Sunday, August 15, 2010

More antics from Abishit....

PM reaffirms temple dispute must be solved in line with international norms

BANGKOK, Aug 15 (TNA) -- Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva reaffirmed Sunday that Thailand’s border dispute with Cambodia over the ancient Preah Vihear temple must be resolved in line with international norms and that Thailand is prepared to explain the problem on an international platform.

In his weekly address on television and radio, Mr Abhisit said the Cambodian government last week wrote to “important officials of the United Nations” saying that he had shown an attitude toward using violence in resolving the problem.

Mr Abhisit said he had also immediately sent a letter to the UN saying that his government has been using international practices or the world body’s principles in resolving the border dispute.

The prime minister explained in his letter that tensions on the Thai-Cambodian border arose because Cambodians have intruded into Thai territory and the Cambodian government had unilaterally applied for the World Heritage status for Preah Vihear temple, an action which led to difficulty regarding the management plan of the temple.

The International Court of Justice in 1962 ruled that the 11th century temple belongs to Cambodia, and UNESCO accorded it status as a World Heritage site in 2008 after Cambodia applied for the privilege.

The two countries have both claimed a 4.6 sq km area of land near the cliff-top temple and clashes have occurred in the area periodically after the temple was given World Heritage site status.

Mr Abhisit said Cambodia had violated the 2000 memorandum of understanding (MoU) signed between the two countries as its people had “intruded into Thai territory”, and that last week he called for Cambodian citizens to leave the contested territory.

He said the 2000 agreement would be submitted to the Thai Parliament for discussion and that a special committee would be established so that all concerned parties could debate the issue.

The Thai government could implement resolution the crisis after Parliament given its approval, he added.

Cambodian media earlier reported UN secretary-general Ban Ki-moon is scheduled to officially visit Cambodia on October 27-28 and the temple row is expected to be high on the agenda in his discussions with government leaders during the visit.


Anonymous said...

Damn shit Ah Siem!
You Siem are so cheap. cheaper than a crazy dog that eat shit!
Talking like the world is no smart like your shit nation.

Anonymous said...

Sometime I wonder if these Siamese people have a brain.

Anonymous said...

Good, I want to see a big war between Thai and khmer and I wish that Thai can capture Ah Hun Sen and all the CPP at that time and drag them on the street like Saddam Hussein.

Anonymous said...

Double talks, triple talks, circling talks: Keep on talking and explaining Abhisit. I am quite amused to see an Oxford educated Thai PM makes such confusing talks even to himself.

Anonymous said...

joker need banana or apple with chocolate

Anonymous said...

Why shall we talk with Siamese thieves? who entrudes whom you know very very very clear Siamese thieves. Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva must have had sex with his mother too much that is why he is so crazy like this.

Anonymous said...

Kampuchea has over 100,000 hiden vietnamese forces within Hun Sn's Government. And recently more
Vietnamese special forces arrived in Kampuchea by Planes, Boats an convoy from HWY #1 everyday for re-inforcement, in case the war broke out between Thailand and Kampuchea. The Secret Sources in Phnom Penh told us, Hun Sen is not afraid of anything from Thailand, because he has enough Vietnamese forces to fight with Thailand alredy living in Kampuchea, and ready to fight.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen spent alot of his dollars to assassinate people who he didn't like . I'm wondering if he has anyplan to assassinate Abhisit Vejajiva .

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

11:01 PM, your source is very interesting and can be true. As we know Hun Xen is marionete of Hanoi for along time ago, without Hanoi secret's support, he will never get the power fron MR Pen Sovann (Pen sovann is communist but Khmer nationalist). If the war between Kampuchea and Thailand will be break out,it will be not only Preah Vihear but arround Kampuchea, the Thai Air force has the right to drop boms. The goal of this war was created by Viet, in order to expand its economic growth and dominate totally the Kampuchea economy near by the future. After the war Kampuchea must payback to Viet:
1) a) So far we have never knew what/how many USD must Kampuchea pay back for every died Viet's soldier between 1979 till now? None of Kampuchea people have khnew this totall asset, except CPP caders. If you're thinking we don't pay back to Viet, then we are stupid
b) The new coming viet soldier must pay extra, not including with old soldiers in the past.

2) During/after the war Kampuchea must buy more products from Viet. The Viet Industry will bost its products doubble, in oder to cover the high demands in Kampuchea for 14 Millions people and during and after war period....

3) Kampuchea will be full controll by new Indochina forderation under Viet's hand.
1) , 2) and 3) is the future of Khmer in the future.


Anonymous said...

10:05 PM, I accepted argument from "Double talks, triple talks, circling talks: Keep on talking and explaining Abhisit. I am quite amused to see an Oxford educated Thai PM makes such confusing talks even to himself."

BUT what PM Abasit do is only for Thai interest because every country's leader in the Globe they do first for their nation then for international interest, that is the nature law. BUT Khmer do opposite, are thinkd OK?

You must look back to the past history Champa, Khmer Krom, Viet use the same strategy. This strategy will be operate only with Khmer, wiith the other nation has no chance. Why? Because most of Khmers are sleepy ....


Anonymous said...

If we go by the Siem's wish, all things Cambodians' are theirs... and the world court has disagreed.

Anonymous said...

11:35 PM,


Anonymous said...

11:01 PM & 12:08 AM
We knew so well, you are not Khmer or Cambodian.
We khmer still able to study about the political situation of the conflict between Thailand and Cambodia.
As Khmer born, we will supporting and protecting our Country Cambodia, of course the today Cambodian Government. We don't have interest to read your comment.

Anonymous said...

Just remind: If Khmers are still stupid and more dump, Khmers will have no lands at all in the future.

Anonymous said...

to 12:37 AM,
You said
"11:01 PM & 12:08 AM, We knew so well, you are not Khmer or Cambodian." Yes, If I am not Khmer why I must take my precious time to write on this block? Are you Viet, who just learn Khmer in order to lead Khmer? If you are really Khmer, please look from the top, not only on the field? If you are Viet, then I ask you why your expansion policy don't operate to the North (China)?


Anonymous said...

to 1:03 AM;
If you don't know more about China then I share you Info.


Anonymous said...

We lost alot of our land to Viet but no one say anything about it . We havent lost anything to Thai yet but why are we so worry about it ? If we compare that 4'6 quare miles around Preas Vihear temple that we have been fighting about to what we lost to Viet on the eastside, its just like a drop of water in the bucket .

Anonymous said...

to 1:47 AM,

That is NO DOUBT. Wenn we are viewing the youtube, the Khmer people along the Viet border are suffering enough from thier losing soil but Govt has no interested in it and the royal as the same: we can't count how we lost but with Thailand only 4'6 quare miles around Preas Vihear temple (on the fest land), they make Kampuchea touble, esp. young generation who know a little from Khmer History! But this policy come from Khmer' Boss. Wenn Thai and Khmer get war like 2 tigers fight against each other because of one mountain, the result both will be weak, then the Lion (Viet) etchs both, esp. Xmer.

Wenn Kampuchea-Thai get war who will be die? KHMER PEOPLE both side along the border (Khmer Sorin and Khmer center). That is the result that we as really Khmer must to know........


Anonymous said...

Since Hun Sen was a Khmer Rouge commander, now a Khmer Rouge leader and had many of his political opponents and journalists assassinated, I wonder if he have any plan to assassinate the Thai Prime Minister (Ahbullshit Vejjajiva)?

Anonymous said...

12:37 AM

We khmer knew so well, when we write to hit right on the head of the Yuon and Yuon slave like you.

We khmer must understand Yuon's ideologies and Psychologies, otherwide Yuon will take the entire Indochina as they planned since 1930 by their Father of Indochina name Ghost Ho Chi Minh ...

Today the country is operating by the Yuon Slave Hun Sen, Chea Sim, Heng Samrin and its Clanes....

If we khmer still asleep, Yuon will wipe out khmer from the world map in this new century!

Anonymous said...

Ou sont les Khmers Surin?
Ils sont encore endormis?
Parlez vous un peut de votre histoire.

Anonymous said...

6:03 AM,

The Khmer Surin are in Surin and they are not still sleeping. They are Thai first and Khmer second.

They have had a much better life with Thailand as their country than with Cambodia as their country, don't you think?

Go to Surin and do a survey to find out how many of them would like to have Surin attached back to Cambodia.

You will be surprised with their answers!

Anonymous said...

to 12:37 AM,

"............, We don't have interest to read your comment."

Well, If you don't read that is OK. But if think twice why Khmers write to this blog? Oversea we know some Viet general who fighted Pol Pot into P. Penh 1979 those told us that your country will be for ever under Youn controll if your leaders are stupid like today. That is the goal of Viet. And you Sir, If your children has no land, yours can ecape the Kampuchea to live west countries but is up with poor Khmer family?


Anonymous said...

lol..... Abhisit dreams of redrawing the map? everything must follow International Law........ Please don't dream too much, Abhisit.

Anonymous said...

what! siem never wanted to solve issues with cambodia using international law! you kidding me! siem must be joking? never heard that from them before!