Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thailand declines Asean help in border dispute

August 19, 2010
The Nation & Agence France Presse

Thailand insisted yesterday it could solve the conflict with Cambodia over the Preah Vihear Temple bilaterally without the involvement of any third party.

The Foreign Ministry would send a letter to the Asean chair, Vietnam, soon to explain that bilateral mechanisms it has with Cambodia are sufficient to settle the border dispute peacefully, said deputy spokesman Thani Thongpakdi.

The letter to the Asean chair would be in the line with Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva's notes to the United Nations recently which insisted the two countries would not use force to solve the border conflict, he said.

Vietnam, as the current chair of the regional grouping, said on Tuesday Asean members are holding talks on a request from Cambodia to help resolve a potentially deadly border dispute with Thailand.

"As Asean chair, Vietnam is actively consulting with other Asean countries about the proposal that the association mediate in the Preah Vihear dispute," Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokeswoman Nguyen Phuong Nga said.

Cambodia's foreign minister Hor Namhong on Saturday appealed to the 10member Association of Southeast Asian Nations (Asean) for help, "in order to avoid any large scale armed conflict".

He said a stalemate with Thailand had extinguished any hope of further bilateral negotiations.

The neighbouring nations have been locked in a troop standoff on their border since July 2008, when the ancient Preah Vihear temple was granted UNESCO World Heritage status.

Asean secretarygeneral Surin Pitsuwan said on Monday he would await a decision by the bloc's foreign ministers before responding to Cambodia's request for regional help.

The World Court ruled in 1962 the temple belonged to Cambodia, although its main entrance lies in Thailand.

The exact boundary through the surrounding grounds remains in dispute, and occasional gunfights between troops of the two nations have claimed lives.

Nga called for peaceful settlement of the dispute, and urged Cambodia and Thailand to refrain "from armed conflict and from acts that could affect Asean solidarity."

The Thai-Cambodia border has never been fully demarcated, partly because it is littered with landmines left over from decades of war in Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

Oh Fuck you Thailand. Cambodia will take the consideration to international court, and will not be bilaterally without you (Thailnd). How many much more time you lie to Cambodian government, Cambodia? You stole all Khmer (Cambodia) lands, Khmer tradition and languague etc. and now you wanted to swoll Cambodia, Preah Vihear temple. I wish the Cambodian government don't agree with Thailand.

Anonymous said...

Since Hun Sen was a Khmer Rouge commander, now a Khmer Rouge leader and had many of his political opponents and journalists assassinated, I wonder if he have any plan to assassinate the Thai Prime Minister (Ahbullshit Vejjajiva)?

Anonymous said...

OOF..We are lucky..
It would be better for Cambodian to deal with UN than with ASEAN..

Anonymous said...

I think everyone have a pretty good idea about Thailand intention. The world is well aware of what is going on... The child from Thailand is crying because it is not getting what it wants... and it is willing to lie/hide/manipulate/cancel/deceive the truth in the face of the international community. Abhishit Thai prime minister is too young to know the international laws, that is why he is behaving like a wild beast. My advice to him is to suck it in and stop being a sore loser.

Anonymous said...

Fuck Khmai dogs, you got farang dicks in the ass. The Khmai girls' pussy is so juicy, my dogs wanna fuck it

Anonymous said...

3:07am, thieve are alway declair verbally their hands clean, their brains claver, soon or later the world will becomming a small place for them to hide the faces, especially the yellow shirt leaders. Abhi-Shit ignors the fact he should go back to suck milk from African will dog or from the rea end,it mays help his brain better than from whom he had been sucking milk from.

Anonymous said...

Why Thailand affraid UN and International court? Let face the Truth..!

Anonymous said...

Abhisit has no morality. Khmer people have suffered soooooo much already and this PM wanting to further intimadate us?. In Europe, when Greek was introuble, the whole white community jumped in and donate Billion of dollars from being collaped. What about Abhisit? you seem very cold, just remember this, God knows what you are doing, in the end, the righteous will live forever and the wicked will be terminated. So, your action will be short live. The Thai redshirts understood about the impacts and told Abhisit to leave khmer alone, but still this PM continue to influence the yellowshirts in the bad way.Mmmm, this made me feel sick! and of course he doesn't want Asean's help in this dispute why? because Preah Vihear is clearly located inside the border of Khmer land and territory!!! What a shame, Abhisit. Aust

Anonymous said...

Chicken Thai, Ah Siam are too chicken shit to get third party involve!!!!
So if Ah Siam say no, will by law us Khmer still ask for third country to help?
I don't think will happen because Vietnam is Asean Chair leader, and Surin Shitsuvann is Asean Secretly General and he is Siam too, so Khmer?
Ah Siam too scare, As Siam will loose face!

Anonymous said...

Thai should be talking nice to Khmer people. Thai are Buddhist people.Thai believe in Buddha. Do Thai learn how to respect people ? When Thai citizen go to Buddhist Temple,what do Thai learn about the words of Buddha ? Yes,not to steal,not to kill,not to say bad words,not lie and on and on... Thai please,don't put down people;we are human being,not animals. Thai is a civilized country,don't put your country or your people down. And also,don't put your religion down. I think you can change your attitude better than that. I'll be nice with you. Please stop put down people. May Buddha bless the one who wrote some blogs above me. Thank you.