Friday, August 20, 2010

Kampong Chhnang : Authorities warn the Krus (shamans)

Villagers trying to sell their clay pots to the patients of the Kru (All photos: Koh Santepheap)
The price of the clay pots dropped after the authority stopped the operation on 19 August.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

By Kang Kallyann
Cambodge Soir Hebdo
Translated from French by Alain de Veng
Click here to read the article in French

For several days now, thousands of villagers have flocked to the village of Sala Lek 5, attracted by the miraculous healing sessions organized by a group of women who claim to be able to make contact with spirits.

The cops asked the shamans (Krus) who are organizing the gathering in the village of Sala Lek 5 (O'Russey commune, Kampong Tralach district) to stop their operations, an observer on the spot told Cambodge Soir Hebdo.

Thousands of people, most of them sick , met for the past several days in front of the house of the Krus who are supposedly able to provide cure through a magic process that involves communicating with spirits.

The patients must first buy a clay pot at a cost of about 14,000 riels (~$3.50) and fill it with glutinous rice, rice bran and mung beans.

The Kru would then perform a prayer in front of the pot and then plant incense sticks in it. While they do not bill for the service, voluntary donations are accepted.

Many sellers have tried to take advantage of this opportunity by setting up roadside stalls near the Kru’s home selling clay pots, a local craft ware that Kampong Chhnang is famous for.

Six other women-Krus have also set up shops nearby, they ensured that they possess the same healing power.

They told people that twelve ghosts from the same fraternity from around the world have gathered in the district of Kampong Tralach to help sick people.

"I arrived in the village on Saturday 19 August because my fiancee had a stiff neck. I bought the clay pot, but I was very suspicious, and I expressed my doubts to the woman-Kru during the ceremony. The next night, I felt a pain in my chest, I was scared, and in my head, I apologized to the Kru," claimed Saroeun , a young man of twenty, who traveled from Phnom Penh.

"I am educated and I do not believe in shamans. But there, as I waited for my turn, I saw a woman who sold porridge entering into a trance. Suddenly, she threw the content of the porridge pot on the ground. She seemed possessed by spirits," Saroeun said.

When asked about the measures taken to prevent disorder , Mov Sokhon , police chief of Kampong Tralach district, declined to answer questions from Cambodge Soir Hebdo.


ignorant savant boy said...

I thought it happens only in America, where many Americans seek to contact their loved ones through the Mediums. By the way the American detectors usually work with the mediums like Allice Dubois to capture the killers. Some Psychics do for the business just like this one.

Anonymous said...

Khmer people never stop being stupidity! if people got sick go to the hospital and clinic dumbass! why kept believed in stupidity, nonsense thing..?? i urge authority stop these bullshit and punish those who lied and taken advantaged on DUMB AND DUMBMER..!!

Anonymous said...

This is why khmer lost so much of lands to neighbors country, because of their stupidity nonsense believed..?? i find that people always listen to lied and liar instead of the TRUTH!! when someone lied they believed, but when telling them the truth they rejected..?

Anonymous said...

Khmer Rouge,Pol Pot,the shamans or evil spirits did not have because these kru spirits were afraid of Communist Pol Pot,but now Hun Sen Communist People Party Hun Sen have all kind of kru evil spirits. WOW ! how wonderful new Health care systems of stupid govt Vietnam slave. Khmer people do not have scientific health care systems,they have to create new way to make money because the Hun Sen Viet govt lack of health care providing them. What kind of belief is this.Did the govt hire someone to do this for the sake of political benefits.

Anonymous said...

Police and authority must punish thsese people some lessons..!! remembered the oldfuck who claim norodom son? he went around and lied to people all over the places...

Anonymous said...

Hun Xen & his wife,Bun Rany,the both do believe in the Black Magic.
Do the police & authority dare to punish them ?
The scientists cannot find the mystery of Mother of the Natural Power which is existed everyday around the world.
The burning in Russia,the flooding in Pakistan,Landsliding in China ...ect,what's next ?
Pls wait and see it !!!!!!

Anonymous said...

great economic stimulus for that village!

A friend of Israel said...

These evil spirits are real and they are having a hay-day in Cambodia.

Evil spirits are fallen angels from their state of perfection because they chose to rebel against their Creator God.

This is not dumb or stupid as far as people being posses with a demon(s) or having the ability to communicate with spirits. Only they are bad spirits that they are communicating with.

In good faith people came to seek healing from the shaman; in doing so they open door to the demons to come residing inside of them and taking control of their mind and body in a tormenting fashion.

The overlord of the government in Cambodia is a spirit being that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Another word; we are not fighting against flesh and blood (physical human beings) but against spiritual wickedness in high places. Meaning; evil spirits that are roaming about in the air or in the heaven.

A person can avoid the influences of evil spirits if he has moral character. I'm saying in the case of PM Hun Sen--He has allowed himself to be control by an evil spirit. The fruit that he's been producing as a prime minister shows that he is being control.

It seem to me that Satan dwells in Phnom Penh. And he is the overlord of Phnom Penh and Cambodia. Immorality attracts evil spirits.

I do not mean to slam-dung Cambodia, but that is reality. Can't deny so much evil coming out from Phnom Penh. But what applies to Cambodia will also apply to any country and people. Not limited to Cambodia. World wide phenomenon. Because Satan is the god of this world; it is his kingdom. To have a kingdom he has to have subjects to rule over.

Anonymous said...

9:27 AM, are you referring to CPP people?

A friend of Israel said...

Yes, I'm referring to CPP and the people in general.

A third of the angels in heaven follow Satan when Satan chose to rebel against his Creator God.

Satan, is the master of all those fallen angels. Or in a military term, he is the commander and chief.

Every day they are in a campaign of seek and destroy mission on earth.

Pol Pot was the work of Satan. Satan agenda is kill and destroy.
Evil originated from him. sickness is from him. Death to humanity is from him. He introduced it to first man, Adam. And through Adam all die. And through Jesus Christ all shall be made alive.

The battle of humanity is a spiritual battle. Until Satan and his demons are conquer and subdue, this world is a bad world because satan is the overlord over all, except those that has been delivered from his kingdom to a better kingdom--a kingdom of truth and righteousness in Messiah of Israel.

Anonymous said...

That is why I always said again again, as long as khmers are still stupid and dump for everything, Khmers will have no place to live soon.

Anonymous said...

Nothing is wrong and not all of us have to be or can be a politician, State man or great business man.
We Khmer are also not so stupid as we all believed. It is our culture our believe and the ways we survived of all tragedy since generation. Without this identity, we were already destroyed by foreigners (Youn and Siem) like our Khmer descents live in Thailand and Mekong Delta, without our own Khmer identity.
Please just pay more respect to our Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

1) Thou shalt have no other GODs before me.
2) Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image.
3) Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy GOD in vain.
4) Remember the sabbath day, to keep it HOLY.
5) Honour thy father and thy mother.
6) Thou shalt not kill.
7) Thou shalt not commit adultery.
8) Thou shalt not steal.
9) Thou shalt not bear false witness.
10) Thou shat not covet.

Anonymous said...

I wish the spirit chase out all the corrupted persons off CAMBODIA.
From a taxi driver could not paid ROAD TAX to a corrupted tax agent.

Anonymous said...


A friend of Israel said...

9:27AM "slam-dung", I meant it to say 'slam-dunk' as in a basketball term of slam dunk.

Anonymous said...

Israel is the satan of the world.

Anonymous said...

yes, rural cambodians still believed in shaman's magic, etc... i learned about this old phenomena in abnormal psychology. it's an interesting subject that dated back to thousands of years. there is nothing wrong with it in private or personal life; however, in gov't and in work place, this kind of belief don't belong there anymore, really!