17 August 2010
By H.S.
Cambodge Soir Hebdo
Translated from French by Tola Ek
Click here to read the article in French
Reyum, the art and Khmer culture institute, will not close its door as some newspapers have claimed.
Several rumors are making the round on the potential disappearance of Reyum, claiming that the institute “will not last”, being “the victim of corruption among its managers,” Deum Ampil and Rasmei Kampuchea announced. The claims were rejected by Ly Daravuth, the institute structural director, who is now on business trip in Europe.
The institute solely relies on private funding, but it will try to diversify its funding sources in order to assure its long term cultural programming. Ly Daravuth said: “We are in a restructuring phase, we cannot allow the same programming as we had before.” He also confided that a staff reduction is unavoidable due to funding shortage.
Reyum was founded by Ly Daravuth and Ingrid Muan in 2000. The institute’s mission is to preserve, promote and revive the Cambodian culture, both at the traditional and contemporary levels, through a number of events, such as expositions and publication of documentaries.
Several rumors are making the round on the potential disappearance of Reyum, claiming that the institute “will not last”, being “the victim of corruption among its managers,” Deum Ampil and Rasmei Kampuchea announced. The claims were rejected by Ly Daravuth, the institute structural director, who is now on business trip in Europe.
The institute solely relies on private funding, but it will try to diversify its funding sources in order to assure its long term cultural programming. Ly Daravuth said: “We are in a restructuring phase, we cannot allow the same programming as we had before.” He also confided that a staff reduction is unavoidable due to funding shortage.
Reyum was founded by Ly Daravuth and Ingrid Muan in 2000. The institute’s mission is to preserve, promote and revive the Cambodian culture, both at the traditional and contemporary levels, through a number of events, such as expositions and publication of documentaries.
Today , we saw those arts popping in Thai restaurants every where. Guest what? if it sells in the market, i'm buying it. Why? because those are Khmer's art.I'm bringing them back to Cambodia :)
Did Thai know everything they got/get, or have are belong to Khmer ? Yes,they did/do;but they ignore it,and wanting to get more as much as they can.Thank you,Reyum ! You Keep Khmer culture ALIVE! God bless you!
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