Thursday, August 05, 2010
Op-Ed by MP
THOSE of us who have been keen observers of Cambodian politics within recent decades are more or less used to idiosyncratic reminiscences emanating from N. Sihanouk's camp. There's no real cause for doubting KI Media's sincerity in rendering this kind of anecdotes, which has been profusely produced by the former monarch himself and accumulated in abundance, no doubt, in his Royal Library.
What should interest any independent, fair-minded observer is to what extent and how much of an influence had our Royal Princess Monique who formed the other Half of the Khmer Royal pair been part of Sihanouk's decision-making throughout his long convoluted political career and, through that, her own personal involvement in the making of Cambodian history - its salvation and tragedies alike - in the course of the same period. In his own memoir, Sihanouk recalls how Monique was persistent in 'persuading' him - following his overthrow by Lon Nol - to join force with the Khmer Rouge who were then still under de facto influence of the North Vietnamese whose troops remained on Khmer soil even after April 1975 and would have remained there longer had it not been for Beijing's mounting pressure on Hanoi to withdraw.
Perhaps, China did exert pressure on the exiled Khmer royals to return to reinforce Sihanouk's erstwhile opponents (Red Khmers) whom he now described as ‘patriots’ or maybe the Royal Couple themselves were counting on the Vietminhs repaying them in gratitude for what the latter owed the former for that vital assistance provided prior to the 1970 coup. What is beyond debate is the fatal 'mistake' committed by Sihanouk in his decision to embrace the Red Khmers so soon after that coup; an error which he subsequently himself publicly acknowledged in an off-guard moment to a journalist. If Monique did sway this historical decision then she may have, even with her youth and legendary beauty in mind, reduced more than a couple of Soviet leaders to helpless victims by the power of her spells.
With the benefit of hindsight and with our bitter taste of what was to follow as a direct outcome of this course of action and gamble by Sihanouk one could not help but wonder what course history might have taken instead had he not allowed his Royal name and presence to be used by cold-hearted men and revolutionary groups whose ideology the US ambassador to Cambodia at the time described as ‘un-Cambodian’. And he was not simply referring to the North Vietnamese.
But even without the benefit of hindsight, it is plausible to take the view that there would have been no logical need for the Prince to plunge his small kingdom that had no real quarrel with the US into full blown armed conflict by embracing the Communists. Lon Nol might have grave difficulties holding out against the battle- hardened Vietminhs, but at least he would not have to dispense so much energy killing – or trying not to be killed by – his own compatriots in the Red Khmers who were now responding to Sihanouk’s call to bear arms against the ‘traitorous’ Khmer republicans with alarming fanaticism and zeal. The Vietnamese might also have eventually achieved their ultimate ambition of bringing the Indochina-coursing Mekong under their control by one means or another, but the most likely scenario that would have prevailed would have been the absence of executions and killings that had been a most salient and grim pattern in Cambodia’s ‘civil wars’ in recent decades. Even the systematic executions of between 40-60,000 defeated Lon Nol soldiers most of whom had once been Sihanouk’s ‘children’ and subjects – the part of that mass killings to only have been openly acknowledged by Pol Pot - would have been too much a price for Cambodia to have to pay. The survival of trained non-Communist military personnel would have provided the country with a much better material with which to resist outright foreign domination in later years. Even the North Vietnamese recognised the pragmatic benefit of incorporating former South Vietnamese soldiers and officers into their unified national military rank, some of whom were subsequently dispatched as ‘volunteers’ to Cambodia and Laos. This familiar mistake – committed again by the CPP in 1997 to neutralise Funcinpec’s military threat - should never be repeated. It is a senseless waste of human resource in the glaring face of the nation’s much lamented numerical handicap with relations to its neighbours, never mind the charge of rights violation against captured military personnel in time of war.
As a keen reader of world history, Sihanouk would have taken note with some personal trepidation of the massacre of the entire Russian royal family carried out by the Bolsheviks to ensure that the monarchy could never again re-emerge to reclaim the political throne in Russia. That he overlooked this personal risk and made a decision to throw in his lot with the Communist camp does seem to testify to his overall misplaced (and perhaps, reckless) optimism that the North Vietnamese and their Khmer Rouge allies would save his nation and people from any likely catastrophe - which they singularly failed, by force of their own respective motives and in line with their own ulterior agendas (and are arguably failing still) to do. Not only that. Once their common Foe – the US - had been overcome traditional distrust resurfaced between the North Vietnamese and their Pol Pot-led Communist allies leaving Sihanouk in a precarious position as he was now caught between the Tiger of the Khmer Rouge and the Crocodile of the Vietminhs in his Unholy Royal Alliance with them both, who by way of their own imperceptible metamorphoses and un-evolved predatory traits, continue to keep him through his ceremoniously enthroned royal heir firmly between their threatening jaws - a tragic fate and dilemma, furthermore, to which by way of perverted extension the Khmer people and nation are presently condemned.
What should interest any independent, fair-minded observer is to what extent and how much of an influence had our Royal Princess Monique who formed the other Half of the Khmer Royal pair been part of Sihanouk's decision-making throughout his long convoluted political career and, through that, her own personal involvement in the making of Cambodian history - its salvation and tragedies alike - in the course of the same period. In his own memoir, Sihanouk recalls how Monique was persistent in 'persuading' him - following his overthrow by Lon Nol - to join force with the Khmer Rouge who were then still under de facto influence of the North Vietnamese whose troops remained on Khmer soil even after April 1975 and would have remained there longer had it not been for Beijing's mounting pressure on Hanoi to withdraw.
Perhaps, China did exert pressure on the exiled Khmer royals to return to reinforce Sihanouk's erstwhile opponents (Red Khmers) whom he now described as ‘patriots’ or maybe the Royal Couple themselves were counting on the Vietminhs repaying them in gratitude for what the latter owed the former for that vital assistance provided prior to the 1970 coup. What is beyond debate is the fatal 'mistake' committed by Sihanouk in his decision to embrace the Red Khmers so soon after that coup; an error which he subsequently himself publicly acknowledged in an off-guard moment to a journalist. If Monique did sway this historical decision then she may have, even with her youth and legendary beauty in mind, reduced more than a couple of Soviet leaders to helpless victims by the power of her spells.
With the benefit of hindsight and with our bitter taste of what was to follow as a direct outcome of this course of action and gamble by Sihanouk one could not help but wonder what course history might have taken instead had he not allowed his Royal name and presence to be used by cold-hearted men and revolutionary groups whose ideology the US ambassador to Cambodia at the time described as ‘un-Cambodian’. And he was not simply referring to the North Vietnamese.
But even without the benefit of hindsight, it is plausible to take the view that there would have been no logical need for the Prince to plunge his small kingdom that had no real quarrel with the US into full blown armed conflict by embracing the Communists. Lon Nol might have grave difficulties holding out against the battle- hardened Vietminhs, but at least he would not have to dispense so much energy killing – or trying not to be killed by – his own compatriots in the Red Khmers who were now responding to Sihanouk’s call to bear arms against the ‘traitorous’ Khmer republicans with alarming fanaticism and zeal. The Vietnamese might also have eventually achieved their ultimate ambition of bringing the Indochina-coursing Mekong under their control by one means or another, but the most likely scenario that would have prevailed would have been the absence of executions and killings that had been a most salient and grim pattern in Cambodia’s ‘civil wars’ in recent decades. Even the systematic executions of between 40-60,000 defeated Lon Nol soldiers most of whom had once been Sihanouk’s ‘children’ and subjects – the part of that mass killings to only have been openly acknowledged by Pol Pot - would have been too much a price for Cambodia to have to pay. The survival of trained non-Communist military personnel would have provided the country with a much better material with which to resist outright foreign domination in later years. Even the North Vietnamese recognised the pragmatic benefit of incorporating former South Vietnamese soldiers and officers into their unified national military rank, some of whom were subsequently dispatched as ‘volunteers’ to Cambodia and Laos. This familiar mistake – committed again by the CPP in 1997 to neutralise Funcinpec’s military threat - should never be repeated. It is a senseless waste of human resource in the glaring face of the nation’s much lamented numerical handicap with relations to its neighbours, never mind the charge of rights violation against captured military personnel in time of war.
As a keen reader of world history, Sihanouk would have taken note with some personal trepidation of the massacre of the entire Russian royal family carried out by the Bolsheviks to ensure that the monarchy could never again re-emerge to reclaim the political throne in Russia. That he overlooked this personal risk and made a decision to throw in his lot with the Communist camp does seem to testify to his overall misplaced (and perhaps, reckless) optimism that the North Vietnamese and their Khmer Rouge allies would save his nation and people from any likely catastrophe - which they singularly failed, by force of their own respective motives and in line with their own ulterior agendas (and are arguably failing still) to do. Not only that. Once their common Foe – the US - had been overcome traditional distrust resurfaced between the North Vietnamese and their Pol Pot-led Communist allies leaving Sihanouk in a precarious position as he was now caught between the Tiger of the Khmer Rouge and the Crocodile of the Vietminhs in his Unholy Royal Alliance with them both, who by way of their own imperceptible metamorphoses and un-evolved predatory traits, continue to keep him through his ceremoniously enthroned royal heir firmly between their threatening jaws - a tragic fate and dilemma, furthermore, to which by way of perverted extension the Khmer people and nation are presently condemned.
You tell it all MP.
Thank you for you explanation, though it is brief but it fits so many cambodians' frame of mind as for those who have observed the course of history and the impacts on Cambodia.
Failure of the political pathes chosen by former king subjected to his trustfull relatives/partner, and predominantly the weakness of real unity and laws enforcements in order to prevent the collapse of Cambodia through killingfield.
His fear for loosing cambodia through US ally as a result of loss of Kampuchea krom became a sore weakness grabbed by Vietminh.
That is the past,but we should learn a great deal other than pointing finger to whom led that disasters to cambodia.
One thing I know for sure is that we can't rely on destiny but prepared thouroughly and unite ourselve on common grounds rather than wishing to that happens so.
Past,present and future are interconnected.Avoiding mistake is only be openminded and self sacrifice for national causes rather personal ones.
Thank again.
ah kbat me kbatcheat reas ning pratas khmer
If you are already in the hole, don't reach for shovel
This is what the royal blood people do best!
I love my fellow Cambodian country men and women. Thank you, MP.
Mee Khnich Chea Kone Yuon RoNuk Khnong Hanoi Chrom Khbal Ah S'dach
Khbot Cheat Sihanouk.
Khmer S'lap Pee Lean Khmean Totourl KamHos.
I look like my papa Norodom Sihabouk whom was once womanizer.
Ar youn ar siam choose and pick it MASTER khmer plee pleur choose ar salty egg and Mam juices.
hmm hmm when khmers getting better?
Cambodians are lucky, Sihanouk would die soon.
If he was younger, many Khmers would be killed again.
In 1970, Khmers followed him and got killed in 1975.
In 1979, Khmers followed him and got killed in 1997.
Long Live the Khmer Royal Family!
Be short lived the Khmer Royal Sihanouk! You are the real destroyer of the Khmer nation.
If SihanoukVarman was only a traditional King, not boastfully and selfishly entering Khmer PoliSick, Kampuchea is economically successful than Siam!
Show it now 10:42PM! do not dream toooo much!!!!
As long as Sihanouk, Monique or [Norodom] alive, Cambodia and Cambodian never ever Free, peace and growth.
I am with you!
KI-Media Team (Member)
Khmer Vietminh handed Cambodia to Vietnam. Then Heng Samrin, Chea Sim, Hun Sen and company agreed to a Vietnamized Cambodia. Now the King has ratified it.
My beloved 11:40PM!
I ain't scholarly nor academically educated, but I doggedly liberated Khmeritude's mentality from a narrow temporal prison, who unquestionally still believing SihanoukVarman is a Mighty God.
Imagine if the seed of 64's Demcracy creating by Youtevong Sisawatt was not entirely destroyed,
we Khmers would not have the stupidest Civil War.
Youn could not stay and hide in our soil, because American would station in Srok Khmer, not in Siam.
More importantly, Youn would be starved to death without any food and rice from SihanoukVarman.
Da truth is ashamedly hurted!
Beloved 12:41AM!
Are ye saying Khmer Vietminh landing Srok Khmer to Youn? SenVarman ain't one of them, like Heng Samrin and Chea Sim, because he was only a foot soldier who fighting with Youn and ending up in Youn's jail!
There are surmountable of evidences stack against Sihanouk should he is called to trial. He wont be able to dig himself out of his grave should it happens. Thus, the Permenant Cambodian Constitutional Members did aware of this prior to establishing and promulgating the Consitution of Cambodia. If you read Chapter One and those Articles within Chapter One, there is nothing we, the public can do because Sihanouk and his son, both have been protected under the law, constitutionality speaking. But, Sihanouk, if he thinks he is pratriotic to his country then I think Sihanouk should take a stand and demand that the truth be told, but knowing Sihanouk and his predecessors, I dont think Sihanouk would do such a thing for his country and his people. I realized that during the 1970, Coup de'tat did occured in Cambodia, but Sihanouk knows fully well that he still can return to Cambodia and solve these problems before the coup is taken place, but he chose not to return. Prior to the coup of the 70s, General Lon Nol made a telegram to Sihanouk and told him (Sihanouk) to return and solve problems that he has created, but the night before Sihanouk return to Cambodia...he changed his mind. Luggages were ready for him and Monique to return to Cambodia, I believe it was his close aids that advised Sihanouk not to come back due to his life threatening should he return. Thus, Sihanouk made a telegram back to General Lon Nol to take care these problems for him and Lon Non, a man that he is, being patriotic to Sihanouk whom sworn to protect Sihanouk at all cost and that is even sacraficing his own life for Sihanouk and that is exactly what Lon Nol is doing...following orders from Sihanouk. The US knows exactly what was going to happen to Khmer Republic and thus the US has advised to Gen. Lon Nol to leave Cambodia with his families on the first flight to United States, because the US knows that Khmer Rouge will kill everyone who have any involvement with Khmer Republics and that was ordered by Sihanouk to kill his oppositions. Sihanouk hated those who stand against him on any issues and we should see that during his reign in Cambodia with Sangkum Reas't Niyum. This is why we do not need anymore kings in Cambodia. I strongly support the movement against the abolishment of kings inside of Cambodia. If you begin to dig deep into Khmer histories soon you will see that Kings of Cambodia have done nothing, but bring sufferings to the people. Beginning since Neac Ong Eng era. In my own opinion, should there be no kings inside of Cambodia then I believe Khmers will find happiness under the sky of democracy. For me personally, I shall not bow to a man that has no shame and who prays upon the weak for his own satisfactions and have sex with many women because of his title as King of Cambodia. It is time that we must wake up and do the right thing for our country. There are many countries that have no kings and they are doing just fine. Learn from the best such as the West. Stay away from Monarchy, because under Monarchy only lead us to Anarchy.
Thank You
Anonymous said,,,Sihanouk speech in 1965 there were many young girls chasing him in his Royal Palace.Because he was a head of state ,parents girls used their daughters to get official ranks,for these reasons he has had more than 60 grand children.After a coup d'etat in 1970 by Lon Nol he went to China.He talked on China radio and Hanoi radio to urge Khmer soldiers to fight back to Lon Nol regime,but that time we had seen mostly Vietnamese soldiers or Viet cong only. Since then,Sihanouk and Monique are always staying in China,North Korea,and Vietnam. Why did he love these countries so much? Is he a slave of these countries ? Si non,pourquoi tu habites dans ces pays ? Je crois que tu es un esclave de ces pays. Sihanouk killed monarchy and killed Khmer people,then abolished Khmer country.We must say goodbye to Khmer monarchy.Nowadays,Cambodia is not a free world state,she is a communist state;all communist countries do not have the king.This stupid CPP communist state has the king.Khmer,Lao,and Vietnam are communist federation states of Vietnam.
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