Sunday, August 01, 2010

'Only joint listing can end row' [-Will Abishit still lead the next Thai government?]

August 1, 2010

Abhisit vows to defend national interest, assigns officials to closely scrutinise Cambodian plan

Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said yesterday that a joint World Heritage listing of Preah Vihear and its adjacent compound - claimed by both Thailand and Cambodia - was the "best and smoothest path to take" to end conflict over Cambodia's controversial management plan for the ancient Khmer temple.

Abhisit and Foreign Minister Kasit Piromya also disputed Phnom Penh's claims of victory following a decision by Unesco's World Heritage Committee to defer a review of Cambodia's management plan until its meeting next year.

The prime minister instructed concerned officials to come up with a detailed analysis of Cambodia's management plan for Preah Vihear to appraise how the plan adversely affects the country's sovereignty. Abhisit said the country would have enough time to study if the plan would bring about any problems before it was sent back to the World Heritage Committee.

The PM said he believed the bilateral memorandum of understanding (MoU) agreed in 2000 was useful for Thailand, especially provisions that ban Cambodia from entering the disputed zone. He instructed the Foreign and Defence ministries to scrutinise the management plan next week.

Asked to respond to Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Sok An's claim that the World Heritage Committee had accepted Cambodia's management plan, Abhisit said he needed to see exactly what the committee said.

He believed the committee was careful about its wording. "It will not use the word acknowledge, but acknowledge the submission of the plan. The plan was submitted to the office but the committee members have not considered it,'' he said.

Abhisit said he believed the best solution was to change from having Cambodia solely register the Hindu temple to a proposal by two countries so the World Heritage Site could be co-managed by both.

"This will depend entirely on the Unesco committee, whether it will accept this proposal and for Cambodia to accept the reality. But this is the best and smoothest way out,'' Abhisit said.

The PM said he wished to see Cambodia change its stance and seek cooperation instead of pressuring Thailand on this issue without heeding the country's opinion.

He said the country lost its way when then foreign minister Noppadon Pattama accepted the joint communique in 2008 but since then Thailand had strongly defended itself against the move, and the country was now in a better position.

Abhisit said he understood the call of the People's Alliance for Democracy to scrap the MoU signed in 2000 with Cambodia, but he believed that stemmed from different interpretations and hoped this would not lead to quarrels.

He said although the border tension had subsided, the government was still vigilant and he had instructed Foreign Minister Kasit to consult with the Defence Ministry about the problem of Cambodia continuing to occupy the disputed zone. "I do not want to discuss repatriation in advance as I would like to refrain from making the atmosphere tense but we also have to protect national interests,'' he said.

Kasit said yesterday that the Unesco panel's decision in regard to Cambodia's development plan was not a victory for either Thailand or Cambodia.

He was responding to Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister Sok An's earlier remark that Cambodia had achieved its goal when Unesco's panel agreed on Thursday at its meeting in Brazil to consider its management plan for the Preah Vihear Temple. The World Heritage Committee deferred its discussion on the issue to its meeting in Bahrain next year.

"Neither country wins on the issue. What he [Sok An] said, that Cambodia had won, was not correct," Kasit said, explaining that he did not understand why Sok An, who led the Cambodian delegation to the Brasilia meeting, made such an announcement.

The committee decided to defer its consideration of the matter for another year to enable the neighbouring countries to settle their differences regarding the disputed territory around Preah Vihear first, the foreign minister said.

The Associated Press earlier quoted Sok An as saying that, "Unesco has officially accepted our management plan documents, so there is no need to have a further discussion or voting. The result of the meeting is a big victory for Cambodia, a result we have been waiting for."

Abhisit told the media to carefully read the committee resolution about the matter. When asked to comment on Sok An's remark, he said "please find out and read the resolution".


Anonymous said...

Hey Abullshit...why don't we all Joint list Bangkok as a World Heritage as well...afterall it was at one time a Khmer town!

Anonymous said...

The case was closed 48 years ago!

Affect your Hakka ass you mean?!

Anonymous said...

time to fire ahbullshit, really!

Anonymous said...

According to Abby this is what it boiled down to:

You own a car, I want to drive your car also. If you don't let me drive then I'll make sure to cause enough trouble so that we both cannot use the car.

Abby's gov't is driven by the nationalist PADs. They want to play this game, and continue to play, because they know they can walk all over Cambodia.

Unless Cambodia is willing to make a statement to the Thais, including making the necessary sacrifice now, the Thais will continue to play this game for the unforseeable future.

I always say the only way to deal with a bully is to hit him hard where it hurts.

This mean turning the 4.6km disputed zone into a death zone, and don't give up no matter what happened.

Anonymous said...

Abhisit will be gone by the next election because his popularity is way below 50% .

Anonymous said...

Siem Buy-Kry is Siem Buy-Kry !!!!!
It doesn't matter who is Siem Prime Minister ?
My late grand-Ma had told me since I was a boy :
" Siem are thieves, from the King to the people "
She was living in Bangkok a few years
before 2nd worl war.

Anonymous said...

Abhasit, you are doing good but I don't agree to joint listing.

We must have our controlled our territory of the Khmer Empire since long.

Current People living in the current so called Cambodia are no longer the Khmer, they are Cambodian.

Thus we must take back our land, the land of our ancestor, the Emperor Jayavaraman VII.

Anonymous said...

siems are children of bastards! they have no manner and make living by stealing. we ought outlaw them!

Anonymous said...

A strong lesson for every Cambodian!

Unity among Khmers is an absolute requirement for Cambodia to survive.

We do have differences, but they must be set aside temporarily. We have to learn to work together without holding grudges and we have to stop fighting among ourselves by mean of wars.

We can't afford to be divided!

Thailand is no different from our neighbour to the east. It has always wanted our land!

We have two aggressive and stronger neighbours who never stop dreaming of taking our land and for that reason we have to be united!

United at all cost!

No joint listing with the Thai!

This is our temple!

Anet Khmer

Anonymous said...

Since Hun Sen was a Khmer Rouge commander, now a Khmer Rouge leader and had many of his political opponents and journalists assassinated, I wonder if he have any plan to assassinate the Thai Prime Minister (Ahbullshit Vejjajiva)?

Anonymous said...

Well, if Thailand consider jointly listed Preah Vihear Temple, we should ask Thailand jointly listed all Prasat Temples throughout Thailand as well...Does Abhishit jivava willing want to do that??

Anonymous said...

Hey, asking Abhisit Vejjajiva to jointly listed BANGKOK CITY with CAMODIA TOO!, then we will ok!

Anonymous said...

Ahbulshit go stopping bomb blast in your emergency nation once for all and all for once.