Tuesday, July 13, 2010

"Sankream Trocheak Nov Asie" a Poem in Khmer by Hin Sithan


Anonymous said...

I always hate your opinion, this time you're right, I love it and you should continue a little bit about who with who ?
CPP remains with Yuons and Yeaknam with USA, who is with China ?
Sok An with Yuons and Americans ?
Hun Sen with Sihanouk and China ?
Do your job!

Anonymous said...

Nothing new. The idiot brain of Ah Me Khmer Kraham nis always mess up.

Why always blame the out sider, Youn, Chin, Akang.... blah blah blah, it is Khmer samkis, back biting, fighting and hating each other, lack unity that is destroying us. Unless we wake up and stop blaming others for our failure, we still in this deep shit forever.

Anonymous said...

9:44pm, i'm with you totally. khmer need to wake up and stop being ignorant and childish by blaming, etc... stand up and take responsibility for a change. that's a start and new, perhaps! like they say, if you don't allow others to walk all over you, then you have that right and tell them so. but to tolerate it and allow it, then turn around and play blaming game is so childish, indeed. i say grow up already! stop being ignorant, ok! cambodia needs social reforms for sure! how to do it? education and spread the knowledge with encouragement and pray the good god, etc... how about spiritual cleansing as well! cambodia can use all of the above!

Anonymous said...

it's true when they say changes start with the individual because, think about it, if we can't change ourself, how can you spend energy to change others? that said, changes is synonymous with reforms, and it's not necessarily all bad, you know!

Anonymous said...

Lok Sithan - I use to support your idea of appealing for khmer unity. I have seen so many poems written by you and you group relating to khmer issues. I think we have enough now.... We understand the root cause of the problems but I have not seen any action either from you or your group to implement such ideas. Now it's time to act. Don't make us blame you as "äh chhess te tha" You and your group must do something concrete to help salvage khmer land. Crying foul will not change any thing unless you start to act.

kaun khmer

Anonymous said...

All he can do best is to blame everyone. Blame China, blame Vietnamese, Blame American, blame the king, blame Hun Sen, blame Lon Nol, but do you notice, he never blame the Khmer Rouge, because he is the Khmer Rouge, related to Noun Chea the brother number 2 after Pol Pot.

Anonymous said...

Lok Sithan - I use to support your idea of appealing for khmer unity. I have seen so many poems written by you and you group relating to khmer issues. I think we have enough now.... We understand the root cause of the problems but I have not seen any action either from you or your group to implement such ideas. Now it's time to act. Don't make us blame you as "äh chhess te tha" You and your group must do something concrete to help salvage khmer land. Crying foul will not change any thing unless you start to act.

kaun khmer

2:46 AM

How many Khmer people can read your comment, and how many Khmer people benefit from the poems that the group have written?

If you use your logic right you'll get the correct answer.

Anonymous said...

Lok Hin Sithan's Poem min torn mean chhon nah vai pduol bann luey!

Ché Ban La-ar! Ché Ban La-ar!
Hope puok ah tmil read it in PPenh.

Anonymous said...

Hin Sithan is uncivilized and uneducated person. He must be Thai offspring and sent by Thai to sabotage Khmer people. Why he never writes the poem to blame the thai for shooting khmer and his uncle inlaw Nuon Chea?

ignowant savant boy said...

9:37 PM
Hin Sithan writes poem a little better, he could see a little bit farther about super power nations play games, though not quite. If Hin Sithan can free himself from the Yiekcong spy Ly nhoc Diep, Hin Sithan can write independtly without biased. Hin Sithan cannot unite even just a few Khmers but he can curse. I bet the young generation who wants Monarchy to stay like the gay boy and his followers would be smoothly laying their salt surround the old guys like Hin Sithan and his rusty iron group easily. I don't think people care or scared of the rusty group, but they'd be scared of the cool and calm new cadres with farther vision. Why Hin Sithan has to insult the King Sdech Chhkae? He makes enemy as he has attempted.

Anonymous said...

poem by Hin Sithan totally lacks of manner and lacks of intelligence.
Hin Sithan's poem is only hatred nothing about how to unite. If Hin Sithan still believes Yuon Spy Ly Ngoc Diep that Khmer King is bad, Hin Sithan is in a big deep shit. Hin Sithan lacks of a skill of being a diplomat. He does not know how to unite people. Very Bad peom he wrote. This old boy needs to sit in a Prey Sar cell sometime in the future, when he steps his feet on Cambodia soil.

I'm GAY said...

Salt has been long used as protection against evils or used to break the evil spells. These rusty old men and women are not evils but are ignorant people.

Anonymous said...

Hi Gay boy.
You don't seem to care to read poems written by Bao Doi Ly Ngoc Dinh's disciples Hin Sithan(HS).

Anonymous said...

Who is,are the Khmer leader or leaders Khmer innocent people can trust or lead them to succeed? Pick a leader first,then follow him/her lead.Some blogger are stirring up ideas one another ideas becoming the war of words.How to solve this war ? My thought is to skip some blogger ideas and go with good ideas,but pay attention to evil ideas too.