Sunday, August 01, 2010

[PAD Thai] Govt to prepare to get prepared to fight against Cambodia's Preah Vihear management plan [-Will Abishit be around still by then?]

Sunday, August 01, 2010
The Nation

Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva said Sunday that his government would spend the next year in making preparations to fight against Cambodia's management plan of the Preah Vihear world heritage site.

The consideration of the management plan has been delayed for a year by the Unesco World Heritage Committee.

Speaking during his weekly TV programme on NBT, the prime minister said he had seen a copy of the management plan and his government would make preparations to dispute it.

He said he had not changed his stand, which he had when he was the opposition leader to oppose Cambodia's unilateral registering Preah Vihear as a world heritage site.

He said he had never accepted that Thailand had overlapping plot with Cambodia near the ruined Hindu Khmer temple, indicating that he regarded the plot belonged to Thailand.


Anonymous said...

Only barbaric nation does not understand the meaning of international law. You agreed to go to court with Cambodia...and the decision was final in favor of Cambodia in 1962...and now you don't accept the verdict...

Judges, this is contempt of court!

Anonymous said...

abhisit did not forget the welcome hun sen gave to thaksin and hoping the reds would topple his government.
this is payback time. stupid hun sen thinks he is a big shot but all asean countries know he is a paper tiger. don't expect any help from asean countries now. thailand will now oppose hun sen on every issue.

Anonymous said...

Let us see how Le Strongman Hun Sen of Cambodge will manuver out of Abhisit's trap this time. Lol. Hun Sen the ugly IDIOT always declared in the past that Cambodia has no clear boundary lines with the immediate neigbhoring countries. As a result, Hun Sh*t the idiot create this so-called "white-zone from within Cambodia. Smart neighbors immediately pushed for the more territory from Cambodia because according to Hun Sh*t the Idiot Cambodia has no clear border markings with any of the neigbhors. King Sihanouk warned repeatedly that the act of declaring that Cambodia had no clear borders with the neighbors was the act of suicide for the Khmer nation. Hun Sen and Var Kimhong shot back at the King, saying that they are the present-day government and they have to power to decide on what is what regarding the border issues with the neighbors. Hun Sen went on to sign the border treaty with Vietnam in 1985 resulting the loss of some of Cambodia's territory. Koh Tral is already in the Viets' hands. Laos also pushes on Cambodia's border. Hun Sen also signed this MoU of 2000 with Thailand saying that Preah Vihear region should be left as is because Cambodia has no clear boundary with Thailand anyway.

Now Thailand says, "Ooops there you go, Hun Sen!". Thailand wants a joint management of the temple and the overlapping area. This kind of area is nothing new to Cambodia. For example, the French clearly stated that Koh Tral island must be jointly managed by the Vietnam and Cambodia, but Hun Sen he signed it away to Vietnam. Now let us see if he can get his azz out of MoU 2000 with Thailand on Preah Vihear region and temple. The best thing for Hun Sh*t is to sign off the temple to Thailand so that Hun Sen can go on to protect the remaining Khmer territory. Lol.

Anonymous said...

Why the world can't punish siem
This Gov kill khmers and send troops to Khmer sovereignty, especially it does not obey the International Law and court.
Fucking Siem

Anonymous said...

Abhasit, you are doing good. We must have our controlled our territory of the Khmer Empire since long.

Current People living in the current so called Cambodia are no longer the Khmer, they are Cambodian.

Thus we must take back our land, the land of our ancestor, the Emperor Jayavaraman VII.

Anonymous said...

Thailand: land of violent smiles
Despite the cliché of it being a "country of smiles," Thailand is actually a country with one of the most brutal modern histories. In many ways it is a very tough, heartless and aggressive country, which oppresses almost all intellectual, religious and ethnic minorities. But you would hardly find a report on this topic.
The longest-serving (and the richest) monarch on Earth still rules the country that went through 18 military coups. Some coups were relatively "benign," but some were brutal. Pro feudal to the extreme, the Thailand ruling elite systematically liquidates its opposition, particularly any opposition striving for social justice.

Anonymous said...

Well, this is what abhishit govt given back to PM Hun Sen for returning Thais suspects...Thanks! but i still object and FUCK YOU!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Why Cambodian senior minister need to speak so details the ways they work at WHC. Thailand will gradually learn

Anonymous said...

What AH Abishit want to do and he can do whatever and it is his provocative! This is the last day of AH Abishit in power and before he fall from power AH Abishit want to make the loudest noise as possible so that Siem people can see he how blind and stupid he is for bring more problems to Siem society! In term of security, economic and politic stability is none and the thorny issue of applying double standard to the Red Shirt by using guns and tanks to kill them for expressing their freedom but not to the Yellow Shirt!

AH Abishit is on his way out! The using of Khmer Phrea Vihear temple is just a diversion tactic to cover his inability to solve what is going on in Thailand! There is a saying that if you break it and you pay for it! In this case, AH Abishit has broken Siem society into two and now he will pay with his political career!

Anonymous said...

Abisit has embaressed Thailand on the world stage. The Thai people hang there heads in shame. They won't put up with it much longer.

Anonymous said...

Cambodia, the Thia people do not want conflict over the temple. Each country can develop (or not) their side of the border. If tourists cross the border from Thailand to see the temple, Cambodia still benefits. Both sides benefit. Make it easy for people to cross back and forth from either side - for trade, tourism, jobs... War will destroy both sides and the temple. There will be nothing. Thais will respect the border and both will benefit. This attitude must come from the "people" up. The people can change the Thai governments attitude by changing the government. If key people in the government start to act with honor or people of honor are elected, it can change. Plant the seeds.

Anonymous said...

temple is combodia and list with whc as combodia, hun sen should not join with thailand no matter what is obsticle thailand is, and remember that the whole land in thailand is khmer land thai got enoeught of our land so hun sen should not joint preavihear with thai "never". temple is our land we will do what ever we please to boose this temple up.

Anonymous said...

never the touris should go through combodia only to temple "respon to 9:32am" thai have no respect for nothing because thai goverment and thai people are very dump, they do not understand any things because their brain are bold and full of shits remember that. khmer people should see that they do not understand 1962 court and they do not understand WHC list as khmer, so kick them out from temple and let tourist know why we would not let tourist cross boder from thailand to our temple, because of majority of thai people and their goverment are cheat lie, and thief

Anonymous said...

I fully agree with 10:18PM
The Khmers should seal indefinitely the borders with land mines(never mind the Ottawa conventions). Keep on developing and strengthening our Preah Vihear for tourism. Beef up our military along the border and prepare for full scale war.

Anonymous said...

Since Hun Sen was a Khmer Rouge commander, now a Khmer Rouge leader and had many of his political opponents and journalists assassinated, I wonder if he have any plan to assassinate the Thai Prime Minister (Ahbullshit Vejjajiva)?

Anonymous said...

Cambodia can start the plans right now...can we? why wait for UNESCO NEX YEAR? paperworks already went throught and they accept it? Thailand can go fuck themselves...!

Anonymous said...

I don't see why NOT? the sooner the better...?

Anonymous said...

Ahbulshit go stopping bomb blast in your emergency nation once for all and all for once.

Anonymous said...

As long as Thai Govt continue to abused my people of YALA, Thailand will not stop bleeding and killing(Yala)-muslim-people will not stop fighting until my people got freedom from Thai Govt's abusive, people in YALA will continue to fight to last drop of YALA bloods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!