Thursday, August 12, 2010

"Chumluos Khmer Siem Chea L'bech Yuon Thmei" a Poem in Khmer by Hin Sithan


Anonymous said...

shut up, khmer must move on beyond siem and youn; this is not like the dark ages, you know! this mentality is so outdated, i believe! wake up already, my dear! there are more to the world than just youn or siem, really!

Anonymous said...

L'bech Yuon? Would you please review all information? I try to follow all news and knowing that it is "L'bech Siam".

Anonymous said...

I really disappointed with this writer. I suspect that he is really Thai or at least hired by Thai group.

Anonymous said...

May be Mr. Hin Sithan want Khmer people to keep cilent under threaten from Thai.

Anonymous said...

This animal is a spy of siam thieves who divise khmer.

Anonymous said...

To the aboves comments it fucking true men ah CPP is fucking under Ah DIAPERS control form the top to the bottom. I knew some DIAPERS that I used to worked with in Orange County, Ca they fucking told me that. So shut tha fuck up and wakes up dump ass. You wanna our country like CHAMPA or what? Anyway it's very nices peom keeps doing what you good jobs.

Anonymous said...

we need to kill HUN SEN now no more no more that enouge time to kill ar-hun sen

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Hin Sithan told us to stop being bothered by what happened around Preah Vihear temple??? What Siem said about Preah Vihear temple, about the World Heritage status, about the management plan, all that are youn tricks? Should we have to go back to sleep and do nothing? No official map with Thailand since they didn't recognized the one they signed with France. This doesn't bother Mr. Sithan? Who he is working for? Is the Siem poet or official party poet?

Anonymous said...

sounds like a movie line. the reality is not the case, it an individual case only and must use international recognized map to demarcate properly, otherwise, there will be conflict without the UN mediation using the law, really!

Anonymous said...

mu sochua is not special, either, you know. there are more to cambodia than mu sochua, really! respect the law or you too can land in prison for disobedience, etc..., you know!

Anonymous said...

We should not just gather news from KI Media news.Look at every news around the world there are not enough unless we get inside to our country.My family and I went to Cambodia a dozen times to see,to hear what happening inside our lovely country.I have many close relatives in Phnom Penh,in Battambang,Mongkolborey,Sisophon,Poipet.We visited Siem Reap,Kompong Thom,ect...And also we visited kompong Cham Prey Veng,Svay Rieng,Kompot,and Kompot.You could not tell a lie.I knew it,saw it and heard about what happening in Cambodia right now.We are Vietnamese slave.Thai is jealous Vietnam.keep your mouths shut! You don't pretend that I knew nothing.If you are against us,you are Vietnam or Thai slaves.

Anonymous said...

Ladies and Gentlemen,

In order to achieve their goal and wealth, the Poem writers such as clans Hin Sithan, KC, KB, Sam Vichea, Sék Serei, Ung Thavry, Yim Guechsè and Champa Diep did not hesitate to use the following exodus Hanoi's methods:

1). The development of anti-King and Queen, Anti-governmental propaganda, by written newspapers, Books and Poems via Internets.

2). Create a climate of crisis and insecurity and to provoke divisions in the population to rise up agaist the King, Queen and Government.

3). Carrying out of acts of sabotage and break khmer apart from the majority of the population remained loyal to the King, Queen and elements of Government.

4). Circulation of tracts and other printed matter originated by the various factions, and in their place the appearance of a single overall their political line, both in written and spoken propaganda, a development which became more and more intence and widespead.

5). The sudden attacks launched by the Newspapers, books and Poems with political pictures or cartoons.

Hin Sithan, KC, KB, Sam Vichea, Sék Serei,Ung Thavry, Yim Guechsè and Champa Diep are practically, sympathy directed by Ho Chi Minh and their Vietnamese Communist in Hanoi.
That's the stategy of Hin Sithan, KC, KB, Sam Vichea, Sék Serei,Ung Thavry, Yim Guechsè and Champa Diep are preparing the entry of Cambodia into their Indichina Federation and their new political indoctrination.

Anonymous said...

If you are against us, you are Vietnam or Thai slaves." (1:03 AM). Actually who are "us" in this sentence? Those who say that we shouldn't be bothered by what Siems are doing and saying; we shouldn't be bothered by Thai aggression and go to bed and sleep? "You are against us"? Who against whom? In face of the foreign aggressions we should be united instead of divided. "You against us" is extremely dividing. I am very disappointed that Cambodia still has people that think that there is only a political party that is true Cambodian party and capable of patriotism. Pol Pot thought that way and now you (1:03 AM). The comments by 1:36 AM are interesting.

Anonymous said...

All Khmers,

Torp Yuon Muoy Saen Kaen SampakTean Dei

Moulathan Yuon Thmei SroKei TeaHean

KammaKor Sot Hue Ke Tream ChumHean

Khdap Truot Chhlean Pean Ruk Rean Phlon Khmer

Seam Min Hean Luk Preah Vihea Teat

Chhbap OntarakCheat Dak Taos Seam Me

Krup Khmer Trov Doeung Roeung Hnoeung Ris Re

Yuon"Manoeuvre" Te SonThom Khmer Khour.

Anonymous said...

This siem or youn poet thinks that Khmer people are ignorant and unable to make right from wrong. This poet looks down on Khmer people and pretends to be the only one patriot on earth. Who is he pretend to be? He is no different from Pol Pot who thought that he was the only Khmer who was capable of thinking? So that while he was in power he killed all the people he believed inferior to him. This siem or youn poet is no different from the tyrant. Does he want Cambodia to disappear from the world map, doesn't he?

Anonymous said...

Ah Seam Min Mean Torp Tream Khmer Srok

Muoy Roy Porn Luk Torp Yuon Chorn Khmer

Phnaek Khmean ProSrei Ah KanhCheas Hue

Khour M'nus Roeu Chhkae Kone Yuon SamPhoeung?