Thursday, July 29, 2010

WHC to decide on temple plan tonight

Bangkok Post

The World Heritage Committee is expected to decide on whether it will approve Cambodia's management plan for Preah Vihear temple on Thursday night Thailand time, Natural Resources and Environment Minister Suwit Khunkitti said in a television interview from Brazil on Thursday.

The committee, meeting in Brasilia, has decided to postpone the decision on the issue for 24 hours to allow Thailand and Cambodia to iron out their dispute on the sidelines of the meeting.

The issue is set to be on agenda again at 10am Brazil time, or about 10pm Thailand time.

The postponement followed protest in the capital and the Thai government's threat to resign its membership of the committee if it approves Cambodia's management plan.

Mr Suwit said Cambodia insists on pressing ahead with its management plan, while Thailand strongly opposes it.

Speaking after a 45-minute discussion with Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Sok An, who heads the Cambodian delegation, Mr Suwit said he would work to his best ability to protect Thailand’s national interest, but that what actually happens is up to the decision of all 21 WHC members. He however hoped that the WHC will comprehend the adverse impact that might occur if it endorses Cambodia’s plan.

The 34th annual meeting of the World Heritage Committee this year is now being held from July 25 to August 3.

The cabinet on Wednesday resolved to oppose Cambodia's plan for Preah Vihear temple, set to be proposed to the World Heritage Committee meeting, instructing the Thai delegation to boycott the anticipated endorsement by walking out of the meeting and not cooperating with the WHC once it endorses the plan.

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva stated that the matter should not be discussed unless the two neighbours resolve their dispute over the overlapping zone of 4.6 square kilometres.


Anonymous said...

Cambodian government should close all the border with thailand if the management plan of Preah vihear temple will not be accepted....

From: Khmersonhonest

Anonymous said...

All siame and thai must know that you are a small group who lived in Taly city of Nanchao in Yunan province of china before you come to live in khmer empire...

From: khmersonhonest

Anonymous said...

The Preah vihear temple was built in 9th century, thailand was found in 1238, so thailand is younger the Preah vihear temple or we can say thailand is younger than the stone of preah vihear temple...

From: khmersonhonest

Anonymous said...

The French-Siame map was reconised by both Cambodia and Thailand, thailand signed by the king choulalongkorn and siame government at that period and it is reconised by international court of justice, but now abpisit do not reconise this map, it mean that abpisit do not reconise his king choulalongkorn as siame king.... so abpisit is not honest to his monarchy....
A mouk abpisit pit chea mouk men A mouy nis.

From: khmersonhonest

Anonymous said...

If the World Heritage Committee(WHC) do not accept the management plan of Preah vihear temple, WHC will be a world thieves committee... (WTC)

Anonymous said...

If Thailand concern about the border demarcation, then get your ass together and work on it.

Thai Gov. have been sitting on this issue for the last two years and Cambodia can't wait any longer.

When the owner (Cambodia)was not there to protect the land, Thai came and settle in the erea, then now they start crying when Cambodian Gov. try to enfforce the location of the border post.

Why do the Thai army have black uniform just like the KR ??? Any body know ???

Anonymous said...

Not official yet?

Anonymous said...

Just arguing base on facts!

First Preah Vihear temple located in Cambodia according to international map and it is under Cambodian sovereignty!

Now what part does Siem leaders don't understand? Unless Siem leaders want to bully Cambodia into war!

Siem naked aggression will not be rewarded!

Anonymous said...

I have enough of Mr. Abhisit and his yellowshirt cohorts’s provocative attitude. If they want to bully us, let’s invite our friends Mr. Thaksin and other redshits to Cambodia for some “economic” forum.

Anonymous said...

8:42AM - "Why do the Thai army have black uniform just like the KR ??? Any body know ???"

Because Thais always copy us or steal from us whether it's musics, dresses, dances, culture ... and more.

Anonymous said...

siem knows the outcome already and uses threat with unesco and economic sanction with cambodia. thank god, unesco plays by the international law only, not by siem's thug-like law to steal from cambodia, etc... maby god bless my country cambodia.

Anonymous said...

siem only think about their own interest, so they think lowly of cambodia's view, etc... i hope unesco will see that as an injustice and use the law to penalized thailand for their bully-like! maybe siem's time is coming soon, meaning they will go down the drain for a change because while cambodia was preoccupied with civil conflict, etc, siem pad thugs did take advantage of cambodia to steal from us and to bully us. god will see to it. siem is so hypocritical, really!

Anonymous said...

Abhishit Vejjajiva said, the preah vihear must jointly listed between the two country? and also managment plans? where ta hell he got an idea from..?

Anonymous said...

Since Hun Sen was a Khmer Rouge commander, now a Khmer Rouge leader and had many of his political opponents and journalists assassinated, I wonder if he have any plan to assassinate the Thai Prime Minister (Ahbullshit Vejjajiva)?