonymous said...

Ah chhkuoth chrouk 11:29PM : you
say:He (Sihanouk)is not a perfect leader,but he is the best so far when compared to those who came after him. Ah chhkuot 11:29PM ! Neak na dèl Ban thvoeu oy those came after leung kann am nach krauy ah khbâth cheat Sihanouk : Koeu ah Sihanouk niss hoeuy dèl ban
thvoeu oy ah those after him ban loeung kann âm nach of Cambodia ???

Anonymous said...

Cheyo! Beida Att Reak!

Anonymous said...

I will never EVER trust them since day one! Go go go and don't come back!!!

Anonymous said...

When it is all said and done, King Father is still my best Khmer hero even though I wasn't born yet during his majesty's era but history has recorded the main impacts the King had on Cambodia and the world. Actually, the King was and is no stranger to HATERS from near and afar. You should have read about how the Americans and the French used loaded words to paint the King. Yet, surprisingly, the King has outlived too many of his contemporaries. Can't you believe it that I am in my late 20's and I'm reading about the King. In fact, I plan to write a thesis on the king and his skills in geopolitics to protect Cambodia. The good thing about it is that there is plenty of information in published sources. I think the Cambodians are blessed with skills in politics and that is why our nation continue to exist until the present. Here is a timeline in case anyone forget. In face of the relentless new predatory people, Champa and Mon Kingdoms were absorbed and wiped out. Khmer Empire shrank at a rapid rate giving rise to countries such as Thailand, Laos, and former South Vietnam, but our ancestors managed through shrewd political strategies to keep the greedy invaders from swallowing up the heartland (Cambodia) of the great Khmer people. Even in the present, South Vietnam is gone and monarchy in Laos is also gone and the separate Hmong territory is gone, but look at Cambodia, the monarchy is still alive and the country is free from the predatory neighbors. I have read a lot of writing of frustration and trash talk by other fellow Cambodians, but I don't see thing the way they do because the people around me teach me that the main reason for anything to happen to you is simply "politics". And it is true, even in the work place or the community or anywhere else, it is all about politics to get what you want. If you play this reality political game "It is better you than me" correctly than in your life time you will be so prosperous. There are too many examples of intelligent people out there choose not to play the politics of life correctly and they always end up as losers at the end. Even his majesty Jayvaraman VIII of the Khmer Empire played politics in the face of the aggressor Yuan (Mongol) Dynasty of China. It is all about "politics" as long as we live with human beings. We can influence how they choose to be with us or exclude us. An example that I can think of is this one: say you have a small store offering small merchandises to consumers. If we don't play the life politics correctly, no matter how cheap our merchandises are, if the consumers are against us, then we are the losers at the end. With that said, I think the Old King is a shrewd life politics player. I think right now, he is playing it well to protect the Cambodia's traditional monarchy and the royal families. Do you know that Hun Sen has forbidden members of Cambodia's royalty to not enter politics?

Anonymous said...

12:00 AM,

You should be ashamed of your language used against those who have different opionions from you.

You are no better than the Khmer Rouge themselves for I know you would have no hesitation to kill another Khmer because he or she happens to have a different opinion from you.

Hopefully you are not living in western demecratic country; otherwise, I feel sorry for your soul since you have not learned anything called freedom of speech and opinion in a country in which you live.

A lot of Cambodians still love Sihanouk, are they crazy?

Anonymous said...

Mr. 12:00 AM,

Just to let you know that if there were a civil war in Cambodia, I would fight on Sihanouk's side and definitely not on your side!

You have to kill me first before you can kill Sihanouk.

Anonymous said...

I'm GAY said...
Your action is Yuon. Dividing Khmers are Yuon and you are Yuon.

You're defending Yuon Hanoi and accusing Khmers for killing 3 million lives? If I were King Sihanouk I'd be glad to send you to be with your family members so you can't divide Khmers.

I usually don't reply to the ultimate evils like yourself, but I do this for the last time.

Are you Buddhist? Do you know Buddha is a Monarchist? Buddha is Buddhists' King.

Now you know I am a uniter. My decision is set and the monarchy stays.
2:05 PM
Anonymous said...
Fuck u gay said,
Your wishes for the king send us with our families members to get slaughtering are not acceptable,at the end your true color appearing you as one of the khmer rouge cadres as well as Sihaknuk and mee youn moniqe EZ the youn sleeping cell. As you mentioned so long that bitch really is .And you are talking about Buddha is monarchy and the king is the Buddhist you are right and you are wrong .
On my points views you are fucking stupid idiot suck the dicks for surviving ,you are death wrong ,the Buddhist have never had any attention to kill or kill million people like Sihaknuk and youn sleeping cell Monique so refrain from your stupid comparison ,you make your self to low already by lying .You dick head messed up and fucked up big time deeper in the wrong time of the history. If you don't mind please go to tell your father stop insert his** *in the wrong of the hole to make you come out stupid,secondly tell Your king Sihaknuk ain't run away from his crimes committed ,it doesn't matters who win the next term, or except Hun Sen Sihaknuk god son can save his ass because they both are criminal big timer or Sihaknuk must face with the second generation khmer killer.
Oh by the way please forward this comment to Sihaknuk or let him respond to me ASAP so I'll challenging him in here how sound? And stop bragging oil snake and scamming the readers make your self look like an innocent GAY?
3:30 PM

Anonymous said...

Choy euy! Xadatt Xihanouk chea hero Att Reak.

Anonymous said...

How many types of the animal that have sex with their mother on the planet?
Sihaknuk the disgraced king is ,pumping his aunt(consider mother some people do) with 9kids and dumped her because of youn sleeping cell Monique.
There will be many koun khmers knows others kind of disgrace animal please list it here for our sharing and learning not to be a disgrace copy cat.

Anonymous said...

The Khmers are divided into 4 groups:

1. Anti Sihanouk group
2. Pro Sihanouk group
3. Neutral group
4. Republican group

These 4 groups don't seem to be able to work together. This inability to work together has been there even before 1953 and it is the real cause of all the sufferings of the poor Cambodian people and the country as a whole.

The forum of discussion on KI site is a small mirror that shows clearly the problems of division among the Khmers in their society.

Unless this problem can be solved, you can curse Sihanouk all you want, but the real problem still exists and obviously Cambodia's neighbours will exploit this weakness of the Cambodians to the fullest.

Nobody can divide your group unless it has already been divided!

Blaming the Vietnamese or the Thais and for that matter anyone else is not going to do anything. Vietnam and Thailand are here to stay in South East Asia and there is nothing the Khmers can do about it. What the Khmers can do is to learn to accept the differences in opinion and work together as a team with one goal to defend the remaining land and stop going to the neighbours for help when there is a disagreement among them.

The Khmers need to first blame themselves and acknowledge their deadly mistakes then think of how they can work together as a team considering that they are so divided politically and socially.

So far they continue to fail as a group!

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

Dictator Hun Sen is very happy to have the monarchy contained:

1) Sihanouk is old and useless.
2) Sihamoni has no political experience (a ballet dancer) and is simply a perfect puppet for dictator Hun Sen and the Vietcongs.
3) Rannaridh is a womanizer and corrupt at the core and easily bought by money and women.

Is there any benefits to keep monarchy in Khmer Nation? Is there any gain to have them around? Can Khmer identity survive without the monarchy?

KHMER Angkor.

Anonymous said...

Talking about khmer dividing since 1953 I am not agree with that fact ,but I know they divide professionally(the Sisowart,Sim Va,Seung Ngokthan and on)But the real mistakes that Sihaknuk created khmer republic divide them then created khmer rouge and refused and ignored responsibilities by not admitting the mistakes joined with khmer rouge and put the blame on them but not him.Sihaknuk is the hen that laid all those eggs (republic khmer rouge regime and Sonkom Niyom) You are all will see the last regime in my statement are in the best all in your interest but in the real pictures the songkom niyom are bankrupt already run out of the money and the Viet filtrated every where,so to be saving her Sihaknuk used Lon Nol and beat Lon Nol with his khmer rouge that his friends Viet forming so Sihaknuk the one who make khmer weak and felt in youn trap.
You can trust and let people like Sihaknuk who fail again and again on his politic career to suffer million khmer and her people.

Anonymous said...

I hope he wont come back . I am sick of seeing him being alive because thousands of people got killed because of him . Ah sdach kbott cheat .

Anonymous said...

Keep hoping, folks!

He may outlive some of you!

Anonymous said...

Your hatred for Sihanouk can only push him closer to Hun Sen.

If you were in his situation, you would move closer to Hun Sen too. It is called a smart survival strategy.

Anonymous said...

hahahhahahah that would be deep in shit,Hun Sen smell and look like shit if Sihaknuk not smart enough to get close to shit he will will be double standard of killing of his own.

Anonymous said...

Look at the losers are going no where. They don't even have a home. They are not the khmer king and queen.

ignorant savant boy said...


Thanks. You make me like and respect this King. He is poor, humble and so kind, but an astute politician. Long LIVE King Sihanouk.

Anonymous said...

Go and enjoy Peking duck.

Anonymous said...

I can understand that some of the people here have ill feeling against Sihonouk but to accuse him for the killing of more than two million Khmer is absurd and naive. How can he be held responsible when Khmer Rough place him in house arrest when the killing took place? There are 14 of his children and grand children also died during this period including his favorite son the crowned prince Nirandipo. In politic it is easy to point fingers and accuse other for the wrong doing after the fact that you have the benefit of hindsight. But during the time of a decision making you could only hope it will turn out to be your favor. It is no guarantee of the outcome even if the situations are totaly under one's control. Imagine what the outcome would be when your decisions are depended on the forces that are much greater and beyon your control. Sihanouk did not have control over the American policy nor the ambitions of Viet or Thai. He did not have control over the geographical location of Cambodia nor the small size of Cambodian population, limited of resources, and lack of military might. Even the president of the United States have posession over the greatest resources, economic power and military might that the world can not be compared with still have a very limited sucess waging against a much smaller countryies such as Vietnam or the current Irag and Afganistan. Like I said, it is very easy to judge but at least put some reality into perspective and judge with some usage of intelligence instead of a judgement that full of emotion.

Khmer k

Anonymous said...

Khmer K
That is not an illusion nor emotion that is one man mistake and do not want to learn from the mistake and create more and more mistakes from one man name Sihaknuk.
There was not house arrest for SIhaknuk period my observation my investigation shown me nothing about house arrest,put it this way who are able to stay at their own property during the killing field? Sihaknuk was,playing with the fire they must get burn or heat waves .The broadcasting form Bejing and French news paper showed clearly that Sihaknuk intend to killed khmers for his revenges(research out your self).
Sihaknuk is the king of khmr rouge 75-76 .70-75the leader of the khmer rouge nothing is wrong for him he deserved that but compare to 2 1/2 million innocent khmer live.
When the UNTAC gave khmer the opportunities to crawl back to lives Sihaknuk open up the gate for youn Hun Sen to have fortune of keep killing khmer go on.
The French gave khmer land to Baodai before Sihaknuk is crowned so why he is not bother to ask French that KK is khmer territorial ? the past is just the past after UN was there why he tell his son to split Koh Tral and some islands near by to youn?
Mistakes after mistakes that unexcused,it doesn't matter some one said Sihaknuk and families are cleaned but in realities he is the traitor period.

Anonymous said...

3:33 AM Khmer Sott is real MAN!

Sihanouk had made numerous flight between Beijing to Phnom Penh during Khmer Rouge reigned era.

2:42 AM He's just an illusionist!

Keep practicing your magic trick!

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk invented Khmer Rouges who killed 1.7 million Khmers. This is unacceptable for humanity. Sihanouk is still accountable for the creation of KR regime. Khmers have been brainwashed by their monarchy's influences for years and some still thinking the monarchy are their savers. This is completely wrong. Since I was born and grown up in Cambodia, all I remembered was suffering from wars.

Cambodia is currently dying from Youns Vietnamise Cambodia. Now leave the monarchy alone if you wanted to save your country, religion, culture, and your khmer people from Youns slavery.

Anonymous said...

Som niyeay tej jous, Just wanna make a short sence.
Ah Botra Khemara
Chamcar Mon and ah lop kmeng sro kor kroey. Please read and learn more about our khmer history.
Please check Youtube, you will find out the truth. Please use your brain and heart. And please check the Youn map, where are they start. and where it is end up now??
Youn is at dey Khmer Krom for now.
Youn will continue...