Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Cambodia bans imports of pigs, fearing spread of disease

August 04, 2010

Cambodia authorities on Wednesday imposed ban on import of pigs from neighboring countries, fearing the spread of disease.

Srun Pov, president of Association of Pigs Raising in Cambodia, said Wednesday that he had raised the fear of the pig disease spread to Cambodia through the import from Vietnam to the authorities several weeks ago.

According to Srun Pov, Cambodia needs a total of more than 4, 000 pigs for daily consumption, and in Phnom Penh alone it needs between 1,200 to 1,300 pigs.

Cambodia is reported to have imported about one million pigs per year from Thailand alone.


Anonymous said...

i wonder does cambodia have a quarantine center for screening animals transporting into cambodia? if not, they should establish one like they have in america. in america, if anyone brings in animal into america, the law requires that it must be first quarantined for diseases, etc, before it is allowed to go though. i think cambodia should have a national quarantine center similar to this, and the US can help to establish this system into practice in cambodia, i think! gov't should look into establishing a quarantine center, really, if they don't already have one. if they already have one, then they need to establish them along the international border acrossing as well. otherwise, you allowed all kind of animals to bring in unwanted diseases into our country.

Anonymous said...

9:02pm ! you must groveup in America geto to write something like that!

GO out read more book about other country! Or just wonder how ilegal gun get to your geto! boy do American have CIA, FBI, HLS and many more to secure for your safety?

Anonymous said...

Cambodia should have a farm where they raise the pig locally instead of importing.