Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Anti-Corruption Unit Seeks To Reassure Investors [... that corruption is business as usual in Hun Xen's Cambodia?]

(Photo: AP)

Chun Sakada, VOA Khmer
Phnom Penh Monday, 23 August 2010

“I am convinced that Cambodia can achieve greater successes for fighting against corruption by reforming the system in the government ministries and institutions in the future.”
The government's Anti-Corruption Unit is preparing a plan to help ensure businesses and investors are protected from corruption, a senior official said Monday.

The new plan will help businesses register with the Ministry of Commerce and receive business certificates and licenses, said Om Yienteng, head of the Anti-Corruption Unit, during the Cambodia-Korea Transparency International Symposium in Phnom Penh.

“For example,” he said, “The Ministry of Commerce lists a company. What documents does it need? How much does it cost? How long is the wait?”

The new plan will also include birth certificates for Cambodians and efforts to prevent officials from asking more money than is legally required, he said.

The Anti-Corruption Unit is also developing internal oversight for its own investigating officials to ensure they are maintaining proper relationships.

Om Yientieng also said it was important that people accused of corruption are sent to court as a deterrent. “If someone dares to make corruption, that man cannot make corruption,” he said.

“I am convinced that Cambodia can achieve greater successes for fighting against corruption by reforming the system in the government ministries and institutions in the future,” Shin-Bom Lee, a former member of South Korea's National Assembly and now a member of the Blue Korea Foundation, said.

Savuth Bora, the head of DNL Global Services Co., Ltd, said that the Anti-Corruption Unit's plan would help investment in Cambodia by preventing the bribes many companies complain of making to government officials.

“The Anti-Corruption Unit can make a clear plan by limiting that all businessmen must pay $100 or $120 for their company license or company listing,” he said.

Van Luy, head of Eurotech Import Export Co., Ltd., said the plan will also help government revenue that is lost to bribes and illegal operations.

“If we issue a strong and clear law, it is very good for Cambodia,” she said. “All walks of people will not dare to violate the law.”


Anonymous said...

it takes everybody to stop corruption. the more people are voicing it the better it will be humiliated and reduced. again, education is one of the key to reduce corruption everywhere. it's the right thing to do for cambodia. those who still dare and disobey the law should be severely punished to the fullest extent of the law, really!

Anonymous said...

“The Anti-Corruption Unit can make a clear plan by limiting that all businessmen must pay $100 or $120 for their company license or company listing,” he said.

100 or 120? 20 bucks for the officials to pocket. Anybody who have travel to Cambodia know how things work there.

Anonymous said...

start pay bride since in kindeguarden! how education can promotecorruption in Cambodia!???

Raise the salary of public servances and ah Kwack and family stop sponsore bad business and prrupting!

Anonymous said...

start pay bride since in kindeguarden! how education can promote corruption in Cambodia!???

Raise the salary of public servances and ah Kwack and family stop sponsore bad business and corrupting!

How can you mother fucker afford ROROY??????

3:53 AM

Anonymous said...

The measure to end corruption is very easy: It must start from Hun Xen, his own families, and all of comrades. It is Hun Xen who allows corruption to boom beyond control. All government officials, from top to buttom, must declare their property and wealth, because, if they earn honest money as our innocent ordinary people do, then they would never that rich as they are now. Will the be brave and honest enough to do so? Due to their unsrupulous conduct, I don't they will.

Anonymous said...

While most Cambodians are forcing to pay exta money for their vehicules by tax officials, it is imperative to create a special unit to investigate and to deter these corrupted persons from abusing their duties.

KhmerIsrael said...

It has to start in the heart, otherwise keep trying. If the hearts of men are desperately wicked how can you end corruption without changing the hearts first? Education won't beat it! Couldn't convince me my dear ones.

Anonymous said...

កូនខ្មែរគ្រប់រូបអើយល្មមភ្ញាក់ខ្លួនហើយ ហើយ
ឈប់ប្រកាន់ថាបក្សនេះបក្សនោះទៀតទៅ។ ​​​​
ហើយសូមបងប្អូន​ក្រឡេកមើល ពលរដ្ធខ្មែរ
គ្រប់ទីកន្លែងរងទុក្ខវេទនាខ្លោចផ្សា រកទីបញ្ចប់
គ្មាន នេះក៏ដោយសាតែពាក្យរបស់រដ្ធាភិបាល
ខ្មែរ ដីខាងកើតយួនធ្វើព្យុះធ្វើភ្លៀងតាមចិត្ត គ្មាន
មន្ត្រីខ្មែរណាម្នាក់ហ៌ានក្អកមួយម៉ាត់សោះ ក្រៅតែ
ពីបក្សប្រឆាំង សួរថាយើងសប្បាយចិច្តណាស់

Anonymous said...

Corruption and Bribe practices have plagued Cambodian society fabric from head to toe. This cancer cannot be healed overnight following the decision to do this or to do that by the ACU. If we, Cambodians in all the country, are really determined to fight this cancer, we should put in mind that this will be a combat of David against Goliath and it may take long time to:
1- Educate the young generation to come, to inform them of desastrous effects of corruption for the Cambodian nation,
2- Send message to our current corrupt government that good governance is "tone from the top" meaning that they have to give example first. They have to embrace Ethics and to know that leading the destiny of the nation is to understand what is called "conflict of interests"
3- Enforce the rule of law (on corruption) and punish the culprit effectively,
4- Create a network of doing clean business community to share experience how to avoid the trap of corrupt officials.
5- Inform people through official media of the negative effects impacting economically (to prolong abject poverty of the majority of Cambodians) and socially (unjustice and unfair situation forcing many Cambodians to live in fear and poverty)the whole country.

If we love Cambodia, we should be united to combat this cancer which is corruption in Cambodia.

Banteay Meanchey farmer

Anonymous said...

We want more condoms for young people. There are many AIDS hookers in Cambodia