Monday, August 30, 2010

Iranian Nuke for Cambodia?

Cambodia Denies Media's Report on Nuclear Power Plant


Cambodia Monday denied media's report that suggested the country might have deal with Iran to build a nuclear power plant.

Koy Kuong, spokesman of Foreign Ministry said Monday that Cambodia has not made any deal with Iran on anything related to nuclear power plant.

Koy Kuong made the statement following media's report that suggested during the recent visit to Iran. Hor Namhong, deputy prime minister and minister of foreign affairs might have discussed any issue on nuclear power plant.

Koy Kuong said, during the visit, there were only three documents were signed: cooperation in petroleum, economic cooperation and visa exemption.

Hor Namhong made an official visit to Iran early this month.

Cambodia has earlier expressed its interest, for the future, to access a nuclear power plant in order to secure sufficient power supply, but stressed it would not be any time soon.

Since June, Iran has been imposed with new sanctions by the United States, European Union and the United Nations in a way to stop its sensitive uranium-enrichment program which they fear of nuclear weapons production.

But the Irani government had denied the charge, saying the program was only for a peaceful purpose.


Anonymous said...

I thinks it good for our country, cause we needs alot of nuclear power plant in our country. SO we can compete against ah Youn and ah Siemese.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia can't make their own plastic chair, make to whores to serve the tourists, we pay you money for your blow job better than nuclear power

Anonymous said...

two ah stupids Syamese what can your fucking people do tell me mother fuckers? Don't your knew all of your people are stealing or copies from Khmer Dynasty morons. Even your alphabets and numbering is Khmer langauges idiots.

Anonymous said...

haha... it's so funny!

Anonymous said...

This is so fucken funny! Now tell me why would Cambodian leaders approach Iran on Nuclear technology when Iran themselves depend everything on the Russian for all their Nuclear technology need! Whoever spread this false rumor want to blackmail Cambodia into submission!

Listen up! If Cambodia really want Nuclear technology and Cambodian leaders don't need to look too far because the China and North Korea can do just fine!

Anonymous said...

I dont think Cambodia has the ability to build and run the nuclear power plant , at least not now .

Anonymous said...

The State of Cambodia is 1 of 50 poorest countries in the world.Please,Khmer people don't dream so high,because Kampuchea does not have enough money to lift up his own people lives.The Iran is not a top ten richest countries yet.The USA,the European countries,the Israel, and UN are unhappy with this country.

Anonymous said...

don't believe n rumor, silly! iran is not known as a nuclear power country, really! think about it, ok!

Anonymous said...

why people like to jump to conclusion without know the fact, etc? like oil business, some people are a complainer by nature. hey, don't forget there are more to cambodia than you and i, ok!